As I said in my Vid of the Week post last Saturday, half of the Pink Mac staff has left the office for a week-long stay in Europe! I was not in that half unfortunately and I am currently still state-side. Its okay though… Anyway, turns out that this Friday, May 28th the iPad is being release in Europe! And how perfect is it that on Friday the Pink Mac will be in London! Perhaps we could see a post, pictures, or even a video from the launch event! No promises on that yet, because they are on vacation so it isn’t a top priority but lets hope they find the time to find an Apple store! Still they were nice enough to send us some photos they took around Europe of the ads Apple has placed in the cities. Very cool.

London (left) and Paris (right) ads for the May 28th launch of the iPad

1 Comment on European Vacation!

  1. It will be wonderful if you achieve to do it because we don’t have an apple store in our country so i would like to see a so called event that apple claims to do for the ipad availability in Europe.

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