The first of my favorite tech things of 2009 that I am going to review for you is something that I have been using for about a month now, but I have been waiting until now to review. Apple’s Magic Mouse made it’s debut at the end of October alongside a beefed up iMac and a remarkable new Macbook which I have already reviewed, and although it was the smalled addition to the Apple family that day, it was my favorite. It took me until Mid November to finally get my hands on the little gadget, but I ended up purchasing two; one for myself and one for my boyfriend who had just purchased his first Mac, the 15″ Macbook Pro. It was my mid-NaNoWriMo gift to myself for being so on track, and I figured it would help motivate me through the rest of the month.
So, like I said, I have had it for about a month now and I absolutely love it because for me, it is the best of both worlds; part track pad, part mouse. I think that is the best way to describe it in fact. It is a movable track pad with some multi touch capabilities. It is lightweight, sleek and small, more ergonomic than a track pad itself and far more attractive on my desk. The one major downside to the device is the lack of the range of multi touch gestures the Macbook track pads have, but this is an issue Apple can fix in an software update if they wanted to. I am sure they will, and they certainly should, but then they would have to change the name of the mouse to “Mystical” or “Amazing” because adding more multi touch gestures would make this mouse more than just Magic.
I am aware that some people who have used the Magic Mouse complain of the slow tracking speed, but I was able to adjust the tracking of the mouse to suit my preferences and I am pleased with that. Also, some have complained that the mouse doesn’t glide as easily as they would like across surfaces, although again, this hasn’t been a problem for me and in fact I think the weight of the mouse makes it easier to glide than any other mouse I have used.

I am certainly not someone who was ever fanatical about a mouse, in fact, I hardly use one, but the design of Apple’s Magic Mouse makes me want to use it and makes it easy for a track pad loving girl like me to switch over to a mouse from time to time. That is what makes a product great in my eyes and that is why it has officially earned a place on my Favorite Things list of 2009!

1 Comment on My Favorite Things of 2009: Magic Mouse

  1. my magic mouse is driving me crazy. It makes a horrible noise whenever you move it, and I’ve tried a million different surfaces. It doesn’t “glide” at all. I feel like it was a total waste of money, and am so disappointed!

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