In researching my last post about mobile tech accessories for ladies, I came across the LaCie Little Disk, an external hard drive like none other I have seen. The smooth glossy finish of the monolithic drive, the innovative design incorporating the USB cable into the box itself, the nice protective cap, and 500 GB of storage for just $129.99 is just too much to pass up! Of course, this enticed a bit of a tech obsession within me, and now I find myself at the brink of another tech related breakdown. I really like external hard drives. I don’t know why, but I think on some level they are a comforting thing. For one, they are a backup for all the important files and information on your computer’s hard drive, so there is an obvious source of comfort- knowing that if your computer fails you have a duplicate of the hard drive on a backup. Second, I think it is also comforting to know that if you happen to fill up the hard drive on your computer, you can use an external hard drive to store even more! More. Isn’t that the theme of tech culture, to have the newest, the fastest, the best tech possible in order to keep your life running as smoothly as possible? I am not sure which reason precisely is to blame for my current tech obsession, most likely it is a combination of both, but alas, it seems as though I have found my next tech purchase. So, why don’t we take a nice long look at the LaCie Little Disk together, shall we?

{Images via}

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