Month: February 2016

{Picture Perfect} How to take Great Styled Photos for your Blog or Instagram?

Tips for a styled photoshoot

One of the questions I get asked most frequently is about how I get that perfect styled shot for my blog and Instagram photos. The truth is, there is nothing glamorous or specifically hi-tech about how I achieve these shots, it’s a few low budget items, a nice camera and a whole lot of practice! While their isn’t much that really goes into shots like these, they are hands down my favorite photos to take because I love the challenge of setting up a styled shot that is inspired and lovely. I know it may sound silly, but I take these shots for myself more so than I do for anyone else. You wouldn’t believe how inspiring these shots are for me personally, they are like my personal art form for expressing myself and a lot of thought and curation goes into each shot I take. So, if you would like to know my tips for taking the best styled shots, here you go!

White foam board: One of my biggest tips for taking that perfect styled shot is to use white foam board to shoot on and also as a reflector for the light in your image. When you shoot on a flat white surface such as foam board, the colors and objects in your photos always stand out and look super clear! I like to use one piece of foam board to style my items on and another piece of foam board to bounce the light onto the scene. It helps to get that clean crisp look without any hot spots of light since I don’t let my light source fall directly onto the scene.

Studio lights: I always shoot my styled shots with my studio lights. Usually just one from my set will do the trick. Because I want my shots to look as clean as possible, I find that my studio lights are the best way to achieve the whitest whites and the truest colors for my images. The studio lights I use are seriously nothing fancy, the whole set was relatively inexpensive and easy to store away, here is a link if you’re interested in checking them out for yourself.

A high quality camera: I shoot all of my styled shots with my Canon EOS Rebel T5i and my 50mm 1.8 lens. I find this combo works great and produces the best shots. When taking aerial shots such as the ones pictured above, I tend to set my aperture to 2-2.8 and place the focus on an object in the center of the scene. That way any items that are closer to the foreground, like flowers in a vase, get that lovely blur, but all the objects laid out remain in focus!


Another question I get asked a lot is how I get the screens of my gadgets to look so bright in the photos I take, and the answer to this is simple, I don’t! Whenever you see an image of mine that has a gadget screen visible, I have taken that shot with the gadget turned off, taken a screen shot that I want to use from the gadget in question and superimpose the image onto the photo in post processing via Photoshop! It’s nearly impossible to achieve that sort of look in a real photo because you can either expose the lighting for the overall image or expose for the gadget screen, but you can’t do both, so I find this method is the simplest and creates the best photo over all.

So, now that you know my secrets to great styled photo’s, I can’t wait to see what you all come up with! Make sure to tag me in your Instagram photos @MissTrenchcoat so I can check them out and of course leave you a like and comment! Feel free to leave me your photo questions as well in the comments and I may answer your question in a future post!



This post originally appeared on Strange & Charmed on April 9th, 2015 and is being reposted as a Throwback Thursday where I select high value content you might have missed, and share it for any new members of my community! I hope you enjoy this feature!

How I Style & Edit My Photos for Instagram


How I Style & Edit My Photos for Instagram

Last week, I hit 20,000 followers on Instagram! Thank you all so much for your support and interest in my work. I love that you get as excited as I do about my images because I do truly enjoy photography and there is nothing more fulfilling to me than to help others advance their skills as well, so today I just wanted to take some time to share a video I made last year on the subject of how I style and edit my photo’s for Instagram. If you are looking to replicate my IG success, I suggest checking out this video and keep an eye out on my blog this month because I am going to be sharing some content to help you use photography to advance your brand or business online.

Click here to check out the video in case you missed it, or if you just need a refresher!

There is one other little thing I wanted to let you all in on as well! I will be hosting a special webinar on Sunday February 21st titled “The 5 Photographic Marketing Assets You NEED to Build a Cohesive Brand Online!” If you are interested in building your brand or business online, this webinar is going to teach you about the images you need to make it happen for yourself and provide some examples and strategy that you will want to implement asap! If you are interested, please sign up for the webinar here! 

Can’t wait to see you all on the LIVE webinar on the 21st!



How to Prep Your Business for a Vacation

how to prep your business for vacation

How to Prep Your Business for a Vacation

As a solo entrepreneur, everything rests squarely on your shoulders. It’s a lot of pressure to manage on a day to day basis, but that pressure exacerbates whenever we take time out from work. I know how important it is to take a vacation every now and then as a business owner- mostly from my own lack of vacation time. Self-care is ridiculously important to help you keep in tip-top shape to face the challenges that each day brings, and vacation time, too, is a requirement to help you relax and recharge your batteries. But, how do you prepare for taking the necessary time away from your business when you are the business? This is a question I’ve been forced to ponder since I have booked my first week long vacation since my business began to take off, and this is what I’ve come up with after taking a look around to see how the best solo entrepreneurs and small businesses manage prepare.

1. Communicate your absence: If you work for yourself, by yourself, the first step to preparing for your much needed vacation is to communicate your time off to your customers. If you have clients, you will want to give them notice of your time off and make sure that you are able to properly schedule your work for them around this time period. If you run a shop, you will want to consider letting your customers know via a newsletter and then post a site-wide notice that let’s people know when you will be away and how that will affect order fulfillment. Whatever you do, just don’t say nothing! Customers are incredibly understanding when they have notice that there is going to be a change in routine, so let them know as soon as you can!

2. Create your vacation protocol: Depending on the type of business you run, you may be able to manage some items of your business while you are away. For example, perhaps you run a digital shop like I do, then your shop doesn’t need to close while you are on vacation, you just won’t be able to respond as quickly to customer service emails. Set the protocol for what is going to happen while you’re away. Will you respond to emails while you are away or will you be some place where you don’t have reliable internet? This will need to be communicated to your customers. Do you have stock that can be sold while you are away, but you just won’t be able to fulfill orders until you return? That should also be decided and communicated. It’s very hard as a solopreneur to step fully away from your business and if you feel like you would still like to be tethered in some way, make that decision and set your protocol. Perhaps you will respond to emails while you are away but not be able to troubleshoot issues or play tech support. Whatever you decide is fine as long as you define it and communicate it before you leave!

3. Pack only what you need to take: Once you have defined your protocol and communicated your absence and plan for managing the business while away, you will want to make sure you pack the specific items you will need, no more, no less. For example, if you know you will have internet access and might want to send emails, bring your smartphone to limit the amounts of emails you will send. If you know you will need to play tech support while you are gone, bring your laptop. Don’t bring more than what you need, “just in case” because you will most likely put yourself in a situation where you end up working more than you need to.

4. Pre-schedule content as needed: If your business revolves around content, you may want to take some time before you leave to pre-schedule some content for the time you will be away. Write your blog posts (or find a guest poster- even better!), take your Instagram pics, and schedule your tweets or Facebook updates as needed. Apps like Hootsuite or Buffer allow you to schedule your content out across multiple platforms so you can ensure promotions are running smoothly while you are away.

5. Close up the office: The final way you can prepare yourself for vacation mode, is to close of your office before you leave! What I mean by this is to make sure your office space, whether its a desk in your bedroom, a home office or even a rented office space, is cleaned up, everything is put away and your equipment is shut down. A simple act like this can go a long way to help your mind turn off from work and turn onto vacation mode!

I hope these tips help you prepare your business for your next vacation! There is one more thing I wanted to mention to you all since I have received some questions about it. I am going on vacation in a few weeks to Disney World in Orlando Florida, and it has been brought to my attention that some of you are in the area and may want to do a meet up with me. If you are in the Orlando area and would like to see if we can make this happen, send me an email and let me know! Can’t wait to hear from you!

