Month: August 2013

How to Stand Out at Work: Mentor Others


With half of the work year behind us and mid year performance reviews to look forward to shortly, now is the perfect time to discuss how to stand out at work. Whether you are hoping for a raise or a promotion in the upcoming year, learning to stand out from your coworkers is an important step to bigger and better things in your professional life. How to Stand Out at Work will be a 5 week series where we discuss different ways to improve your image to set yourself up for success.

Mentor Others

Once you’ve gotten your feet wet within your organization, a great way to stand out to both your supervisors and to your peers is through mentoring. You may think that mentoring is something for upper level management or those who have been with your organization for a long time, however, it really is never too soon to start mentoring others and there are two ways you can do this.

First would be through informal mentoring where you find a colleague at work and “take them under your wing” so to speak. You can give them information and guidance; be that single point of contact that they know they can reach out to for help; or simply be their for them by lending them your ear every now and again. Informal mentorships are like a professional friendship that stays within work and are about developing trust between colleagues. Rank within the organization doesn’t matter soo much in this relationship because its informal so you can act as a mentor to older or more seasoned colleagues as long as you have something (knowledge, ability, time) that they need from you to make the relationship work.

The second type of mentorship would be a more formal relationship in which your supervisor and perhaps even HR know that you are actively mentoring an individual. In these scenario’s it is normal for the mentor to be someone of higher rank or experience in order to make the formal relationship a beneficial one to all parties involved. Some organizations encourage experienced employees to take on mentorships as a way to help develop their own career and assist in the development of others. Generally, as long as you are not the lowest member in your organization, you can actively mentor others.

Mentoring is one of those activities that shows your supervisors and upper level management that you are willing to share your time with others and pass on your knowledge and/or skills. Both formal and informal mentorships are a great way to stand out at work because they establish you as a peer resource. Your team and your boss will know that you are someone that others can go to for help and that makes you more valuable as an employee. Once your peers see that you have demonstrated the ability to assist others with problems or issues and give sound advice, more of them will begin to approach you with questions of their own. Be prepared for this as it is not feasible for you to act as a mentor to everyone who comes to you for help, but you also want to be sure you do not turn people away looking for help. This is one of those faucets thats hard to shut off, so try to be reasonable with expectations for yourself and others. If you don’t think you can help everyone, let them know kindly and as quickly as possible. The more your boss sees others coming to you for direction and assistance, the more you will be worth to your organization when it comes time for raises and promotions!

5 Ways to Style a Settee


On a recent trip to T.J. Maxx I picked up this beautiful high backed winged settee in a gorgeous heather grey fabric. Although I didn’t have a space for the settee in mind when I bought it (it was one of those, I have to own this no matter what moments) by the time I had gotten it home I had thought of a handful of different uses for it. In case you are not familiar with the term settee, it is an upholstered chair with a back and arms that seats more than one. A traditional settee is something of a love seat sofa, but not as deep as a traditional sofa, they are more of a double wide arm chair! Now, because a settee is relatively small there is really no room in a house that couldn’t fit one! I, however, have boiled it down to five simple and elegant ways to style a settee with a few images courtesy of Pinterest to help me make my point!

1. Style a settee as luxe piece of office furniture.

office settee

office chair settee

2. Style a settee as an entranceway statement piece.

foyer settee 2

foyer settee 3

3. Style a settee as a dining room table bench or booth seat.

dining room settee 3

dinning room settee 2

4. Style a settee as an elegant addition to the foot of a bed.

bedroom settee 2

bedroom settee

5. Style a settee as an upscale powder room seat.

bathroom settee 2

bathroom settee

So, you may be wondering, how then did I end up styling my settee? Well, after careful consideration I decided to do this!

IMG_1289Yep! My beautiful settee is now a bench seat for my dining table! I cannot be more thrilled about it! I have always been a fan of upholstered booth seating in the dining area and this was such a perfect fit for my apartment. I really like the way that the high back of the settee breaks up my great room into a clear living room and dining room area. Of course, the settee is all mine at the dining table and I have taken to bringing out my laptop and sitting at the dining table to write and surf the internet because I enjoy the piece so much!

I hope you enjoyed this post! As I said before the images I found came from Pinterest and you can find the exact links I used by heading over to my Pinterest page and taking a peak at my board called “Spaces.” There are even a few more examples that I pinned but did not use for this post in case you need some more ideas for how to style your settee!