This past weekend I finally took the plunge and restored my white macbook back to its original factory settings. In order to commemorate this event, I decided to take a video. It was really nerve wracking because I wasn’t sure if I was going to mess up and I was worried about deleting all the data on my hard drive, although the day before I had backed up the entire hard drive onto one of my externals. It was weird making the switch completely over to my new macbook pro, but it was necessary. I can’t work on two computers at once and as much as I love my white macbook, it was time to move on and enjoy my new pro. I am not getting rid of my white macbook, I restored it to new and then downloaded some programs onto it so that I can use it as a backup if need be, but it is “put away” for now.

Erase and Restore from Miss Trenchcoat on Vimeo.

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