
Hello everyone and happy May! Let me tell you how excited I am about this month. It is finally bright and sunny on the North East Coast of the U.S. and I’ve been enjoying the sunshine very much! Starbuck and I have been going on walks, I’ve been hitting the gym in preparation for my trip to Aruba and I’ve been getting some serious work done around Strange & Charmed! So let me catch you up on what is going on at Charmed HQ!

Lately, I have felt like I am making some wonderful progress on so many projects. I have officially launched the third workbook for Empire Building, on the topic of Community Building! The workbook came out so great, I’m so impressed with it myself and I know my Empire Builders are going to love it! It feels so great to have only two remaining workbooks left to publish, and once they are all out, I can’t wait to start on stage two of my master plan for Empire Building! I’ve also been inspired to start a few new series on both my blog and my YouTube channel that focus on educating bloggers and business owners. One of them is going to be a Photoshop course over on YouTube, and another is going to be a business resource guide here on the blog! I’m so excited to get started creating some great content to help my fellow bloggers, YouTubers and social media fanatics learn and grow! I’m also hoping that this month I can finish working on a special passion project of mine that I actually started last year around May, but ended up having to put on the back burner. Obviously, I will explain more as work progresses on that, but never the less, get excited because I’m seriously pumped about May!

Now, speaking of May, did you download my FREE May Planner Insert? If not, I will link it here so you can check it out! It’s adorable, if I say so myself, and it’s actually a list of 31 awesome seasonal things to do in May! Definitely check it out if you are a planner addict like me! Speaking of being a planner addict, I recently posted a video to my YouTube channel all about my Filofax collection. So, if you have been curious as to my planners, you may want to check that video out and meet my 14 (yes, I said 14!) planners!

Finally, I’m sure you are curious to know what Lisamarie and I are up to for the summer! You may have heard that we are going on vacation together to Aruba in June, and we are super excited about that! We will be vlogging it, and we have some awesome things planned for you guys in June to help get you involved with out vacation and such, so make sure you are following both of us on Instagram! We also have one more fun thing to share! On Wednesday May 6th at 9pm EST, Lisamarie and I will be doing our second Glampire Chat over on her channel! If you missed our last chat, I will link it here, but this time around we are discussing branding, so we hope you will attend the live chat, but you can also watch the reply on my channel if you can’t make it!

So, I think that about wraps up my news for May! Remember, schedule May 6th at 9pm EST in your planner so you can hang out with me and Lisamarie! Come with your questions and make sure to join us in using the hashtag #GlampireChat to celebrate our second event and send us questions! Can’t wait to see you on Wednesday!

