Google always has impressed me with the wide variety of logos they could make for their homepage. For the first day of summer, Halloween, or some obscure holiday, there is always something interesting spelling out G-O-O-G-L-E. A while back Google put a new twist on the logo for Issac Newton’s birthday. Google introduced their first animated logo with an apple falling from a tree and it was fun to see them do something different. Today’s logo does everything completely different and blows and every other logo away with how awesome it is.

Today is the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man, so to celebrate the game you get to play it. Google made a Pac-Man map to spell out Google, but if that wasn’t cool enough you can actually start the game and play it like a normal Pac-Man game. So okay, its a little buggy (ghosts seem to avoid me rather than attack me and I walked right into the Pink one and didn’t die) but it is still amazing that they did this. So please if you have a spare moment, get your self to and play today! Because it will only last a few more hours!!!

Oh and a little Easter Egg – Hit insert coin twice to add a second player with Mrs. Pac-Man!


And if you missed it here is a video of a person playing the game. Oh and the left button says – Google Search – like always, but the right one says instead – Insert Coin

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