Today was the big day! The official launch of the iPad (WiFi edition only) in Apple and Best Buy stores around the country. I, of course, did my due diligence and went to visit the iPad, excited to be seeing the device in person and half expecting to leave the store with one. Sadly, however, I was underwhelmed by the device. Underwhelmed isn’t even the right word for it, devastated is probably more appropriate. There was no doubt that the device was very pretty, but from the moment I picked it up I found problem after problem.
First of all, the thing is a heavy hunk of metal. Now, I know, it is thin and small and light in comparison to a laptop, but this isn’t a laptop, it doesn’t go on your lap or on a desk even. It is meant to be held in the hands, and really one hand, but as the gentleman sitting next to me at the Best Buy store said “after a few minutes holding it, I found myself switching hands.” Now, I have never held a Kindle, or any eReader in my hands, but from what I know of their weight, they are considerably lighter than the iPad, which really throws a hard blow at the iPad as an eReader. Another problem with the iPad as eReader concept is the glossy screen. Sure, the text looked great on screen and was more than readable, but it was hard to ignore the glare of the lights around me reflected by the glossy screen.
The next problem I found with the iPad was that the speaker seems to be located in the back of the device and caused a vibration in your hand as you held it to watch a video. With a smooth metal backing, it was disconcerting to be holding such a heavy device as it vibrated in your hand- I almost felt like after a while I might just drop it! Speaking of the speakers, they were also pretty low. I know we were in a loud store, but the speakers were just so muted even on the highest setting.
The final major problem I found with the iPad was that it had an issue with apps failing to launch as you can see for yourself in my YouTube video below. This fact was a big disappointment as it really pointed out the fact that this device is a glorified iPod Touch. It’s operating system is that of an iPod touch or iPhone and therefore it is subject to the same annoying issues, such as failure of applications to launch. I have to say, the operating system part of the device must be the thing I am finding it hardest to swallow. If this is supposed to be a device that fills the gap between laptop and smartphone, why is it a sub-notebook size, but running a smartphone operating system? Why not something slightly more advanced, and less prone to the daily defects of smartphones. I’m not saying the iPad should have a fully functional OSX operating system (although it wouldn’t be a bad idea in my opinion) but it should have something that is more blended and less one sided.
Well, I know I wasn’t the only person to take a look at an iPad today, so if you did or do check one out, let me know what you think. And if you have one, let me know if you agree or disagree with my observations.

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