Truth: Sometimes I Don't Get It All Done!

Yes, it’s true! Even a productivity guru has trouble getting it all done! I’m not immune to bouts of inactivity, and I’m certainly not hard on myself about it because it’s completely normal. Everyone goes through periods of time where they are very productive and then periods of time where they are less productive. Creativity, inspiration and productivity all work in waves and when the wave hits you need to be prepared to ride it, and when the wave recedes, you get a brief moment to relax. Right now, my wave is receding and I am waiting to pounce on the next one as soon as it arrives! Because of this, I didn’t get everything done in May that I wanted to accomplish, but that’s okay!

You see, normally at the end of each month I compile a post called On My iPhone where I share the applications, podcasts and other online media content I have been enjoying, however, I struggled a bit in May and so I decided to skip this post and instead, share a roundup of articles I read recently. If you love reading articles on self-improvement, business and productivity, you are going to love the articles I’m sharing today! They are packed with great tips, inspiration and resources to help you make the most of your wave when it hits.


focus on self improvement


Business and Entrepreneurship Inspiration


Productivity and Organization Inspiration

Like I said, I hope you enjoy these articles and that you found something to inspire you to catch your next wave of productivity! Let me know if you read anything awesome recently that you think I’d enjoy by Tweeting me a link!



8 Comments on The Truth Is, Sometimes I Don’t Get it All Done! Here is Some Inspiration if this sounds like you!

  1. I saw your video on intentional planning last night and LOVED it. I felt like you were speaking right to me!! Although I am a complete you tube novice and have no idea how to comment to enter to win the happiness planner?? Any help would be greatly appreciated! I would love to win.

  2. Can I just express how amazing this post for the simple reason it’s nice to hear someone who runs a business state that they go through ups and downs – more specifically – “bouts of inactivity” are normal! Will definitely have to checkout some of those links. Would love to see blog post or YT vid on how you organize blog articles/posts that you would like to reference later for a future project. Thanks Alexis!

  3. U need to come up with some more stuff for us to purchase at your shop. I love all your paper stuff for my office. And I love supporting your empire! I know you aren’t planning on becoming an etsy shop, but why not more sellable stuff. You are really giving your readers so much, like in time management, and in inspiration, and getting the job done! Everyone wants to be shown how to do it easier, there has to be a “form” you can devise for our planners. I want you to rule the world! xoxo rainey

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