Last week my LaCie Little Disk, aka current tech obsession arrived and I have been gleefully playing with it ever since. I actually just finished making a video review I am posting to YouTube, but I realized there were some things I wanted to talk about in a written review that I didn’t cover in the video, so here are my thoughts on my new hard drive.

First of all, I absolutely love the design. I think it is nothing short of sexy! It is very sleek and light, and I love the glossy finish. I also love the fact that the USB cord is housed inside the case. This makes for an all-in-one type deal that I just really like because it means I don’t have to carry around a cord for it.

Second, I am pleased with the performance. In my research of the LaCie Little Disk, I found mixed reviews from people who loved or hated LaCie drives. One major complaint I found was that people didn’t like not knowing the actual brand of the drive inside the case. If you didn’t know, LaCie is not a drive manufacturer, they just design the casings and use third party drives for their products. Now, apparently LaCie uses many brands of drives and there is no way of knowing which drive is in your product, therefor making use of the drive risky since you don’t know if the drive is reliable- this was a complaint I found in my research of LaCie drives.

Well, I figured out which brand drive was in my Little Disk rather easily. I used Disk Utility and once my drive was mounted, was able to see the brand and model of the hard drive. In my case, it was a Samsung HM500JI. The reviews for the Samsung drive were fairly decent, most people had no problems with their drives and it is actually considered a good deal because they are fairly priced and reliable. In tests, the Samsung drive did fairly well, with no major complaints, but no outstanding performance either. So, as far as I can tell, the drive seems reliable, but not exceptionally powerful, which is okay by me.

The final thing I would like to mention about this drive, however, is the fact that it is extremely quiet! This was actually cited as one of the positive aspects of this drive- it is designed to be silent and it is. When I use it, it makes only the occasional dull noise and has absolutely no hum at all, unlike my Western Digital hard drive that makes a pretty obvious humming noise while it is in use.

Overall, I am happy with my purchase. I found the drive online for under $100 and it is 500GB of storage, so I can’t complain! Let me know if you have any thoughts or questions about this product and I would be happy to chat about it. If anyone out there has a LaCie hard drive experience they would like to share, please let me know because this will be my first time with a LaCie- I have been a WD girl until now, so I would love to hear about your experiences with their drives!