Month: January 2010

2010: Year of the Tablet

With CES 2010 right around the corner, Macworld following that and then the alleged Apple event at the end of the month, I suppose it’s time for me to make my prediction for what we will be seeing tech-wise in 2010. If 2009 was the year of the netbook, I foresee that 2010 will be the year of the tablet. Not just the Apple tablet, mind you, but I think starting with CES and onward this year we will be seeing a vast increase in computer manufacturers announcing tablet style computers. We have already begun to see a touch of this consumer interest in tablet computers with the Entourage Edge and similar devices, but I think in the new year the market for such machines is going to skyrocket. Whether they be dual screened, touched screen or just incredibly portable, we will be seeing much more of them in many shapes, sizes and colors this year!

Happy Birthday Pink Mac!

I realize I am a few days late on this, but New Year’s Day was the 1st Birthday of this blog! It has been a crazy year full of ups and downs- there were months I barely blogged, and there were months where I blogged often. My YouTube Channel has become a success in my eyes (although I haven’t made a video since October) with over 100 followers! I am also thankful for my association with Speck Products, who have provided me with a few samples for me to review on my blog and YouTube channel this year! Overall, I am more than pleased at the state of this blog one year later and I really have two people to thank for that; myself and you. Myself because I am the creator of this blog and therefore have control of what I put on here. I have tried throughout the year not to fill this blog with junk just to post and have truly only blogged about things I liked/ disliked or cared about enough to share with my readers and I think that has made this blog and my YouTube channel a success. Of course, however I would have had no reason to bother if I didn’t know I had hundreds and thousands of unique visitors who would show up on my site for a visit, and so I have to also thank you for making this blog more than just a personal diary of tech news and gadget talk but really, a place to share information and ideas with a like- minded community. Of course I have some resolutions for this blog for the upcoming year- I want to continue to post and not loose my steam here, and I want to try a few new fun things if I can, so stay tuned in 2010 because I do this all for you!

On a more personal note, there is one more person I should probably thank for the great year this blog has had, and that is my creative director/boyfriend who keeps me in line and blogging even when I don’t have a word to post. If it weren’t for his suggestions, tweaks, and emails filled with blog post ideas for me to look over, I might not have about half of my content. He really has become something of an editor for this blog, and I truly appreciate his love and support for The Pink Mac!