The following takes place between 10:54pm and 10:56pm

This isn’t so much a post as it is a comment I feel compelled to type out right now. For the past 5 years my favorite show on TV has been 24. The thrilling show about a man fighting terrorism, corruption, and evil to make to world a better place. That show ended tonight after 8 seasons and it is sad to see it go. It was time though, no doubt about that. Ratings were dipping down a bit, the flow of Emmys stopped, and the story lines were starting to repeat every now and again (seriously how many moles did CTU have?). No, it’s time for 24 to go out while on top then slowly die out.

Tonight’s episode did not go the way I had predicted, and don’t worry there are no spoilers in this post! It seemed to perfectly encompass all the show has done and stood for for the past 9 years. From cheering people’s demise and fall, to crying over the emotions and feelings shown by true friends, this week’s episode was perfect. Every week the show has been a roller coaster of emotions throwing you down to crying back up to cheering in less then one hour. And in the show was a message that no matter what, good always one and honesty, integrity, and valor were the true good forces in the world and in ourselves that we all must strive to improve and participate in. I will truly miss it and I while I doubt anyone from the show would read this post – I must put it out there and thank all those who made this show possible. It was a masterpiece and I will miss it very much.

Now, all that’s left to do is wait for the 24 movie to come out. Until then I’ll be filling my Netflix queue with seasons 1-8 to see it again, and a few I missed along the way.


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