Month: July 2013

The 5 Best iOS Apps for Writers


As someone who has an unnatural obsession with iOS devices, I have gone through my fair share of productivity apps, searching for the perfect combo that will allow me to maximize my iPad as an on the go writing solution. Since I now do a majority of my writing from an iPad, I have found that there are a few key apps that keep me productive and focused while I am working, which I can do practically anywhere thanks to the portability of my iPad. I do use a ClamCase Pro keyboard style case to turn my iPad into an ultrabook, which I have written about here. But these are the apps that help me get not only my writing done, but also plan, organize and research my writing topics.

1. Plaintext

When it comes to a perfect writing app for iOS devices, nothing hits the mark like PlainText. It’s simple interface combined with a few key features, such as document organization and word count, make it a word processing gem. As someone who has used countless word processors, I can safely say that PlainText is one of those apps that just gets out of the way and allows the user to write. A full screen mode helps keep you focused on your words without distraction. Since this is one of the view writing apps that is available in a free version, you can give it a whirl without risk, but once you try it, I suggest upgrading to the paid version for a few bucks to remove the ads for a more more immersive and clean writing experience.

2. Paper by 53

A major part of writing for me is processing my ideas and sketching out thoughts. Paper is one of the best sketching apps for creating idea lists and artwork to help you explore your creative side. You can organize your ideas into virtual Moleskine like journals where, like a real journal, you can get creative with handwritten notes, lists and drawings. Again, its free to try but it has a plethora of paid upgrades that you can pick and choose from to customize your own experience. I use it to make lists and outline rough ideas for articles and posts, but it can be used an nearly an infinite variety of ways.

3. DropBox

DropBox is one of those apps that is so useful you hardly remember your using it! It can help you sync DropBox enabled apps like PlainText, so that all your work is available to you on all your devices, or it can be used to transfer and backup your work. Use it to store PDFs and images for reference that can easily be moved from your computer to your iOS device without using valuable space on your portable devices. DropBox is a free app with a limited amount of space on a free subscription, but if you need more you can always upgrade and pay for additional space.

4. MindGenius for iPad

A great add on app that I find infinitely useful is MindGenius, which is basically a full featured mind mapping application for in depth concept development. Its not something that every writer will find necessary, but many will appreciate its simplicity and free price tag. If you are not someone who usually uses mind mapping software, I suggest giving this app a try and see if its something you would find useful for developing your ideas especially for longer pieces of writing.

5. NoteSuite

Every writer needs an app to help them organize their ideas and research. NoteSuite is a simple, low cost app with a variety of uses. Type or handwrite notes, create to do lists to organize article topics, clip webpages for research and reference, and annotate pdf’s and images all from one app. It works with a variety of document and image formats and syncs with DropBox, Google Drive and your Mac, so you can easily backup or move files between devices.

The 5 Types of People at an Apple Store Opening


The other week I attended my second Apple Store opening! I am not exactly sure why I love attending these so much, but my husband and I like to collect the free Apple Store shirts they hand out at the door. So, whenever a store opens up in our area, we have a little tradition going to attend the opening, usually video taping the experience (I know, we are that couple)! What’s interesting though, is that each time we attend an opening, we notice that there are always a specific set of people who are in line with us. In case you have never experienced an Apple opening for yourself, I thought I should share my (comical) thoughts on the five types of people in line.

The bragger: Like the name suggests, the bragger is constantly talking about the apple products they own or have owned while they are waiting in line. I’m not sure if this sort of event brings out a sense of nostalgia in these people or what, but you can always spot them with a small group of people surrounding them as they lament how its a pitty indeed that they already own one of everything in the store, because they would really love to make a purchase if only there was something they actually needed during this visit. Clearly, like most in line they are just here for the experience and the free t-shirt, but they don’t want to admit that, so they focus their efforts on trying to figure out something they could buy!

The late comer: The last comers are an interesting group because you’re never quite sure if they just heard about the event and decided to show up, or if they planned to show up late. These folks have arrived 10 minutes before the store’s opening and are bewildered at why they aren’t at the front of the line. Clearly, they have no concept of how an Apple Store opening works, or really understand that people show up hours in advance to line up!  Heck, they didn’t even know the mall opened that early! I secretly believe, however, that these types of people are actually the cleverest, because they do minimal waiting and still end up with a shirt. Seriously, who needs to waste 3 hours of their Saturday morning standing in line at a mall that isn’t even open just to get a shirt and be one of the first in the store?

The android user: These types of people always confuse me the most, not because I question why they are there, but because its always amazing how many of them there are in line. You are never exactly sure why they are there, and sometimes I think they can’t even answer that, but I am pretty convinced that they think it’s a game, denying a spot in line to a true apple fanboy or fangirl! You will usually hear them talking loudly about how androids phones are much better than iPhones and how PCs are far superior computers for gaming than Macs will ever be. Oh, and they will probably just sell the t-shirt on eBay! Such a waste!

The dedicated fanboy: These types are easiest to spot because they are carrying multiple apple products to the opening, including their iPad mini in a dedicated man purse and trying desperately to use more than one iOS device at a time. They are usually documenting their experience to a varying degree through pictures, videos or tweets, and wearing an Apple shirt from a previous event or some screen printed T with an obscure geek reference. You really can’t hate on these guys though because you know they have been planning this social outing for a while and really respect them for their dedication, although the android users are secretly mocking them!

The apple noob: This group includes mostly teenagers and some elderly folks who maybe own an iPhone or iPod? They  really have no clue about apple technology but OMG couldn’t miss this! They are either with their parents, who couldn’t tell you the difference between a iPad and an iMac, or with a group of friends that may or may not include an android user. They are also very loud and taking an obsessive amount of pictures with Apple employees to share via social media. They will most likely spend a few hours in the store trying to download illegal music or switching the default homepage of each computer to a soft core porn site or the desktop background to their current favorite meme. Sigh!

My Fave Five June 2013


Hello Everyone and Happy 4th of July to those of you in the U.S! Since today is a holiday for me, I didn’t have a post planned, so I wanted to share a video I uploaded on my YouTube channel today! It’s my monthly favorites for June 2013, aka my Fave Five! Hope you enjoy this video and the holiday!

xoxo Alexis

10 Summer Tech Tips

With July 4th right around the corner I thought it would be a great time to discuss some of my favorite Summer Tech Tips. Some of these tips you may already be familiar with, others, not so much, but I keep all of these tips in mind when it comes to the summer because tech, gadgets and the summer time all have a very precarious relationship. After all, no one wants water damage on their tablet or to drop their iPhone off a roller coaster! So, here are my 10 Summer Tech Tips to get you and your gadgets through the summer months!

1. Keep your earbuds safe by keeping them wrapped up in a dedicated cord organizer or in a small contact lens case.

2. Store your charging cables and extra wires in a hard clam shell eye glass or sun glass case for easy protection and organization in your summer tote!

3. Use a dedicated hand cream like my favorite Caudalie or JR Watkins hand creams to prevent smudging on your touch screen devices.

4. Give your devices a deep clean every now and again by using anti-bacterial wipes. I use Wet Ones, and I always may sure my device is turned off before I begin cleaning it and always avoid any openings in the device housing!

5. Use a waterproof bikini bag to store any tech gadgets like phones or tablets when you are going to the beach or too the pool.

6. Use dedicated dust plugs to close up any openings in your device while you are at the beach. After all, sand always finds its way into the most unexpected places!

7. Use a heavy duty case for your smartphone while out and about this summer. Some brands even make waterproof cases that are perfect for those hiking and white water rafting adventures!

8. If you plan to use your devices outdoors this summer, make sure to invest in an anti-glare screen protector for the best viewing on your smartphone or tablet.

9. Pack a backup battery for long days out of the house or away from outlets.

10. Make sure to password protect your devices and activate any device location services you have available. Summer is a heavy season for theft and you don’t want to loose your device to crooks or the casual opportunist!

I hope these tips have been helpful to you! Hope you guys have a great summer and make sure to keep your gadgets safe and sound!