Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
It has been nearly two months since I purchased my new Aluminum 13″ Macbook Pro, and yet I am still in possession of my white Macbook. In fact, I am typing this post on my old Macbook. I don’t know why, but for some reason I do not want to part from this computer. I have had it over 3 years now, it was my first Mac, and I suppose some sort of sentimental attachment keeps me coming back to it. It still runs Tiger, I never upgraded it to Leopard, although I have upgraded things like the hard drive and the memory, but the lack of modernity doesn’t bother me one bit. The white of the hand rest is still white (thanks to the Magic Eraser), the chiclet keys still retain their old bounce; nothing about this computer really seems old or outdated to me. The same things that drew me to the computer years ago still seem to have the power to mesmerize me today.
I thought buying a new Mac would be like buying a new car; you’ll remember all the good times but then you remember the break downs and cold starts that forced you to buy newer and you get over it pretty quickly. I have been completely obsessed with my new aluminum Macbook, it’s not like I don’t use it- I sleep with it in bed with me- but I still keep this old white one around and use it from time to time. Actually, I have sublet this mac to a family member who uses it every once and a while for their minimal computing needs, but I still retain ownership of it and the computer stays in my room to prevent a loss.
Everyone thinks I should sell the white Macbook, turn a profit on it, since I did spend a good amount on my new Macbook Pro, but I can’t bring myself to list it on eBay. I have had a few family members offer to buy it from me, but for some reason that seems worse. To me, that would be like giving a child up for adoption to the family across the street. The pain of seeing it everyday would make you regret your decision to give it up in the first place. To me, I would rather it be out of sight, out of mind, but I am not ready for that step yet. No, for now I will just hold onto it. It is still in perfect working condition, and since I preformed the erase and restore on it, the computer seems faster, unweighted down by a hard drive full of files.
So, I was just wondering, does anyone out there reading this have a similar story, or maybe some tips on how I can get over my fear of loosing this white Macbook long enough to sell it and make some money off it? I would appreciate any advice.

1 Comment on Diary of a Mac Chick 08/02/09.

  1. I perfectly understand your pain on not wanting to part ways with your White MacBook. I’d feel the same way if I wanted to give up my old Dell laptop (which I do since I have a new 13-inch MacBook Pro, by the way). However, here’s what I can say at the moment. For example, let’s say that you have a friend or family member that has been wanting an iPhone ever since it came out in 2007, and you want to sell him/her your first generation iPhone as a hand-me-down since you have a brand-spanking-new iPhone 3G or iPhone 3GS. Well, the same thing applies to your White MacBook. Let him/her know that they’re getting the best computer with a faster processor and one of the best operating systems in the world today (even though your White MacBook hasn’t been upgraded to Leopard yet). I know that this may or may not help you in any way, or that this isn’t a lot of advice, but this is all I can think of at the moment. I hope you find someone that’ll gladly pay you to take your White MacBook off you hands. Good luck! 🙂

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