I just really wish it had an operating system so you can do more than just live off apps. Then I found a video on Youtube of a person using this app called Remote Desktop. My mind was blown. Remote Desktop is an app that allows you to access your computer from anywhere, granted your main computer is on and no o
ne will mess with it. You basically control your computer from anywhere and see it on your mobile device. Now Remote Desktop is available for the iPhone but since the screen is so small, it hasn’t been too useful. Until now. Remote Desktop will work for your iPad and has thus turned this once useless device into a full touch screen, easily portable, app using – computer. And it will use Flash. And as much as I’ve hated and bashed this device so much, over and over again… I kinda want one now. So damn you Steve Jobs and your Jedi mind tricks that make us want this devices.

Hi i read almost every of the articles that you post and i would like to tell you my view on the iPad which is extremely opposite than yours.First of all when the iPad was announced (i’m a big fun of apple products and i love all of them) i stopped thinking about buying a new macbook pro.I have an iMac (the 2008 model) and i am very pleased with it.Also i have an iPhone and i wanted a device to have in bed, to surf the web to watch movies (i couldn’t stand watching movies on the small screen of the iPhone ) seeing my mails and also playing some games .My iPhone 3g can’t keep up with the new apps like need for speed and sometimes it crushes.So i wanted a more powerful device to play these games like the 3GS. But i didn’t want to buy another iPhone.In conclusion the iPad was the best solution for these demands that i had.And now i don’t have to spend 2000 euros to buy a fifteen or seventeen inch macbook pro and another 580 euros to buy an iPhone 3GS.I will get only the iPad and i will do everything that i wanted with a more funny way.So i found the place that the iPad fits in my life between my mac and my iPhone. (Also sorry for my grammar and vocabulary mistakes i am from Greece and i am now learning English).