Most of the time, I don’t think people are excited by the prospect of tax season. It is stressful to have to file taxes and wonder if you owe or how much you will get back, and in this terrible economy everything is so up in the air when it comes to finance and stimulus packages with the federal government that it is a mess to think about. Although most find the idea of tax time daunting, I actually like to get it over with as soon as possible, and in fact, I am ready to file my taxes tomorrow! Why am I so excited, you are probably wondering? Well, I can’t wait to get my tax refund, because thanks to some stimulus credits and the fact that I always make sure I overpay my taxes throughout the year, I am getting a nice chunk of change this go around, and I fully intend to use my return to purchase a new Macbook!

Talk about stimulating the economy, I am not going to be sticking that check into my savings, I like my money right where I can see it– on my lap with a fine aluminum finish and a full glass display! My only dilemma at this point is how soon I should make my purchase. You see, I had always intended to get myself a new mac once my current Macbook’s Apple Care protection ended in June, because it is not worth it to have to pay out of pocket for a repair on this mac, especially with the track record this machine has had with the optical drive needing yearly replacement. But of course I want a shiny new Macbook asap!

There are some advantages I see to waiting until the summer to get a new Macbook, however. WWDC is usually the first or second week of June, and it would be fair to expect some spec bumps and price drops on the Macbooks, not to mention the elusive snow leopard might be out by then. So, I am torn! I will have the money to get my new Macbook in a few weeks, but I might want to hold off on the purchase to see if Apple releases any new updates on the Macbook line by the summer. So far this year there has been nothing major other than the new iLife and iWork and I would hate to buy a new mac and then a few weeks later hear that Apple uped the RAM or hard drive size on the standard models. What do you think I should do? I want some advice/feedback on what to do because I would hate to rush into such an important purchase!

1 Comment on Stimulus Macbook.

  1. Ask the store if they have any policy on items you buy that have an upgrade or price drop later. Most stores will give you a refund for the diffence if the price drops within a month or so.

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