As most of you that spend more than 3 seconds on the internet know, the web is a great place to find cool and funny videos of whatever your heart desires. The web as provided a great breeding ground for artists and comedians to share their work with the entire world. That’s why the Pink Mac wants to share with you some of our personal favorite videos we have found on the interwebs in the past 7 days.

This week I am proud to show you a music video by The Guild – an online webshow that is the recipent of many awards and fanfare. The Guild follows the lives of a group of online gamers in an MMO similar to World of Warcraft. Every season they make one extra video, usually a musical number. This was last seasons and it was and still is amazing. The Guild has recently been picked up for a 4th season and will be online sometime later this year. If you haven’t seen the show yet head over to and catch up on all three hilarious seasons!


Bonus Video of the Week!

With the release of Valve on Mac this week, I couldn’t pass up this fan-made parody of the day in the life of a character in the game Portal. Don’t forget, you can download the Valve software game database for free and you can get Portal for FREE until May 24th! Check out our post: This is a Triumph – on it for all the info.

Note: If you haven’t played Portal, this video won’t be as funny to you. So… go play Portal!!!

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