iPhone SDK

I recently decided that I wanted to learn how to create iPhone (or rather, ipod touch) applications myself. For some reason I have been very interested in software development and I though that being a mac user I would go ahead and download the iPhone SDK and give application development a try. Of course, as of right now, I know minimal about what to do or how to start. I have begun a few first timer projects, but haven’t been able to complete them successfully yet. I went on Amazon and bought a book on iPhone application development, and hopefully once that arrives I will have a better understanding of what the heck I am trying to do! I am not sure yet, what exactly I hope to achieve from this little hobby I have undertaken, but for now I just want to successfully create a basic application that I can use and perhaps distribute myself. Nothing amazing, mind you, just possibly an application that runs an RSS feed of my blog or something simple that is at least applicable to my general life. I know right now after poking around the iPhone SDK it seems impossible that I would ever be able to create anything useful, but I know I am a smart cookie and if I have the right information at hand, I should be able to come up with something. Wish me luck… I am gonna need it!

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