Every year Apple releases a promotion around this time to get college student’s to buy a Mac. This year is no different because I just received an e-mail from Apple announcing the return of the summer offer to students. Starting today, May 25th until September 7th if you buy any Mac computer you can receive any iPod product for free after a mail-in rebate.

Now the ad says iPod Touch but upon reading the terms and conditions it states rebates apply for iPod Touches, Classics, Nanos, and Shuffles. The only difference is the price of the rebate which will match the model you buy. Now while I would recommend getting the better $199 device for free as opposed to the $79 shuffle, its your call and either one will work for the rebate! Also, it turns out you don’t have to be a college student to get this offer. Here is how who is eligible breaks it down:

  • If you are an employee of a public or private K–12 institution in the United States. Also school board members who are currently serving as elected or appointed members, PTA or PTO executives currently serving as elected or appointed are eligible.
  • With higher education – faculty, staff, and students attending, or accepted into a higher education institution are eligible.
  • And even parents purchasing on behalf of their child, who is a student currently attending or accepted into a public or private higher education institution in the United States, are eligible.
So there are a lot of ways for anyone to get this offer, just be smart and bring some proof with you to the Apple store so they believe you. I know first hand as a college student myself that a simple College ID will work. For the rest of the info go here to the Apple Back to School site to find out all the additional information. Also if there are any questions on the right side of the page under the 1 2 3 steps, there is a link to the Terms and Conditions. Happy shopping!

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