3D, the wave of the future and the next generation of how we view television. Now I like so many have gone to a few 3D movies, watched those Superbowl commercials in 3D, and even gone to a few amusement park shows that had a 3D portion. So obviously it was only a matter of time before it was time for 3D to come to your living room. But the big question I have to ask myself is “Why?”

With many television companies trying to develop and market the new 3D TV’S, will they be the wave of the future? Will it revolutionize the way we watch CSI or American Idol? My guess is no. I don’t see everyone going out and replacing their flat screens for TV’s that support 3D shows. And wait, there is a bigger problem… what shows will broadcast in 3D? We have standard channels, HD channels, DVD’s, and Blu-Ray disks and now we will have to have new 3D channels and 3D movie DVD’s?? The cost of re-broadcasting a show or producing a movie for this new format seems too high and with too few of a return of customers buying them.

But beyond the novelty of seeing a tomato fly right out at your face, what else is the point? Every time I have seen a 3D show the constant thought of “is this in 3D? Oh I guess that flew out at me… What does it look like without the glasses?” and so on. 3D is a fun thing to watch as a spectacle, but not for everyday life. Sorry TV companies, I’ll pass on your new product.

Not to mention that since I wear glasses, having to put on another pair of glasses is a little hard to do.

1 Comment on I like my life in 2D

  1. I also think that this new technology does not offer something extremely different or it is not a revolution.
    Unfortunately in a couple of years these today’s brand new LED and PLASMA TVs would be too old and all of us that don’t stop to buy every new product that comes out will have a 3D TV in our living rooms and in our bedrooms for the only reason that we must keep up with the new technologies.
    I ‘m sure that i will be one of them !:)

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