Month: July 2013

Apps to Help You Fall Asleep

Sky Guide in action as I lay in bed.

I often find myself wide awake at 3 o’clock in the morning wondering what in the world is so important inside my own brain that I cannot enjoy the benefits of sleep! Although I try desperately to try to calm myself down, going through the motions of my night time rituals hoping to get my brain on the same page with my body, the affect is often lost and I find myself more awake then I was before. So, what do I turn to? Well, my iPhone! Although professionals say that it is best to avoid gadgets within an hour of bedtime, I find that when I cannot fall asleep no matter how hard I try, the quickest way to get myself asleep is by playing on my iPhone! Now, when it comes to trying to get myself to sleep, I won’t start doing anything major with my phone, but I have found that there are a few apps and games that actually help put me to sleep on those nights when I can’t stop tossing and turning.

Sky Guide: Sky Guide is a wonderful app with an intensely peaceful atmosphere! It uses your phone’s GPS to create a map of the night’s sky above you, whether you are indoors or outdoors. With a delicate soundtrack that sounds like a gentle lullaby, the app allows you to explore the sky around you, selecting stars, constellations and galaxies and providing you with histories and explanations for each and every celestial body. It’s almost like counting sheep, but your interacting with objects light years away.

Splodes: One of my favorite and most relaxing games is Splodes. Again, there is something about its gentle soundtrack that puts you into a state of easiness and comfort. The game itself is very slow paced, and all you need to do is “pop” a few splodes causing a chain reaction that may or may not release you into the next level. The game isn’t so much about winning as it is developing a simple strategy and I think one of the reasons it helps to put me to sleep is because it focuses my brain on the gameplay so that I am not lost in thought in my own mind. Definitely a game you will want to try if you have not already!

Osmos: Another super slow paced but very popular game that I suggest for late night decompression is Osmos. This game launched to much acclaim as one of the earliest iPad arcade style games, but it translates nicely to the small screen of the iPhone. Again, a new-agey but very calming soundtrack paired with simple gameplay mechanics soothes you to a zen like state that is very conducive for falling asleep!

Zen Brainwave Meditation: Speaking of Zen, one of my favorite on the go relaxation apps is Zen Brainwave Meditation, an app that is a portable sound machine for your iPhone. Simply choose your favorite ambient noise like the sound of rain or thunder and then select the evening brainwave program and the duration of your session and you are lulled to sleep by the science of brainwave stimulation. Its really something out of Star Trek but it helps to put me to sleep so I can’t complain! Also great for morning and afternoon meditations as well!

iBooks: When all else fails to put you to sleep there is nothing like spending some quiet time reading. Now, one of the benefits to night time reading on the iPhone is that the brightness of the screen as you read creates a heaviness on your eyes that almost immediately forces you to sleep. So, have a few good books downloaded on your iPhone just in case you have trouble falling asleep. And make sure the books are easy bed time reads and nothing to heavy and complicated for a midnight reading session. The goal is for you to fall asleep, not stay awake anxiously reading a best-seller!

How to Stand Out at Work: Volunteer for More Work or New Projects


With half of the work year behind us and mid year performance reviews to look forward to shortly, now is the perfect time to discuss how to stand out at work. Whether you are hoping for a raise or a promotion in the upcoming year, learning to stand out from your coworkers is an important step to bigger and better things in your professional life. How to Stand Out at Work will be a 5 week series where we discuss different ways to improve your image to set yourself up for success.

Volunteer for more work or new projects

If you are interested in getting ahead at work and standing out as a shining star on your team or within your organization, one of the most important things you will have to do consistently is do good work and always be on the lookout for more projects and more responsibilities. With our economy still on the mend after the recession, employers are often slow to bring on more help or create additional positions until they see their business beginning to return steadily. For many companies, business is not back to where it once was, so upping their headcount is out of the question. So, who is going to take on that additional work that needs to be done with fewer heads available to do that work? The answer needs to consistently be you!

Now, I am not saying that you need to take on each and every new project and bulk on extra work all the time, but if you are seen as the team member that is able to get their own work done while also offering to take on new tasks and new responsibilities, when it comes time for a discussion about a raise or a promotion, you are going to be golden in the mind of your manager. Before you begin asking for more work, make sure you are completing your current work to the satisfaction of your managers or supervisors. Although you may be able to get your work done quickly, it doesn’t always mean you are up to par on the level of work you are producing. Speak to your boss and ask about your performance and how they view the quality of your work. You do not need to wait for a performance review to have that discussion with your manager, it should be an ongoing discussion that you return to whenever you take on new tasks, or complete new projects.

Once you are certain that your manager is pleased with the level of your work, you can then approach them about taking on new responsibilities. I would always suggest that when you go to your supervisor you have examples of the types of projects or responsibilities you are looking to take on. Perhaps you know that there is a new client project coming up and it requires a great deal of writing. If you believe yourself to be a strong writer, you will want to bring that to the attention of your manager when asking for that responsibility. Explain the skills you believe you are confident in and ask for the opportunity to take on that new challenge. Your boss will be impressed with your initiative and after a while, once you have a handle on your new task, you can ask for more work again if you are able to fit it into your day. Be careful not to take on too much new work, however, because if you take on a new task and it becomes too much for you, that is not going to help your cause. Always try to be deliberate with the new roles and responsibilities you are willing to take on so that they are serving your goals in the end.

Just be prepared to get an answer that you are not thrilled with. If your boss does not think you are prepared for the task you suggest, they may offer another less desirable responsibility. If this happens, don’t panic. Continue the conversation with your manager and try to understand why they think this different role or responsibility would be helpful for you to take on. Remember, you will want to make it clear to your boss that you are not simply looking for more work, but rather you are looking for new challenges and opportunities to help you grow and learn in order to prepare yourself for future roles. If they think a different task will help you along in your career more, take their advice and take on the new task. Even if it’s not what you originally intended to do, your boss will see that you have taken the initiative and when it comes time for conversations about raises or promotions, you will have a good leg to stand on!

5 Quirky Uses for Empty Wine Bottles

Photo via theoneinpink
Photo via theoneinpink

5 Quirky Uses is a new periodic feature for Strange & Charmed. For each post, I will select an everyday item and suggest five alternate uses or ways to upcycle the item in a fun or unusual way. Keep up with these posts with the Quirky Uses category!

For my second installment of 5 Quirky Uses I decided to focus on an object that fills many a recycling can, wine bottles! There are many arts and crafts projects that involve empty wine bottles that are easily accessible through Pinterest, but to stray away from those more complicated upcycling projects, I decided to focus on uses for the bottle whole! So, without further ado, here are 5 ways to use an empty wine bottle(s).

  1. Stuff them into tall boots to help them keep their shape.
  2. Fill them with a string of lights for an interesting lighting option.
  3. Fill them with water and use them as a vase for long flowers.
  4. Stick a taper candle into the neck and use them as a candle stick.
  5. Fill them with sand, cork them and use them as book ends.


What Your iPhone Case Says about You!

iphone cases

In todays world, our smartphones are the single most important day to day solution we have on hand. With everyone relying on them everyday to connect, they are really one of the few things that people have in common. Think about it. The next person you meet is bound to have a smartphone and I have found that people have taken to noticing and commenting on iPhone cases specifically as a segway for conversation. I am frequently being complimented on my iPhone cases and since I have quite a collection of them, it lead me to thinking that your iPhone case can really speak volumes about who you are even before you meet someone. So, what does your iPhone case say about you? Let’s find out below!

Minimal or no case: Obviously, there are many people out there who do not use a protective case on their iPhone, or use one of those minimal cases like a bumper. If you fall into this category, I can surmise that you are a very confident person! You are clearly not worried that you are going to drop or damage that very expensive device, or else you would have invested in a more substantial case!

Basic plastic “plain jane” case: If you are someone who uses a simple case to secure their iPhone, I would think that you are the type of person who like to just float on by through life. You are not interested in bells and whistles, you just like to put in the minimum effort and hope that its enough. Its not necessarily a bad thing, but in a world full of flavor and variety, you are clearly a vanilla type of person, or else you would have found yourself a slightly more interesting iPhone case.

Quotation or meme case: If you carry around your iPhone in a case that has a clever quote or popular meme printed on the back of it, I would have to say that you are someone who wants to be seen as intelligent. Now, whether or not you are as intelligent as you are trying to come off is besides the point. The point is, you are trying, perhaps a little two hard, to make a statement to the world. I would not be surprised to find out that you are also the type of person who adorns their car with bumper stickers. Just sayin’.

Animal shaped or character case: If your iPhone is covered in a case that was made to look like a cute little teddy bear, a Disney character or anything in between, I would venture to guess that you are pretty immature yourself or at least want to be seen as such. Now, if you are under the age of 18, thats fine, but if you are a twenty or thirty something with cat shaped case, you may want to think about how that case is affecting your career potential!

Ultra protective case: If you are someone who uses one of those ultra protective cases like an Otterbox you fall into one of two categories. First, the athletic on the go type. If you are this type of person and you have an Otterbox case, the world sees you as a no frills, logical type of person. Obviously, you are prepared to protect your investment while you are white water rafting and we solute you. Alternately, you could perhaps be a parent. Obviously, you would need a defender type case if you have a child because kids are not so good at keeping delicate objects whole and again, if this is you, no judgement, you are making the logical choice to secure your phone from your toddler. Now, if you do not fall into one of those two categories, you are either a klutz or a drunk. Nuff said!

Retro style case: There are a variety of retro style cases out on the market ranging from ones that look like cassettes to rangefinder cameras to gameboys. If you use one of these cases you clearly have an appreciation for classic style and a penchant for irony. Perhaps you are the too cool for school type but I doubt you care, your iPhone looks like an analog camera and that makes you the cat’s pajamas!

Intensely sparkly, highly ornamented or otherwise standout case: If you have a case that is a real eye catcher than congratulations! You probably have the most interesting iPhone case that anyone has ever seen! You most certainly get compliments or comments on the daily in regards to your case and perhaps have used your case to get a date! You are obviously an interesting and outgoing person or you have learned to fake it till you make it. Your case gives you oodles of imaginary confidence and makes you the center of attention, which is exactly why you bought it!

How to Stand Out at Work: Developing a Consistently Professional Demeanor


With half of the work year behind us and mid year performance reviews to look forward to shortly, now is the perfect time to discuss how to stand out at work. Whether you are hoping for a raise or a promotion in the upcoming year, learning to stand out from your coworkers is an important step to bigger and better things in your professional life. How to Stand Out at Work will be a 5 week series where we discuss different ways to improve your image to set yourself up for success.

Developing a consistently professional demeanor

In each and every one of our professional lives, a varying amount of professional demeanor is expected. Some people may come from more relaxed work settings and others a stricter business world, but developing your own consistent level of professionalism is important. You always want to be a few steps higher than the norm in order to stand out in a business setting. A few ways you can do this is by dressing professionally, refraining from office gossip and remaining positive.

Obviously, a certain level of professional dress is required at most jobs, but you can stand out by keeping your work wardrobe slightly more business professional than your coworkers. As they say, dress for the job you want, not the job you have. So if your job expects business casual, aim to be dressier at the business formal level. It speaks volumes to others when you are the only woman at a team meeting in a dress or pants suit while others are in khakis and polos. If you already come from a business formal environment, make sure your look is on point with items that will help you stand out. Jewelry, scarves and a stand out work bag or briefcase are great ways to look more polished and put together than your coworkers. Also, don’t forget makeup. Makeup can be a make it or break it to a business look, so make sure your not too heavy on your makeup look and not too light. If you are not sure, ask friends and family if they think your work makeup looks professional or not, or take it a step further and visit a makeup counter at your local department store and ask their opinion or have them develop you a custom day time look for work!

Office gossip is one of those things that so many women and men get caught up with, but it can carry a heavy negative connotation. Even if all your coworkers are in on the gossip, keep yourself out of it, or at least, listen but do not add input when others are discussing it around you. You never want your name associated with any piece of gossip, so make a point to stay out of it. Even if you are known to your coworkers as a goodie two shoes, its better for you if your boss hears that you stay out of the gossip than in the thick of it!

Remaining positive is one of those small efforts that will have a profoundly positive impact on your career. So many workers get into the habit of complaining about their jobs, other coworkers, or their boss and it really shows in their demeanor. If you refuse to partake in the negativity and keep up a positive attitude about your job, supervisors and upper level management are bound to notice. When your boss announces a new project or throws a last minute heap of work on you or your team, take the information in stride, smile and act eager for the new challenge. While everyone else is complaining or groaning you will be happily smiling all the way to a promotion!

Ipsy My Glam Bag July 2013

ipsy bag

It’s that time of the month again! Yep! You guessed it! My Ipsy Glam Bag has arrived. This month I almost forgot I was getting the Glam Bag and it was such a welcomed treat. I have been doing this whole low buy exercise where I have been trying not to buy unnecessary things like makeup and beauty products, so I haven’t been purchasing as much as I had been in the last few months. So, when I saw that I was getting my monthly subscription service, it was thrilling!

my glam bag beach beauty

This months bag was themed Beach Beauty, and we received a fluorescent pink see through tube shaped bag which I really like! It made it hard to be surprised as I was opening it on camera for my YouTube channel, but it was still terribly exciting!

my glam bag 2

So, lets run down what goodies I got!

pop beauty

The first item I pulled out of my Ipsy bag was this Pop Beauty Pouty Pop Crayon in Flirty Fuchsia! I was absolutely thrilled to see this first and even though its not a particularly expensive product ($4 value) I love chubby sticks and the fact that I got one in pink made me very happy! You know how much I love my pink lipsticks!

pop beauty stick

The only thing about this color that is a little deceiving is that they are calling it fuchsia, but its really more of a bubblegum pink, which I do not mind, because I really don’t have any lip products in that shade, so I am glad I got something that is unique for me!

big sexy hair

The next item in my bag is a travel sized can of Big Sexy Hair, Weather Proof! Now, I have always wanted to try a Big Sexy Hair product so I was glad they sent me this, and especially glad they sent a Weather Proof formula for the summer. I don’t go through much hair spray on average, so even though this isn’t a full sized item per se, I will still get a good amount of use out of it. I bet you it lasts the summer! Another inexpensive product, but one I was glad to receive ($3-4 value).

demeter oil

This next item was pretty unique! I received the Demeter Roll On Perfume Oil in the scent Salt Air. I really like this product because it is a full sized purse sized sample that retails for $10 on the Demeter site. It also has a very pleasant summery smell that I could not for the life of me figure out until I finally realized that the smell was very similar to the way a Hollister store smells. So, if you like the way Hollister smells, you should like this!


The next item in my bag that was more of a deluxe sample size was this Coola Mineral Sunscreen tinted moisturizer. Although I wish they had sent a larger sized sample, I was very pleased to receive this because I have heard very good things about Coola. At first I wasn’t sure if it was a tinted moisturizer or a tinted sunscreen, but after testing it out I can say its more of a tinted sunscreen, This doesn’t have much coverage to it even for tinted moisturizer standards and it blends into your still without really leaving any noticeable color change. But in a facial sunscreen thats a good thing! Normally, if you use a facial sunscreen you get a ghostly white glow to your skin, but this keeps your face looking normal, which I think is awesome. Only thing I was worried about with this is whether or not it is waterproof. It doesn’t say so on the packaging but I did look up the product facts online and it is indeed water resistant for 40 minutes! Full size is $36, but I would value this sample at $3.

california collection bh cosmetics

The final item in my bag came in very cute packaging! It is a BH Cosmetics California Collection eyeshadow trio. Now, I have seen BH Cosmetics before at Target and I know its not a very expensive brand, so this set couldn’t cost more than about $5, but when I do see their products at Target I am always curious about them.

bh cosmetics

The trio was a little unexpected to me because the colors were a bit bright, but its the summer I guess so it goes with the theme! The purple grape colored shadow is very pretty, but I am not sure if its something I would use. I may get some use out of the middle color because although it seems like a dark tan or nude color, its actually a nice bronze. The final color is a very bright gold, which again isn’t necessarily something I would wear, but I can give it a shot. I usually prefer taupes to golds or bronzes, but since I have been going for a neutral eye for the summer, I may be able to create a simple sun kissed eye with these shades. And if they don’t work out for me, I know a friend who would look great in these shades!

my glam bag 3

Overall, I was very happy with this months Glam Bag, despite the fact that it had the least value of any bag I have received before. I am not sure if this value range is something that I should expect from now on, or if perhaps this month the products were just not as valuable as previous months. I know I have seen other glam bags from prior months that had a different mix of products in it that were of lesser value than what I received so I think its just luck of the draw! Either way I am happy with this bag because I am sure I am going to use up most of these products! If you would like to see my unboxing video for this month’s Ipsy My Glam Bag, click here to be directed to the video on my YouTube channel! 

Until next time!


How to Speed Up a Slow Mac


If you have noticed that your Mac isn’t running as quickly as it once did, don’t panic! It is completely normal for your computer to begin to slow down within a few years of purchase, mostly due to normal day to day build up. There are many things that can cause system lag and likewise, many ways to remedy the situation. Although there are software applications you can buy to help you speed up your Mac, I suggest trying some free options before jumping to software support and spending money. So, I have compiled a list of 10 things you can do to speed up your Mac. I suggest trying all of these for the best results, and since these are all free options, you have nothing to loose!

1. Keep your computer clean. It may not seem like an important step in speeding up your computer, but a tidy computer is a faster computer! This is especially crucial if you are using a mac laptop because dirt and dust can make their way into your computer through your keyboard and build up over time, dampening critical air circulation. Make it a regular habit to clean your computer from time to time with dedicated screen and case cleaners. Also, using products like condensed air to force out excess dust from under your keyboard may help to release any particles that may be building up under there. Also, make it a rule not to eat by your computer. I know so many of us are used to eating and working, but its just not good for your machine to be so close to crumbs, especially food crumbs! So, make sure to keep your laptop clean, and try to prevent crumbs from sneaking in through your keys to keep your machine running at top speed!

2. Keep your computer elevated. Again, if you are using a laptop this is another critical factor in the performance of your machine. Airflow is such a determining factor in the performance of your laptop and can be a major reason your laptop isn’t as snappy as it once was. Now, this doesn’t mean you necessarily need to run out and buy one of those stands for your laptop and an external keyboard, but it means you should always use your laptop on a clean hard surface, minimizing the time it spends sitting on fabric like sofa’s, beds or carpeting. Fabric can be a problem because it usually contains a good amount of dust particles and the fan on your laptop will end up sucking that in like a vacuum and inhibiting the flow of air in your laptop. You can help to increase air flow to your laptop, not only by sitting it on a hard surface, but also by propping up the back of the machine with objects like erasers or books. The goal is to give air the space to move around your computer which will keep your device cool and free of dirt and dust.

3. Keep a clean desktop. You may not know it, but the number of icons you have sitting on your computers desktop actually contributes to the speed of your computer. I try to only have my “Macintosh HD” startup disk on my desktop so that I have as few items as possible for my machine to render upon startup. So, go through any items you have on your desktop, file them away properly and see the speed of your machine increase.

4. Clean up your hard drive. Make sure to keep an eye on your hard drive space by right clicking your “Macintosh HD” icon and selecting “Get Info.” From this menu you can see how much space you have available on your machine. If you are running low on space (less than a quarter of your original drive space remaining) I suggest you go through your computer and remove excess files. You can move anything you don’t need to the trash (make sure to empty the trash when your done!) or you can move files off your computer and onto an external hard drive. If you are not sure what is taking up space on your mac you can always download the free application Disk Inventory X. This simple to use software can help you identify what applications and files are taking up the most space on your computer and you may be surprised that your precious hard drive space is being eaten up in the most unusual ways! If applications are your culprit, you will need download the free application, AppCleaner that helps you safely remove unused or unneeded applications and there associated files.

5. Reset Safari. If you are having an issue with the speed of Safari especially, you may need to Reset Safari to clean out its cache. From the Safari Menu, select “Reset Safari” and a box should appear with checked boxes asking which items to reset. I suggest resetting everything, but check the list and make sure there isn’t anything you don’t want reset because the reset will basically wipe all stored information (but not your bookmarks). Things like your downloads file, the autofill forms for websites, and stored passwords for sites will all be wiped. You may be a little nervous to do this, so before you take this action, I suggest visiting any important websites to figure out what your usernames and passwords are for each (because after the reset they won’t autofill again until after you have revisited and reentered your information). If you have a computer that is a few years old, you would be surprised to see how many websites Safari has been storing information for, even ones you haven’t visited in years! This action can take a few minutes, depending on the amount of information you have stored, so don’t worry if you see the beach ball pop up, or if Safari has a little lag once it reboots! That will go away momentarily.

6. Make sure your software is up to date. Apple is frequently sending our Mac’s software updates for everything from iTunes, to Safari to Mail! If you don’t have your Mac set to automatically check for updates, you may need to go in and manually check every once in a while to make sure your computer is running on the most up to date software! From your Apple menu, select “Check for Software Updates” and let your computer scan for any new updates. You will need to be connected to the internet to do this, so make sure you are connected via Wifi or cable.

7. Close out of applications. This may seem like a simple solution, but you would be surprised at the amount of people who do not realize that they have not properly closed out of applications. With a Mac, you can “X” out of an application, but the application may still be running in the background. To check this, take a look at your dock and see if any applications have a little glowing light under neath them. If they do, that means they are still running. To close any applications you don’t need running at the time, right click the icon and select “Quit”. If the application doesn’t quit within a minute or so, you may need to try again and select “Force Quit” as sometimes applications time out while they are running and stop responding to normal commands. Don’t worry if you have to use “Force Quit,” it will not damage your computer or the application.

8. Unplug any peripheral devices you aren’t using. This is a common problem with desktop Mac’s that are stationary. Often times, because we don’t move our computer around, it tends to have lot of extras plugged into it, even when those extras are not in use. Things like printers, external hard drives, card readers and usb thumb drives can all slow down your Mac’s performance. So, unless you are using the peripheral device, unplug it so it doesn’t weigh down the performance of your computer.

9. Restart your Mac. Sometimes temporary lags in performance can be stopped with a simple restart. It is recommended that you first close out of all your applications before attempting the restart. Once you have quit out of everything, you can proceed to “Restart” from the “Apple” menu. If you get an option in the dialog box to “Open Windows upon restart” make sure that box is unchecked so that you get a clean reboot.

10. Shut down your computer. Although Macs do not need to be Restarted or Shut down in between uses, if it has been a while since you last shut down your computer, you may want to give your Mac a rest with a Shut Down. From the “Apple” menu, select the “Shut Down” option and once your computer has shut down completely, give it some time to rest before starting it back up. I recommend running the shut down sequence in the evening before you go to bed, and then giving your computer a quick cleaning while its off. Make sure to leave it on a hard, dry surface, and keep it unplugged if it is a laptop.

If you have trouble or are unable to complete any of these tips, I suggest reaching out to Apple directly for assistance. If you do complete these tips and still see a good deal of system slowdowns and lag, reach out to Apple via the AppleCare hotline or your local Apple retailer to get further information on diagnostics that can check to see if you are having a major system issue that is causing the lag. Lag can sometimes be a warning sign of disk failure, so always keep your files backed up just to be on the safe side!

Start Journaling with the Carpe Diem Journal

carpe diem journal

At various times in my life I have attempted journaling. Journaling is said to be a great relaxation technique that helps to release stress by giving you an outlet to express your emotions. Its also a great way to keep a certain clarity of mind if you are someone who often feels like you have too much information and too many thoughts just clogging up your brain! As often as I attempt to put my mind to journaling, I always find that I eventually just loose interest in it. Either I don’t think I have enough to write about or I feel so overwhelmed with options that I just can’t focus on a topic. Its like I need writing prompts to successfully and consistently journal.

That’s where the Carpe Diem Journal comes in! Not only is this journal inspiring to look at, it provides short writing prompts and dedicated space in which to write. It isn’t a daily journal per se, although you could certainly treat it as such, but its more like an occasional exercise in self exploration. Many of the prompts, like the cover of the journal suggests, pertain to outlining major and minor life goals. Seize the day is certainly the theme, as each page takes you on a short, unexpected adventure with your own thoughts. I have flipped through some of the pages, without spoiling all the fun for myself, and am excited to start filling it with my own ambitions and aspirations.

So, if you are like me and like the idea of journaling, but find it too cumbersome a challenge to take on daily, perhaps this little journal is a good place to start storing your short term and long term ideas and plans. Check out the Carpe Diem Journal and let me know in the comments below if you journal or have ever wanted to start journaling!

5 Quirky Uses for a Mint Tin


5 Quirky Uses is a new periodic feature for Strange & Charmed. For each post, I will select an everyday item and suggest five alternate uses or ways to upcycle the item in a fun or unusual way. Keep up with these posts with the Quirky Uses category!

I love breath mints and especially the cute tins they are frequently stored in. But what do you do with those tins once your mint supply runs out? It seems such a pity to just toss the empty tin, so put yours to good use with these 5 Quirky Uses!

  1. Wrap up your earbuds and store them inside the tin.
  2. Use your tin as a travel pill box.
  3. Store quarters for parking meters in the tin and leave it in your car.
  4. Use the tin to make a mini first aid or on the go sewing kit.
  5. Keep hair ties and bobby pins in the tin for quick, organized access.