Month: September 2010

Why I Give Up on Rumors

For a long time, like many others I was excited to hear all the new Apple rumors about the next big thing or the newest update or the list of adjectives Steve Jobs would use in his next exciting and revolutionary Keynote. But after many many many disappointments I am about to give up. The iPhone 4G, HD, or whatever other name it it is rumored to be will not be coming to Verizon this summer, or this fall, or possibly ever despite the nearly 10 million search results for a CDMA enabled iPhone. The iPad did not have a camera and multitasking at launch and the list of Apple rumors goes on.

The only time a ‘rumor’ was ever confirmed was earlier this year when Gizmodo got their hands on an actual iPhone 4 hidden within the casing of an iPhone 3G. Although we learned alot about the new iPhone’s body style and potential cameras, the biggest thing we learned from the inoperable device is that Apple does not “do” leaks and will stop at nothing to squash anyone who talks about an actual Apple device before it’s release.

(Getting your house raided isn’t a strong incentive to screw around with Apple)

But this newest rumor I have just heard takes the cake. Despite being released a mere six months ago, the iPad 2 is supposedly going to be released by Apple…. this Christmas. This AppleInsider article does what the rumors always do – cite “someone close” on the inside of Apple with a supposed leak of the inner workings at 1 Infinite Loop. No. Not happening. It doesn’t take an Apple Genius to realize that Apple has a set release cycle. Just a few days ago Apple held its music-fest where every year in September they update their iTunes and iPod line up. Soon we will have the iMac and MacBook event, and next summer we will have the iPhone event. Eac event is huge for Apple, not just to show off their shiny new objects but also to boost their stock. Yes, nothing makes more money for Apple having seeing Steve Jobs talk for 2 hours at an annually anticilated event. Not to mention it gets Apple in the news and talked about like no other tech company in the world!

So in order for the iPad 2 to get an early release date, Apple would need to completely change their yearly update cycle. The iPad is a device between a smart phone and a laptop, so Apple clearly can’t show it off with laptops in October, so it would need its own event. Not to mention Apple has to remember the issue it caused by lowering prices on the original iPhone only a few months after it released. Remember the outrage? Try having a few million Macheads freaking out that their 6 month old device is out of date.

(Just in time – the new iTorch!)

So that does it for me because this is just too ridiculous of an idea. No more falling for these teaser and hushed whispers from the depths of Cupertino. I’ll just wait for Steve to put on his jeans and a black turtleneck and say “one more thing.”

Now I’m a believer

I never thought I would see the day but it is here. I have converted, changed sides, done a complete 180 on my views on the iPad. Why? Well getting one for free helps.

See while my girlfriend The Pink Mac already has an iPad, that didn’t stop her from submitting to a contest for a free one… And she won. So lucky for me, I was bestowed this great gift to love and enjoy. But to be honest I didn’t think I would because since the iPad was announced all I did was say what a stupid, pointless, and idiotic device it is. Why would I need this when I have a laptop that can do it all and more!? Well, I want to apologize to you Steve Jobs for doubting your genius.

In one day the ipad has replaced my laptop for over 90% of my daily use. I bring it to school now since all I used my laptop for was web surfing anyway. And let’s be honest, at school if it was to get stolen I’d rather lose a $500 device than a $1300 one! At home I used to surf the web in bed always, and the ipad is a lighter more lap friendly device to use. And when I hear people buying separate netbooks for bed instead of their laptops, the idea of using an iPad in bed isn’t too crazy. Most of all it’s just fun! The use of a touch interface seems too perfect and it baffles my mind why more companies haven used this input since it is the most natural way to compute. And let’s not forget about all the apps that a laptop can’t run….

So I love my iPad now. Would I have paid $500 for this on my own? Probrably not. But this gift has changed my mind about the device completely, so if your on the fence on if you should buy one all I can say is this – BUY IT!!!=justify>

Sent from my iPad.