Month: June 2015

Mind Over Matter, Social Media Marketing Trends & Productivity Hacks You Need to Know!

June Links: Self-Improvement, Business & Productivity

Last month, the community reaction to my link roundup was so positive and supportive. Many of you really connected with the fact that I too struggle with my own productivity on a regular basis, as shocking and unbelievable as it may seem. I love talking about productivity and really consider myself a student of it, not because I believe I’m naturally inclined towards it, but rather because my instinct is the complete opposite. I tend to be very lazy, so over the years, in order to not only survive, but to flourish, I have built up a repertoire of life hacks, organization methods and productivity shortcuts to help me get more done in less time. If there is a quicker way to do something, I am all over it. Have a method to cut down on your number of tasks while still remaining a high performer, yes please, I’d love to know! To be honest, most of my knowledge of these sorts of things doesn’t really come from me, but rather, from books, magazines and articles I have read over the years, which is why I love sharing these sorts of link roundups with my community. On one hand, this gives you some insight into the sorts of articles I read on a regular basis, but on the other, it helps you to develop the positive habit of reading, self-improvement and continuing education. So, in an effort to share and help inspire my community, here is a selection of articles I read and think you may also find enlightening!




Have any other articles you read recently that you think I would love? Please tweet me the links @MissTrenchcoat or go ahead and leave them down below! 



July Dashboard {Free Printable}

July Dashboard Free Planner Printable

Who’s ready for another FREE planner printable?!? This month I decided to do something a little different with my planner freebie. I know I normally make a task list for the month with fun inspirational and seasonal to dos, but this month I have decided to shake things up and design a monthly dashboard. Although I know my task lists are fun, they have been getting a bit redundant and in an effort to make these printables as useful as possible for my entire community, I decided to change up the design.


Let me walk you through what this insert is all about! I really find it helpful to have a dashboard or one place where I can keep track of important monthly items. Whether those items are important dates I need to remember like birthdays and anniversaries, or my monthly goals or reading list, I know this dashboard will help you get that little extra edge of productivity that we all desperately need! As usual, these inserts are available in both A5 and personal size.

To download your own FREE copy of these inserts, click here to head on over to my shop where you can access the files!

If you do download these free inserts, please let me know about it by taking a picture and tagging me on Instagram with the hashtag #StrangeandCharmed so I can see how you are making use of these inserts in your own planners. I love seeing your pictures, and I can’t wait to like them and interact with you on IG! Make sure you’re following me @MissTrenchcoat!!



Be a Flamingo Tech Wallpapers

Be a Flamingo Tech Wallpaper

Can you believe we are half way through 2015 already? Half a year behind us, but a whole six more months for us to reach our goals for the year. As I have just come back from vacation in Aruba, I thought it would be awesome to spread the caribbean love with my community through these new tech wallpapers I put together. Of course, the original photography in the image is my own. This image was snapped on Flamingo Island, the private beach island that was part of the resort I stayed at in Aruba. The flamingos are something of an attraction and they pretty much just hang out on the island being fed by the tourists and conversing with the iguanas! What a life! Exotic creatures such as these remind us that the world is filled with beauty and color. There is no reason to go to great lengths to conform when you have a beautiful flamingo inside of you! Stop hiding your flamingo! That’s going to be my mantra for the next few months!

Here are the Be a Flamingo Wallpapers!

Be a Flamingo in a Flock of Pigeons Desktop Wallpaper
Desktop Background. Right click image to open in new page and save full resolution file.
Be a Flamingo in a flock of Pigeons iPad Wallpaper
iPad or Tablet Background. Right click image to open in new page and save full resolution file.
Be a Flamingo in a flock of Pigeons iPhone Wallpaper
iPhone or Smartphone Background. Right click image to open in new page and save full resolution file.

I sincerely hope you enjoy these new backgrounds and of course, I would love to see pictures of your devices sporting their new wallpapers for the season, so make sure to snap a pic to Instagram, use the hashtag #StrangeandCharmed and make sure to tag me, @MissTrenchcoat so I can like and comment on your photos! I can’t wait to see your devices all spruced up for summer!



3 Ways to Overcome Resistance & Start Getting Shit Done!

3 Ways to Overcome Resistance

I spent quite a few hours in the air last week traveling to and from Aruba on vacation, and so I decided to spend some of that travel time wisely by catching up on a few audiobooks I had downloaded from The book I was most anxious to listen to, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, was recommended to me on numerous occasions by a variety of mentors and so I decided it was time to check that one off my list. The audiobook wasn’t long, less than three hours in total, so I listened through to completion on a single flight. The book was by no means ground breaking, however, it was immediately evident to me why so many people had suggested it, because I myself have been living by and evangelizing about every message in this book for years! I honestly felt such a deep connection to the book as I sat there listening and internally applauding each sentence. The crux of the book was simple; in order to find success in the creative fields, you must learn to overcome the various types of resistance you are sure to face on a daily basis. You may think that the hard part of being creative revolves around the execution of it, but really, it’s the muddy waters of resistance that begin far before you get to work that are the true challenge. If you find that you get overwhelmed at just the thought of your work, or feel like your riding a rollercoaster of emotions that make creativity difficult for you to sustain, here are 3 ways to overcome resistance and start getting shit done in your life!

1. Turn Pro

Within the War of Art, Pressfield explains the difference between an amateur and a professional and why it is necessary for you to turn pro, even if you are taking on an endeavor as a #sidehustle. An amateur is someone who says they are doing something for the love of it, but really, this is a barrier that keeps the amateur from fully realizing their potential. A professional, on the other hand, takes their work seriously and knows that the success of their endeavor needs to be beyond the whims of passion or pleasure. An amateur can worry about failure and feel discouraged by it because they are working from a place of emotion, while a professional can rise above outcomes and work through failure until the point of ultimate success.

2. Understand the source of creativity

One of my favorite quotes from Marianne Williamson explains that “You are a faucet and God is the water,” and this concept is one that Pressfield explains within his book as the true source of creativity. Any great artist or creator knows that it is an impossible feat for one person to come up with an endless supply of creative ideas, and likewise, all great artists know that their ideas do not come from them, but instead are dictated to them from God. This phenomenon may seem very woo-woo, but it is one that I experience on a regular basis. When I submit my creativity over to God, magic happens. An outpouring of ideas flow through me like water and all I have to do is grab a pen and keep up!

3. Never give up

Another interesting phenomenon that is again, often chalked up to being outside the realm of possibility, is that your success often lies on the other side of great failure. Because of this, it is essential that you do not give up just because you have failed. Personally, I believe that when you give a whole-hearted and well organized effort, it is impossible to fail entirely, but failure is a part of success that a true creative artist must fully embrace. Everything is impossible until you do it, and although you may fail a hundred times on the way to success, the only way to cross the finish line is to keep going and refuse to give up.

This book wasn’t a long or difficult read, but it sure was powerful. If you feel like you could use a fire under your butt to get started or to work through a creative endeavor, definitely pick up this book and start applying its many lessons to your life! Let me know down in the comments if you have read this book or even if you face resistance in your own life and how you deal with it. I’d love to know your thoughts and strategies as well!



A Parisian Holiday for Your Office & Planner!

Parisian Holiday Collection Planner

Summer is such a wonderful time to travel and I personally can’t think of a place I would rather travel to right now than Paris! As they say, “Paris is always a good idea!” So, to bring you a little “What’s In My Bag” style travel inspiration, I have designed an entire collection of planner and office decor printables with a little Parisian flare. My Parisian Holiday Collection consists of 4 Printable Wall Art designs, a printable sticker set with 8 unique designs and a set of four journaling cards! All designs are original vector artwork you won’t find anywhere else, including some highly requested makeup and planner favorites.

Parisian Holiday Prints

For my Parisian inspired wall art, I decided to do things a little differently with this collection. My 4 wall art designs are really meant to be used together, so instead of selling them individually for $12 each, I decided to bundle the 4 designs for $26! Print them in their full size of 8” x 10” or at half or quarter sizes through Adobe reader and hang them together as a full set in your home or office for some beautiful seasonal travel inspiration! Hint: these home decor prints would also look amazing in a walk in closet, bedroom or even your bathroom!

Parisian Holiday Sticker Set

Looking to liven up your scrapbook or planner for summer with some awesome printable decoration items? You will love my sticker and coordinating journaling card designs. As I said, this Parisian Holiday Collection is inspired by “What’s In My Bag” style photos and videos and includes my favorite seasonal items from makeup to purses, and perfume to planners, as though I am packing up for my own Parisian getaway! You are going to love decorating your planner for summer with these awesome printables! Hint: these designs aren’t just for Francophiles, but fashionista’s and beauty gurus alike!

If you’d love a Parisian Holiday as much as me, I’d love it if you checked out the collection and let me know your thoughts! Click here to hop on over to my Shop to view the collection! I can’t wait to see your Instagram pictures featuring these awesome printable planner and office goodies so make sure to snap a pic and to use the hashtag #strangeandcharmed so I can like and comment on your photos!



Things You Need To Do This Summer

Take advantage of long summer days with this To Do List!

It’s now officially summer in the northern hemisphere and we have a good two to three months of long days and sunny weather ahead of us. While many people, myself included, traditionally use this time to rest, relax and have fun, I feel like these longer days can be packed with much more than just time at the pool. Here are five things that I think you need to do this summer to really make the most of the season and to look back at it and think of it as a very productive time, instead of as an endless string of lazy days!

1. Read more substantial novels

As cliche as it sounds, summer really is a great time to do some reading at your own leisure. As much as you may want to pick up the latest click lit or YA fiction to enjoy by the pool, I really encourage you to incorporate some more substantial literature into your summer reading list. Most people are under the impression that all reading is equal, so if you read a romance novel or Moby Dick you are getting the same benefit from reading. This is not true. Studies show that lighter literature actually has the same effect on your brain as watching television for the same period of time. Your brain isn’t actually expanding with everything you read, so you need to pick reading material that will challenge your thought, grow your vocabulary, and expose you to new ideas. If you would like some recommendations, here are a few I love.

2. Learn something new

If you are like me, summer represents a time in your life where you have less obligations and more freedom. Although I graduated college close to a decade ago, I still see summer as my vacation time and I would venture to guess that goes for many people. The thing is, while most people are spending their summer on frivolity and fun, I think this is a great time to get a jump on the competition so to speak and pick up a new skill or learn about a topic that may help you advance personally and professionally. On my to do list this summer I have a few technical skills I want to master and areas I want to learn more about in terms of helping me run my business. Choose an area of your life that would benefit from some additional education and find a research online to help you learn. We all have that nagging list filed in the back of our minds with skills or knowledge we wish we had, so pick a topic from your list and get started making progress. If this topic of continuing education speaks to you, I suggest starting here.

3. Start your #sidehustle

Most people could really use an extra income, even if it’s just a small part time income from doing something we love. If you have been thinking of a business idea but dragging your feet on getting started, now is the time to act! Hammer out your idea, source your materials or any tools you may need to get you started, and scour the internet for information and ideas for marketing your business. I have a whole YouTube video dedicated to How to Start an Online Shop if you are looking to sell physical or digital goods so I highly suggest that video as a free resource. Of course, if you want to get started but need the motivation of a coach to keep you on track you can always join my Empire Building Program and get access to my workbooks and coaching. I’ve even recently added a new Shop Review option to Empire Building where you can get a live one time 1-hour call with me to review your business idea, online shop or work through any issues you are facing. There is nothing stopping you from making this summer a profitable one and perhaps the start to a really awesome business venture!

4. Have meaningful discussions

Many people I encounter online have something very major in common. They are all searching for real meaningful connections online that they aren’t getting in their lives. I truly believe that finding a friend or small group of friends that share you belief’s and values can be an incredibly uplifting experience, but how do you know when you have found true friends? The clues are always in the conversation. If you can have long, meaningful discussions with another human being you know you have found a true friend. While you are making plans with your friends this summer, make sure you aren’t just having adventure but that you are also connecting on a deeper level, sharing knowledge and experience for mutual benefit. It doesn’t matter if you are having these conversations with your best friend and neighbor or if you are chatting with like minded individuals in Facebook interest groups, just get yourself out there, find someone to talk to and make a meaningful connection.

5. Organize an area of your life

We all have an area of areas of our lives that desperately need order and this is the perfect time of year to establish that order. Whether your closet is a mess or your social life could use a revamp, think of this like a project that you can tackle over the next few days, weeks or months. First, decide what area of your life needs the change. Is it a physical issue of organization like a room in your home or your office space or is it an abstract area like your career that you want to get organized? Next, define the problem and write out your end goals for your organization project. Why have you chosen this area to organize and what do you want this area of your life to look like once your project is complete? Finally, list out all known action steps and start cracking away at the issue bit by bit. Don’t feel like you need to enact massive change overnight, just make yourself a nice long to do list for this project and set a goal for yourself to do one thing everyday. Somedays you may do more than one and some days this project may fall off your priorities list, but make sure you are taking steps at least on a weekly basis. Remember, if you fall off the wagon with this project, go back to the problem you defined and your goals to inspire you and keep you motivated. If you need more guidance on project planning, this resource can help you get started with your life organization project or anything else you’re working on!

Which of these tasks are you excited to tackle this summer? Let me know in the comments!



My Productivity Playlist #10 {#SUMMERINTHEGLAMPIRE}

Start your summer with this playlist!

Are you ready for summer? I definitely am! As you read this, I am most likely on a tropical beach in Aruba enjoying the sun, fruity cocktails and flamingos for my #GLAMPIREGETAWAY. You don’t have to be jealous because if you are in need of a tropical vacation, no matter where you are, you can always tag along with me via Instagram and that custom hashtag that we are using for our photos. I hope you all have fun following along with my travels and I’ll be sure to be liking and commenting on your photos for the #SUMMERINTHEGLAMPIRE photo challenge that is going on this month. If you missed the start of the challenge, don’t fret, just refer back to this post and get started so we can share some inspirational summertime pics with each other!

Now, on to the playlist! This month I’ve chosen a selection of songs that for one reason or another remind me of summer or a beach vacation. Now, I know there are plenty more summer themed songs out there, and trust me, those will also be featured in future productivity playlist posts for the rest of the summer. For now, I wanted to create a playlist for my vacation. I don’t know what it is about the idea of vacationing in Aruba, but it makes me think of the Rat Pack and swanky 60s getaways! Bring on the oversized sunglasses, floppy hats and silk scarves because I am ready for my #GLAMPIREGETAWAY!

Here’s a rundown of the playlist, but of course, you can listen right now for free via Spotify:

  1. Hot Child in the City | Nick Gilder
  2. Summertime | Billie Holiday
  3. The Girl from Ipanema | Amy Winehouse
  4. Happy | Pharrell Williams
  5. From the Morning | Nick Drake
  6. Summertime Sadness | Lana Del Rey
  7. Ring of Fire | Johnny Cash
  8. Nature Boy | Nat King Cole
  9. Come Fly with Me | Frank Sinatra
  10. Kokomo | The Beach Boys

So, what quintessential summer tunes did I miss on this playlist that you would like to see on the next? Leave me a comment down below!



Office Oasis {June 2015}

Hit the road this summer with these portable office favorites!

Are you ready to take your office on the road with you this summer? I know that working outside or at least on the go, tops my list of ways to enjoy the warmer months. If you have been following me on social media, you already know that I am currently on my way to Aruba for a summer beach vacation . Yes, in a few short hours from now, I will have my feet planted firmly in the sand, cocktail in hand and laptop by my side. Of course, there is no better way for a #BLOGBOSS to work when traveling, especially since this one happens to be a solopreneur and needs to make sure the lights stay on, even when I am on holiday. So, for this installment of Office Oasis, I want to share with you some great options for taking your work with you. That may mean getting some work done during your summer vacation or it may mean checking your email by the pool, but either way, if you need to work while you are out and about this summer, these accessories will help you get it all done in style when you are out of office!

1. Water Resistant Speaker: If you are working by the beach or by the pool and want to keep your productivity playlist going, this is the perfect option for you. Portable speakers are awesome, but this one actually helps protect your tech from water, while keeping those jams on shuffle!

2. Smartphone Charger: Well my iPhone may have gotten bigger, but I can’t say I’m getting that much more battery life from the thing. Since I count on my phone for nearly everything, it’s important to keep a portable charger in my bag. Great for those early mornings and late nights!

3. Hardshell Laptop Case: I love keeping my Macbook Air in a hardshell type case when I am traveling to protect it from any extra bumps or bruises it may encounter on the road. This Moroccan inspired quatrefoil print case screams summertime especially in this lovely pool hue, but it comes in other fun colors as well!

4. Neutral Summer Carry All: I love a neutral bag for summer and this Kahki colored structured tote from Rebecca Minkoff is the perfect carry all for your laptop, accessories, makeup bag and even a file or two. Although you may be conducting business at the beach, there is no reason that you need to look like it and a tote like this is the perfect blend of work and play!

5. Adorable Summer Inspired Tech Accessories: Since you will be out and about this summer, you’ll certainly want to keep an eye on your steps. I love this double wrap bracelet designed by Tory Burch for the Fitbit Flex. It comes in a few perfect-for-summer colors and makes a great accessory!

I hope you make the most of your summer travels by taking advantage of any out of office work arrangements you can make and creating your own on the go office. I hope these items gave you some tips and things to think about while you are working and playing this summer! I’d love to see your summer office setup, whether that’s in an actual office or out and about. Please tag me in your photos on Instagram with the hashtag #strangeandcharmed so I can like them!



#InspirationMBA: How to Build the Business and Life of Your Dreams

#InspirationMBA Lesson One: How to Build the Business and Life of Your Dreams

Does this sound like you? You are a highly motivated person with lots of passions and interests. You are working a job, or have worked a series of jobs where you perhaps learned a lot but weren’t interested in the career path in front of you. You want more for yourself and you know you deserve and are capable of more. So many of you have expressed to me how much you want to bring change to your life and take control of your destiny, so you turn to me day after day for fresh information and inspiration for your journey. As a natural born teacher and a constant student myself, I love sharing my knowledge with you in the hopes that I can help you make your life better. Although I provide you many ongoing resources both through my own products and content as well as the content and products of others, I know most of you don’t have the luxury of time that I have to spend on continuing your education, so helping you make the most of your time is important to me. A few weeks ago I hinted that I wanted to start a new series on my blog but had been waiting for the right moment so that I could give this series the time and attention it deserves. Today, I am very pleased to announce that this is the first installment in an ongoing series I am featuring on my blog called #InspirationMBA!

#InspirationMBA will be a monthly post on the blog where I will take a single piece of highly valuable content from around the web and break it down into something of a lesson plan, outlining why I think the content is important and what you will learn from it. Like I said earlier, I know you don’t have all the time in the world to learn all the ins and outs of business and productivity, so I want to make it easier for you to learn by identifying the best content that you can act upon immediately. So many people just don’t have the time or the money to spend on additional education, but I hope that this series helps you to open your mind and continue your own education through self study guided by me.

Lesson #1: Marie Forleo on Building a Business and Life of Your Dreams with Lewis Howes

I absolutely adore both Marie Forleo and Lewis Howes. Both are inspirational entrepreneurs, mentors and educators who work to help people realize their dreams. For our first lesson, I have chosen a YouTube interview between the two that I believe lays a great foundation for the #InspirationMBA course! This video is nearly an hour long, but it’s packed with some great principles for those starting out as well as some interesting tidbits from Marie’s life and mind.

What You Will Learn

• The steps you can take to figure out what you are truly passionate about so you can get started doing what you love and make a living from it.

Hint: You need to start doing new things that interest you if you want your life to change!

• The mindset shifts that are necessary for you to make major changes in your life that don’t come overnight.

Hint: Success is all about your attitude.

How Marie expressed her truth and lived the life she wanted to live, even though she knew it would take her longer to build her business.

Hint: Follow your passions in the here and now.

The importance of mastering the necessary skills of your current job and situation even if you have bigger and better dreams.

Hint: You need to show up in order to maximize opportunities.

The powerful role gratitude plays in our lives.

Hint: Keep your attitude in check.

The daily routine of a highly successful entrepreneur.

Hint: The importance of the almighty to-do list.

How to get started changing the daily habits that keep you down so you can make room for habits that matter.

Hint: You need to acknowledge the issues so you can change them.

The role coaches and mentors can play in your success.

Hint: Having positive role models and mentors active in your life will help keep you accountable and positive.

The mindset that has an unexpected positive result on your own success.

Hint: Giving breaks through the scarcity money mindset.

• The top things that are necessary to have a successful business online.

Hint: Consistency is one part of the puzzle.

So there it is, lesson 1 of my #InspirationMBA series! I sincerely hope you have enjoyed this content and that you are eager to follow up with this series. I am really doing this to help you as a valued member of my community so any feedback you have on this new venture would be appreciated. If you plan to take part in the #InspirationMBA I would love it if you shared pictures of your desk set up as you are learning at home or on the go through this series. Feel free to use the tag #InspirationMBA and connect with others within this community who are taking this journey with you!



8 Smart Business Podcasts Your Ears are Missing!


Podcasts are definitely one of the not-so-secret weapons in my entrepreneurship arsenal. Since I work from home and have no coworkers, I find podcasts are a great way to keep me motivated through my day of little to no human interaction, while also staying entertained and informed. Podcasts are also a means of continuing education for me, like audiobooks, so I like to listen to business podcasts as regularly as possible. I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned about marketing, strategy and business management just from listening to podcasts, they really are a great way to keep your mind engaged in your business and to pick up new tips and tricks from successful business owners. Here are 8 great choices if you are looking for a new business podcast to add to your life!

Fearless Launching with Anne Samoilov

Anne Samoilov happens to be a personal friend of mine- how lucky am I? She’s an awesome business coach, a knowledgeable launch manager and an intelligent entrepreneur. Anne happens to be one of the few female podcasters out there talking about business strategy as well as keeping your busy life organized as a mompreneur, so give her a listen and if you want, you can even start with her episode interviewing me!

Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn is hands down my #1 business inspiration. So much of my business is modeled off of his lead of creating a “Smart Passive Income”. You may think that sounds too good to be true, but I am living proof that passive incomes are real and any online entrepreneur can make use of these effortless streams of income. Check out Pat for inspiration and insight into his business, as well as interviews with notable guests!

Elise Gets Crafty

Notable blogging business owner, Elise Blaha Cripe started her online empire from her love of scrapbooking and much in the vein of my own business, was able to turn her passions into a full time career. Although my business isn’t crafting related like hers, I personally connect to Elise because we are online business owners of about the same age who seem to be adding value to their communities in similar ways. In her podcast, Elise shares a lot of insight and almost insider type information into the realm of creative and crafting businesses, and is very willing to share what she knows and what she’s learned, which is something I too am very passionate about!

The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes

The School of Greatness podcast focuses less on business and more so on success, which is what we all want for our businesses. Former Pro Athlete Lewis Howes is one part life-coach and one-part entrepreneur mentor in his podcast, so if you are looking for information sprinkled with a heavy dose of inspiration, this may be just the choice for you!

Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

If you are familiar with Marie Forleo, you may already be acquainted with Amy Porterfield, a B-School Alum with online marketing superpowers. I enjoy Amy because she is truly an original thinker, and constantly breaks the molds of traditional marketing strategies. If you like marketing or want to learn how to leverage marketing insights for your own business, this is required listening!

The Fizzle Show: Blogging, Entrepreneurship & Self Employment

If you are reading the titles of these podcasts and thinking business podcasts may be a snoozefest, the Fizzle Show is going to knock some sense into you with their entertaining and intelligent style. This isn’t your average business podcast, it’s more of a super informative radio show that you are sure to love if you avoid bland or heavy business podcasts.

She Podcasts

As the title suggests, She Podcasts is another great selection created by a pair of savvy female entrepreneurs. If you haven’t noticed, women are a bit underrepresented in the online business podcasting community and these ladies aren’t shy about hitting the issues and making up for some of that gap! I love that these ladies also enjoy sharing their insights into podcasting, so if you are a savvy female entrepreneur or want to get started with podcasting, this one is for you!

I Love Marketing

Well the name says it all, doesn’t it? In case you missed it, last week was the #GLAMPIRECHAT that focused on Marketing, which I think is something of a hot topic right about now. Marketing is always a hot business topic and for good reason, so if you are starting a small business and really want to get a grasp on the concept of marketing, make sure you check this one out as well. The hosts are uber smart and it’s like you’re sitting through a riveting business school lesson in each episode!

I hope these podcasts give you some inspiration for how you can be spending your time productively during work and also help to bring some key insight and inspiration into your business. I’d love to know if you check out any of these podcasts, so please send me a picture via Instagram of you enjoying these podcasts while you work!

