Are you ready to start your own online business?

Are You Ready to Start Your Online Business?

Over the last two years, I have coached, advised and cheered on dozens of women who were focused and ready to take on the challenge of creating their own online business. Some of these women were stay at home mothers who wanted to start a business to supplement their household income and help ease the burden on their significant other. Some of these women were employed in jobs that didn’t satisfy them but knew if they could work 9-5 for someone else, they could put those same skills to work for their own business. Some of these women were fresh out of school or unemployed and wanted to create their own opportunity instead of waiting to be selected from a list of candidates for a job! These women went on to start businesses hand making crafts, becoming coaches, virtual assistants, championing non-profits, and writing blogs and books of their own!

Each and every woman I have worked with has had a unique story and has taken a unique path to creating their own dream job, but they all had one thing in common. They knew that they were ready to act. They knew it was time to take control of their own destinies, and they knew that they couldn’t sit by and let things be for another day, another month or another year. The truth is, there is no right time to start a business. The process will shake up your life in ways you could never expect, so if you know it’s what you want to do, you can’t spend anymore time waiting. Time only makes it harder to succeed!


Are you ready to start your online business?

For some of you, their is no doubt in your mind that the time is NOW to act and get started. If that is you, I highly encourage you to stop reading this, and CLICK HERE right now to get yourself signed up for an informative Free Training I have that will help you get a quick and focused start to your progress!

The 5 Pillar System to Building a Successful Online Business

But, if you aren’t sure, if you still have questions and don’t know if you are ready to start your own business, I have a few more insights to share with you!

How to know if you are ready to start your own business?

Since the truth of the matter is there is no right time to start your own business, similarly, their is no precise way to tell if you were meant to start one, however, after running my own business full time for the last two years and spending another six years working on my business as a side hustle before that, I have learned some important truths about running an online business that are key to understanding if the process is right for you.

1. You feel a passion inside.

This is a big one! The best indicator that you are ready to start your own business is that you feel a burning passion inside to do so. For different people, this passion can manifest in different ways. For example, if you find that you are unsatisfied with your work and spend your off time working on projects of your own, projects that you do for free but you know people would pay for, you have a passion inside of you! If you see other people starting businesses, selling products and offering services and you always say to yourself “I could do that,” you have a passion inside of you! If you spend your time reading other peoples blogs and following entrepreneurs online, secretly wishing that you could be like them, you have a passion inside of you. If you have been thinking about starting your own business, getting the urge every now and again and doing some research here and there still wondering if you should start, guess what? You have a passion inside of you! A passion for entrepreneurship does not mean you wake up everyday at 6am ready to start your day and conquer the world. I know sometimes entrepreneurs can make it seem like that, but it isn’t realistic for everyone. So, if you relate to any of those examples I gave, I think their is a good chance you have a passion that is untapped inside of you, ready to be acknowledged!

2. You are willing to put in the work with no guarantee of success.

Now, once you identify the passion you feel inside, the next thing you need to understand to ensure you are ready to start your own business is the fact that nothing is guaranteed. When you first get started creating your own business, you will need to do a lot of work, put in a lot of hours and do tons of research before their is ever a glimmer of even a penny! You know how they say “the only things guaranteed in life are death and taxes” well in entrepreneurship “the only things guaranteed in business are long hours and lots of obstacles.” You need to make peace with this fact upfront and feel comfortable with the fact that you may work long and hard for days, weeks, months and maybe even years, failing left and right until you find the path through to a business that is profitable.

3. You are willing to commit and make the necessary sacrifices.

The final way to know you are ready to start your own business is that you are comfortable committing to the process and making the necessary sacrifices to see your vision through to reality. One of the major mistakes I see entrepreneurs make when they decide they want to start a business is that they fail to fully commit to their idea. They get started, do some hard work up front and then when they don’t see the return on their time investment immediately or they encounter an unexpected obstacle, they doubt the process and slow down. They start to question the process, they panic and they change the plan which ultimately causes them to fall completely off course. In business, you hear people talk a lot about having a plan and creating a roadmap to success. Once you have a solid plan, the worst thing you can do is fail to commit to it, so its important to understand before you start a business that you need to commit to the process, even if that means you need to make sacrifices to stay on course once you have begun.

So, if you have made it this far and you haven’t been scared away from what I’ve shared already, you may really have what it takes to start your own business! If you are curious to learn more about getting started, I want to invite you to sign up for a FreeTraining webinar I am hosting where I share my 5 Pillar System to Building a Successful Online Business! Click here to get details on the upcoming event. I do hope to see you there and help you get a jump start on creating your own business online! After a combined 8 years working on my own business, I have a lot of advice to share and actionable content that you will want to get started on to save you precious time and energy on your own entrepreneurship journey! See you soon!

