Basics: The goal of any level is to bring all the orbs of the same color together, without any hitting each other while on their way! You tap one of the colored orbs and all the orbs of the same color fly towards the one you touched. There are two modes, Action and Puzzle each with their own difficulties. In Action, colored orbs come in from off screen and you must quickly tap an orb before any hit each other. You have to be careful of the paths all orbs take since are all moving and no orb but the ones you touch remain stationary. In Puzzle mode the atmosphere is more calm as all the orbs aren’t moving, but the challenge lies in a more complex arrangement of the colored orbs mixed around.

Either fast paced or slow and steady depending on your game mode. In Action, the orbs come in from off the screen and you have to survive wave after wave of managing when to have them combine. Gets very hectic very fast and panic will rush many times as you see two orbs come within pixels of hitting. In Puzzle, it is much more calm but much more difficult to solve. Complex weaves of orbs blocking other paths cause you to have to think and experiment for a while before you finally get it right.

Controls: You see an orb. You touch an orb. It literally couldn’t be more basic. Working the menu system is more complex then the controls.

Graphics and Sound: Graphics are beautiful with vivid and bright colors and nice particle effects. The sounds and music are very space-themed and remind me ALOT of any Bejeweled game you might play

Overall: This is a steal for .99 cents. I cannot stop playing this even after reviewing it. Whether you want to play it for five seconds or spend half an hour trying to figure puzzles out, you’ll never be bored. With the choice of a mindless, fast paced Action game or the mindboggling, time consuming challenges of the Puzzle mode, you can play Collision Effect for whatever mood your in. Buy it now before the developers realize the goldmine they are sitting on and raise the price!

Cousy’s Grade: A+

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