As a proudly proclaimed Apple Fangirl, I admit that I willingly allow Steve Jobs to convince me that the latest and greatest Apple product is the thing I can’t believe I have been living my life without. You may think it foolish of me, but my blind faith in Apple products is something I like to endulge because I am fortunate enough to do so and I have yet to be disappointed. However, the iPad has been a conundrum to me; I can’t decide whether or not I actually want one. Usually, when Apple releases a new product I rejoice and immediately begin working out the math for financing the purchase, but with the iPad I haven’t had any of those thoughts or feelings.

For a long time, I didn’t believe there would be an iPad. I had gone through the motion of too many false starts at various Apple events where the tablet was said to be announced. Then, when the news was finally true, I was under whelmed. Do I want a device that is larger than a phone but smaller than a laptop? Certainly. Do I want to navigate said device with the swipe of a finger? Sure. So, I sat down and set to work thinking about all the things I could use the iPad for if I were to own one.

Surfing the web (in bed or on the go…)

As much as I love my Macbook Pro, I do end up contorting myself into the oddest positions while attempting to surf the web in bed. The iPad would be a relief to my neck and back in this department, as well as a great travel companion for quick trips, or to bring to work in lieu of my laptop.

Collecting inspiration from the internet

Most of my online time is spent reading websites and looking at pictures for inspiration and ideas that can be incorporated into my life, home, and blog. So, the ability of the iPad to copy and paste pieces of webpages and images for me to collect along the way is a major necessity.

Reading eBooks

Although I once shuttered at the idea of dedicated ebook readers like the Kindle or Nook for their limited abilities and large price tags, I think that I could enjoy ebooks on the iPad. Although an electronic device is probably the furthest experience to paper and ink in your hands imaginable, I think the pure fact that I could read one handed in bed without losing the tactile motion of page turning could be appealing.

Playing games

One of my greatest secret desires it to own a handheld gaming device such as the Nintendo DS or other similar handset. I haven’t done so thus far because I try to avoid dedicated devices as much as possible and because I am not a fan of carrying game cartridges around on my person. I do use my iPod Touch to play a few games, but eventually give up on them because the touch is too small to act as a screen and the control panel, in my opinion. The larger size of the iPad remedies this issue however, as there is more space for seeing and swiping simultaneously.

Administrative tasks

Despite the fact that I have owned an iPod Touch for a few years now, it has been a much longer time since I have used a PDA device on a regular basis. In high school I used various models of Palm or Handspring PDA’s to handle my finances, to-do’s and calendar appointments, but I have since lost the habit. If I could get myself back into the habit, I think the iPad would be a wonderful aid in organizing my personal and work life with its good size and array of applications.

{Well, I guess now I should do the math and work out my finances to see if an iPad purchase is even feasible for me this quarter. The answer to that could be a make it or break it for my internal thought process!}

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