I know I said in a previous post that today I would be going to the Apple Store to pick up my new 13″ Macbook, however, I actually didn’t pick up my new mac today. I ordered it online on Monday and received it by mail on Thursday! Yes, after reading the live blogging of the WWDC keynote from Macworld’s website, I just had to immediately order my new Mac once I discovered it would take a few days for my local Apple Store to actually get the new models. So, I ordered the new 13.3″ Macbook PRO, as it is now called (!), and along with it a 2nd generation ipod touch (which I gave to my boyfriend).
As I mentioned, Thursday I received the Macbook Pro and absolutely fell in love with it! I am so happy that Apple decided to turn the Macbook pro by uping the specs, while still dropping the price and adding the SD card slot. Let’s run down these specs while we are at it. I chose the high end configuration for the 13″ that includes a 2.56 gHz processor, 4GB of memory, a 250 GB hard drive, the LED back lit keyboard (now standard in all Pro models) and the new SD card slot, all for the new low price of $1499. I am particularly thrilled about the SD card slot which has replaced the express card slot on the 13 and 15″ Pro models. This makes it even easier for me to pull media from my digital camera onto my computer for quick editing and posting.
Overall, I am quite pleased with my purchase this week, and although this is something of a mini review, I plan to update you on my experience with the new 13″ Macbook Pro after a few more weeks of use. I will also be adding some of my own photos and videos of my new mac as well as the accessories I bought for it shortly. So make sure to check back for updates on my new Macbook!
{Images via Apple.com}

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