This week I believe I have gathered a great group of links to share with you! They range from fashionable tech accessories to newly released applications, and from Apple news to meditation. So, without further ado here are this weeks Missing Links!

  • If you’re one of the many Apple fans who were unimpressed with WWDC read this.
  • Are you a student looking for a new Mac? Read about Apples new Back to School Deal!
  • Wish your iPhone could get you a date? Well, there is some good news for you!
  • Are you interested in some new fashionable accessories? Click here Apple Fangirls and Fanboys.
  • The 5th Avenue Apple Store is getting a facelift, read about the cost of all that glass here!
  • Stuck in a mental rut and need to get the creative juices flowing, try meditating on this one.
  • I think this is a very interesting bag solution for the modern male.
  • Wacom introduces some Paper to go with their new iPad stylus.
  • Feel like your iPad Facebook experience has been lacking? Perhaps you won’t for long!
Happy Reading!
{Image via here}

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