Month: December 2016

Entrepreneurial: Entrepreneurship is the New Black


Entrepreneurial: Entrepreneurship is the New Black

Three hundred and sixty four days. That is how long it has been since 2016 began, and with just two days left in this 366 day leap year, there is so much for me to look back on over my life and business, but even more for me to look forward to. I’ve spent the last few weeks of this year collecting data, analyzing results, and getting in touch with myself to process what I’ve accomplished and get crystal clear on my vision for 2017. So for this final installment of Entrepreneurial for 2016, I want to recap the big picture items of 2016 and what I want going forward in 2017!

In 2016 I:

1. Worked Smarter, Not Harder: This year, I really made progress embodying the philosophy of work smarter, not harder. I can say without a doubt that this year I hustled less, managed my time better, accomplished my work more productively and saw better results. Despite creating just three new products over the course of the year, producing less video content, spending less time on social media, and taking a hiatus over the summer, my business still grew! I accomplished much streamlining my business in 2016 but I still have more work to do!

2. Bought a Home: The biggest event of the year for my husband and I was definitely the purchase of our home. It represents a lot for us as a couple, but also gives us a new foundation to build our lives and even my business upon. Purchasing a home is a big life milestone, one we sacrificed towards for the past few years. We know we were in an a perfect situation to buy that most couples our age aren’t in, as we have no school loans or other personal debt between us, but we are also very smart with our money and made what we hope will end up being a great investment in our future.

3. Grew into myself as a woman and an entrepreneur: When I turned 30 this year, I started seeing myself in a completely new light. I’ve always been confident and mature for my age, but this year I began to see myself less as a girl and more as a woman. I started to own myself, who I am, and what I want, and wasn’t as hesitant doing for myself and giving to myself the things I wanted and needed. Throughout this year, I’ve gained new insight into my business, let go of certain expectations holding me back, and consciously made the decision to put myself first so that I am in a position to help lift others up.

In 2017 I will:

1. Continue to put myself first: With the impact I want to make, it’s crucial that I put myself first to prevent a situation of overwhelm or stagnation. To do this in the future, I will continue to set boundaries that will protect my time and energy from being drained and establish routines to ensure I am reenergizing my mind and body for maximum output!

2. Positively impact more lives: 2016 gave me a real glimpse into the impact my work and business has had on the lives of members of my community and in 2017 I am setting more aggressive goals to serve and teach as many of my community members as possible.

3. Fail Better: I don’t fail enough, this was a fact I came to recognize this year. While not failing may seem like a good thing, I actually think it’s pretty shameful. If I am not failing, that means I am not pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. It means I’m not taking risks with my ideas, and it means that I’m not truly growing. I acknowledge that I play it safe with my ideas, especially with my content and business, because I’m afraid that pushing the envelope may push people away from my brand, but I think I need to just let go of this fear and try to accomplish some ambitious goals with the intent to make them so big or scary for me that my expectation would be failure. If I fail, then clearly I hit the mark! But if I don’t fail, and I don’t hit the mark, it means that achieved something great. I want to try this in 2017, and consolidate my time as much as possible with the everyday minutiae of my business so I can devote significant time and energy towards this.

I hope you have enjoyed this post and the Entrepreneurial Series in 2016! If you want to look back at more installments throughout the months, click here. I also want to know how your year went for your business and what your big picture goals are for next year. Please let me know down in the comments!



10 Things to Do Before the New Year!

2016 this is your year

10 Things to Do Before the New Year!

With a new year ahead of us I have been giving a lot of thought to creating a clean slate for 2017. Although January 1st is an arbitrary day, dates of significance like these can be powerful markers to help us find a fresh start and progress with the goals we have for our lives. Here are ten things I am going to do before the new year to ensure I start 2017 off with my life and mind in the right place.

1. Unsubscribe from email lists that you no longer want to receive.

I frequently sign up for newsletters from my favorite shops and influencers but from time to time I find that instead of reading the emails I receive, I end up hitting delete automatically. Once I reach that critical turning point, I know it’s time to remove myself from the list. Email is a significant form of clutter in our lives, and even though it’s not something we see per se, it’s definitely an element of disorganization that we feel. Remove that weight from your shoulders and take some time to go ahead and remove yourself from any email subscription that no longer serves you!

2. Set up your planner.

It shouldn’t surprise you that this is my favorite way to start a clean slate! I’ve already set up my planner and organization systems for 2017, so if you are looking for inspiration head on over to this video and take a look at the tools I’m using and how I plan to stay organized in the new year.

3. Define your goals.

Goal setting is an important part of my productivity process and it’s a practice that I like to engage in whenever I am starting a new chapter in my life. I am such a fan of goal setting, in fact, that I wrote a whole workbook on the topic called You Got This! If you need help setting your goals for the new year, I’d highly suggest purchasing it in my shop. Of course it’s a digital PDF so you can buy it and start reading asap. I’ve already had so many positive reviews of the book from people who wanted to get their goals organized, so make sure to let me know how your process goes if you use my method!

4. Review reoccurring subscriptions.

Netflix, Hulu, magazines, mail order monthly lifestyle boxes. There are so many different reoccurring subscriptions that I’m sure many of us are subscribed to and the new year is a great time to review those subscriptions and cancel any that you aren’t enjoying or have completely forgotten about. If you aren’t sure what subscriptions you’re part of, take a close look at your credit card bill and you might find a few you can get rid of.

5. Remove old contacts from your cell phone and replace with new information.

True story, up until just a few weeks ago, I had contacts in my cell phone from co-workers at my previous job that I quit over a year and a half earlier. Take a scroll through your phone contacts and see if you have some names that can be removed, and of course, make sure to also take this time to update any information like doctors, emergency contacts or school related numbers that may have changed.

6. Put your new insurance cards in your wallet.

At the end of the year I tend to have two sets of insurance cards in my wallet, one set from the current year and one from the new year. Make sure to identify the proper cards and discard or file the old ones so you have accurate information on you as soon as the new year begins!

7. Update your profile picture on social media accounts.

Has your hair colored changed this year? Perhaps you got glasses or lost some weight recently? If your appearance has changed significantly in the last year, spend a few moments changing your profile pictures to something more recent- that is, if you want to be recognized of course!

8. Send thank you cards to customers, clients or colleagues who have been helpful to you this year.

None of us could fully do what we do without the help of others. If you had support this year from key individuals, make sure to show them your appreciation by sending them a note or card. It will go a long way to helping you build great lasting relationships and will ensure that their support continues in the new year! If you run your own business and need to do some key business planning for the new year, check out this free webinar I hosted.

9. Review your budget from the past year.

If you had a budget or financial plan for the past year, spend some time reviewing it to see what worked and what didn’t. If you need that budget to continue into the new year you will want to have a good understanding of how you can do better to achieve your financial goals and stay on track in the future.

10. Consciously let go of any and all tensions from the past year to move on to the new year with a clean slate.

Like most things in life, the perception of a clean slate is all in your head. Take some time to reflect on the past year, identify issues that may have caused you stress or tension that is still lingering and consciously let go of it. It may help if you write down these tensions on pieces of paper and then burn or tear them into pieces to symbolize that you are not going to carry this energy into the new year. Whatever you need to do to release that tension, make it happen so you can feel light and free going forward.

I hope this list helps you make the most of the new year! In addition, I also have another free planner printable to help you stay on track for the new year. My Magnificent Seven DIY Dashboard, that will help you identify 7 habits you want to establish in 2017!



NEW January Planner Printables and Freebies You Won’t want to Miss

NEW January Planner Printables You Won’t want to Miss

NEW January Planner Printables and Freebies You won’t want to Miss

Hello My Charmed Ones!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas if you celebrate, and of course a lovely December and holiday season! I have a special gift for you to help you start out the New Year productively, so that you can start working smarter, not harder from day 1. In case you haven’t heard yet, I redesigned my monthly dashboard for 2017 and this year it has become much more functional. After creating these dashboards for you each month, many of you have given me great feedback to help me create better designs. This years concept is one that was highly requested and I do hope is functional for your planner as well.

Introducing the 2017 Monthly Dashboard Dividers! That’s right, this year the dashboard didn’t just get a facelift, it has also been reimagined into a divider for your planner. This two sided dashboard printable comes in both A5 and Personal size. The front side is a beautiful white marble pattern with the monthly calendar printed at the bottom corner. The back side is a redesigned dashboard with space for you to add your monthly Mantra, your theme for the month, a quote or saying you’d like to focus on. I’ve increased the space for important dates, and left the monthly goals and books as these were a great favorite for many of you! I suggest printing these out double sided on card stock or thicker paper than your standard inserts so they will stand out a bit more and hold up longer!

Don’t worry, I also include with your January dashboard the Resolution a Day Monthly Task List to help you choose some goals for you to focus on over the year if you’re still stick on those. They are still available in A5 and personal size as usual.

FREE Tech Wallpapers for January 2017

Your January tech wallpaper is also ready to go! I’ve updated the calendar to 2017 so you can add some style and function to your favorite gadget. Same good old design as last year- after much feedback that you loved the patterns and designs I created, I am keeping them around this year.

I hope you enjoy these free goodies and I’d love to see how you are making use of them in your planner and digital devices, so please snap a photo, tag me @misstrenchcoat on Twitter or Instagram and use #CharmedGTD in your description so the whole community can get inspiration from you!



How to Get Started with Personal Development ?

How to Get Started with Personal Development?

How to Get Started with Personal Development 

I would bet that at some point in your life, you began a process of personal development. Perhaps this was in order to secure an education, skills or opportunity that you were interested in. Perhaps you tried to take control of your health, schedule, or habits. Whether or not you were successful, I could guess that you started the endeavor and then either completed the task in the form of short term gratification, or slowly phased it out of your life, perhaps unknowingly! Personal development as a concept is incredibly multifaceted. There are so many options we can take to start the process of bettering ourselves in one or many aspects of our lives, but before that process even begins and in order to make the process successful, we need to start by understanding what personal development is all about.

“Strive for Progress, Not Perfection.”

What is Personal Development?

Personal development is a lifelong process people undertake to understand, improve and execute on their capacity and potential. For each person, this will mean developing different skills, setting unique goals and integrating specific techniques into their life routinely. While personal development as a pursuit never truly ends during your life, your approach towards it and your milestones may be fulfilled or ended giving you the impression of achievement.

What are the roadblocks to Personal Development?

The knowledge that personal development is a lifelong process is the biggest misunderstanding or roadblock that ultimately keeps people from fulfilling their potential. Most of us want things have a clear start and end or we feel overwhelmed, but truly our natures are geared towards ongoing progress through habit and routine, so understanding that your personal development needs to be integrated as a habit or routine increases your chances of success.

What do we need to do before we begin Personal Development?

Depending on the metaphorical level you are coming in at, we all have different needs to get started, but the one thing we all must do before we begin is to acknowledge that we want to improve and which area of our life we want to be better. This could mean enhancing an area that is already doing well or filling in an area that is empty or lacking.

What is the first step we should take towards Personal Development?

Although all our needs and goals will be different, the first thing that I find helpful to do is to do a self-audit. Think about where are are currently in life over multiple factors and how our current skills, knowledge, and habits keep us stuck in this place. Getting a big picture understanding is a great way to take the first step down the road to personal development because it can give us clarity into the direction we want to take and guide our choices in terms of how we want to spend our time developing.

I hope this post has given you an solid foundation to understanding personal development so you can get started on your journal for self improvement in the future. I’d love to create a series around this topic, so please feel free to send me your questions and issues with personal development and I would love to create some resources for you on the blog to help you find success!



36 Online Business or #Sidehustle Ideas for 2017

36 Online Business or #Sidehustle Ideas for 2017

36 Online Business or #Sidehustle Ideas for 2017

Interested in starting an online business to replace your 9-5 or earn you extra income as a #sidehustle in 2017 but aren’t sure how you’d make money online? I’ve assembled a list of 36 Online Business Ideas for you to consider! The list is broken down into six different categories of activities you can perform virtually or remotely as part of an online business. So, take a look at the category of activity that best suits your skills and interests and see if you can come up with a business idea based on my suggestions!


  • Life Coach
  • Health Coach
  • Nutrition Coach
  • Business Coach
  • Self Care Coach
  • Success Coach


  • Design Consultant
  • Business Consultant
  • Management Consultant
  • Financial Consultant
  • Style Consultant
  • Family Life Consultant


  • EBooks
  • Workbooks
  • Blog Posts
  • Transcription
  • Copywriting
  • Editor


  • Virtual Assistant
  • Bookkeeper
  • Project Manager
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Video Editing
  • Content Planning


  • Crafts
  • Artwork
  • Music
  • Graphic Design
  • Build Websites
  • Photography


  • Video Lectures
  • ECourse
  • YouTube video series
  • Virtual Master Class
  • Tutoring
  • Podcast

I hope this post gave you some inspiration for options you have moving forward with an online business in 2017! Although this list includes many great examples, many of which are the real online careers of some of my current students and clients within Empire Building, it’s by no means the full extent to how you can earn income online. If you’d like more information on how to build an online business, I’d suggest getting started here!



The Best of Strange & Charmed 2016 | Blog Posts, YouTube Videos & Productivity Tools

The Best of Strange & Charmed 2016 | Blog Posts, YouTube Videos & Productivity Tools

The Best of Strange & Charmed 2016

Now that we have reached the final weeks of the year, I am spending a lot of time in reflection. I’ve been calculating my results for the year and reviewing my content, products and platforms to understand what I’ve done right and wrong over the year to help me build my brand and business. So, I thought I would recap here on the blog my top 5 blog posts, youtube videos and products from the year.

Blog Posts

These are the top 5 performing blog posts from 2016 that were also written in 2016! I have a lot of content accumulated in my site, and many of my older posts still drive their fair share of traffic to Strange & Charmed, but I really wanted to understand which newer posts had the best traffic as well. Since you can read each of these for yourself, I won’t recap each, but overall planning and productivity win the day on the blog. I’m glad to see a business post sitting pretty at the top of the list, but I think I would have liked to see more, so I will probably dig deep into #1 to understand how I can replicate it’s success for future posts or optimize current business posts to drive more traffic to the site.

1. How I Made $1,000 From 1 Instagram Photo and the Strategies You Can Use to Repeat My Success

2. 5 Simple Planner Tips that Helped Me Gain Control of My Schedule

3. The 7 Items to Track In Your Planner for Less Stress and More Productivity

4. How I Use My Planner to Automate My Life

5. How to Plan Your Day like a #GIRLBOSS


These are the top 5 performing YouTube videos from 2016 that were also posted in 2016! As with the blog posts above, I won’t go into each because you can watch them if you are not familiar with the content, and like my blog, my YouTube channel has many videos posted before 2016 that also do extremely well over the years. Again, I’m pleased to see a business video at the top of this list, but after that, it’s all planning content. Two are specifically Functional Planning related which is a good sign to me that the concept of functional planning is really well understood by my community and a topic I need to create more content around in 2017.

1. How to Use Instagram to Promote Your Business in 2016

2. Intro to Functional Planning: 5 Reasons You’re Not Finding Planner Peace

3. 2016 This is Your Year | New Free Printables + Planner Updates

4. Plan with Me | Weekly Functional Planning

5. Inside My Planner September 2016 | Discbound, Notebook and Agenda Cover

Top 5 Best Selling Items from The Charmed Shop

When it comes to the products in my shop, I tend to have a good understanding of what items are doing best throughout the year in terms of revenue, but looking back over the majority of 2016, it was interesting for me to see the number of individual purchases. Some of these items are not a shock to me, but others were and I’ve even included a BONUS #6 on this list because when I ran the numbers I was shocked at how many sales this product had over the year.

1.  You Got This
It is no surprise to me that the You Got This workbook was the best selling item in my shop in terms of number of individual sales. It’s not even close to any other products, it has sold hundreds of copies this year alone and because of this, I really think I need to decide how I can either make this product even better in 2017 or how I can add another ebook type product to my lineup. I think the ebook format was very popular and with the lower price point on this item, it’s almost a no-brainer type purchase for any of my audience members who are interested in the topic of goal setting.

2. Charmed Life Planner
I guess the Charmed Life Planner being #2 shouldn’t have been a surprise to me. All of my Charmed Life Planners added up do incredibly well, mostly because they are the system I use and prefer, which that means something to my audience. The real shock to me, however, was that not only did the category of the Charmed Life Planner reach the number 2 spot, but the A5/Half Letter version that I use was also #2 in individual product sales. Again, I think this shouldn’t have been a surprise to me, but seeing that the specific size was #2 was pretty interesting.

3. The Digital Styling Lightroom
The fact that any of my higher priced courses or offerings made it to this top 5 list seems pretty incredible to me, and really gives me insight into the fact that my promotional efforts for the course AND my content marketing for my brand overall are working well. I also think this means I shouldn’t be afraid of higher priced products because the market exists for those with in my community and within the ideal audience I am attracting.

4. Planning for Success Master Class
No surprise here with my Master Class. My master class product line in general is a value packed and practical educational experience. This was the first product I created this year after my summer hiatus and it signified my return to normalcy and routine, but it also proved to me that the master class format I had introduced in 2015 was a winner for my audience and business. The feedback I received on this class was phenomenal and I’m so thankful that this relatively new product has done so well over the past few months.

5. Productivity and Planning Master Class
Again, my first master class sitting at #5 is no surprise to me. It had a great year last year at it’s launch and really opened me up to a new product line and way to educate and inform my audience. I absolutely LOVE the master class format and I am excited to create more in 2017!

BONUS 6. Empire Building
Okay- so I had to include this major shocker on the list! In terms of revenue, nothing in my shop touches Empire Building, however, when I ran the numbers and found that it was so close to hitting the top 5, I was shocked. In fact, had I included purchases of the program from within the Online Business Bundle into the overall number of purchases, it would be sitting in at spot #4. It’s amazing to me that this product, my brain child that represents 6 years of research and took me at least 6 months of work to create, is not just a revenue driver, but a sales leader in the shop!

What content and products of mine did you enjoy most in 2016? I’d love to hear from you on what you’d like to see more of from me in the new year!





To help you set yourself up for success in the new year and teach you how to Work Smarter, Not Harder, I have assembled the ULTIMATE PRODUCTIVITY RESOURCE GUIDE filled with 40+ productivity videos, blog posts, books, downloads and MORE!




2017 Printable Calendars

With 2017 around the corner, I thought this would be a perfect time to introduce you to some wonderful 2017 Printable Calendars if you are still looking for ways to organize your year!

2017 Printable Calendars for Your Planner, Desk or Wall

2017 Calendar Dashboard

2017 Year at a Glance Calendar Overview for Planners, Desk or Office Wall!

Grab this FREE Printable 2017 Calendar Overview for your planner, desk or wall!

2017 Planner Calendar Stickers

2017 Monthly Calendar Printable Planner Stickers {Erin Condren Sized Boxes}

Add a mini monthly calendar to any planner spread with these 2017 Monthly Calendar Printable Planner Stickers!

2017 Calendar Journaling Cards

2017 Monthly Calendar Printable Journaling Cards for Planner, Desk or Purse!

These 2017 Monthly Calendar Journaling Cards are great reference calendars for your planner, desk or purse!

2017 Planner Yearly Tracker

2017 Year at a Glance Tracker Printable

This Year at a glance tracker is great for blocking out time, or keeping track of reoccurring tasks or information.

2017 Planner Yearly Overview

2017 Yearly Overview for Forward Planning

Perfect for forward planning in your planner or on your desk!

2017 Calendars for Your Gadgets

Calendar Tech Wallpapers


Each month I share a FREE downloadable set of Calendar Wallpapers for your iPhone/Smartphone, iPad/Tablet and Laptop/Desktop computer!




5 Productive Habits for the New Year

5 Productive Habits for the New Year


Last week I shared an AMAZING LIST of 100 Life Changing Actions to Turn into Habits, and now I want to share the habits and strategies that I will be challenging myself to take on in the New Year! When it comes to creating habits, there are many options to choose from, but it really comes down to what you are trying to accomplish and which habits will be able to support you as you make progress on your goals. I also believe that when it comes to selecting habits to change or build, you shouldn’t strive to work on too many at once. In fact, I think it’s best to try things one at a time- trust me, making one small habit change is enough to throw off your entire routine so giving it your complete focus and attention is a best practice.

My Goal: Wake up earlier during the work week.

Habit: Make the bed once you get out of it!

How the habit supports the goal:

(1) Making your bed in the morning is an easy way to start your day productively and motivate yourself to do more. I’m hoping that committing to this during the week will motivate me to want to get more done in my mornings.

(2) Since I work from home, staying in bed or going back for a nap in the afternoon is a serious temptation, but when you make your bed it becomes harder for you to give in because you put effort into making sure your bed looked nice and you don’t want to undo that work, right? That’s the idea!

My Goal: Expose myself to new ideas.

Habit: Finish 1 book a month

How the habit supports the goal

(1) I am not someone who has a hard time going through books, but I do tend to read in spurts so one month I could read 4 books and another I may start 1-2 and never finish any. So for 2017 I want to challenge myself to finish at least one book a month so I am consistently exposing myself to new content and ideas.

(2) Reading is probably the #1 way I learn anything! Of course, I like to enjoy books via and listen instead of read. This helps me absorb more information and understand content better.

My Goal: Lower my overall stress

Habit: Perform 1 Self Care activity per day

How the habit supports the goal

(1) I tend to work pretty intensely during the day. I may not always put in 8 hours, but I may accomplish 8 hours worth of work in 4. This leaves my brain mentally exhausted at the end of the day and usually, if I have a lot going on that I’m juggling, stress creeps up on me. Taking time out of each day specifically to do something relaxing for me, is a way I can combat this so I don’t get overwhelmed as often as I currently do.

(2) Making yourself your number 1 priority is a great habit to get into. There are not many things I do every single day, but by doing something for me everyday, I will support this mindset and develop boundaries with other priorities and tasks.

My Goal: Start memory keeping

Habit: Journaling

How the habit supports the goal

(1) I am not someone who has a great record of memory keeping, however, with certain life changes (turning 30 and purchasing my first home) I’ve been wanting more and more to find a way to keep track of memories ongoing. I think the easiest way for me to start doing this consistently may be simply writing about my day in a journal.

(2) This year I tested the waters with journaling and although I wasn’t completely consistent, I was able to record some important events from my year that I can now look back on. To a great extent as well, my monthly blog post Entrepreneurial is my way of documenting my business life regularly, and I am very glad I started that this year and have those posts to look over!

My Goal: Stop forgetting the little things

Habit: Write things down

How the habit supports the goal

(1) I know this may seem very similar to my last goal/habit but it’s a little different. Learning to stop relying on your memory and start writing down details is a hard process. I have come pretty far with this habit already, but I still find myself forgetting things all the time. Tasks, ideas, plans, etc. It’s very frustrating and to combat this I must start writing everything down!

(2) They say you learn better when you write something down, just that one small act helps to improve your cognition. So, I’ve pulled out a desk pad to leave out and even when I am doing passive things like talking on the phone or watching tv or a video, I try to doodle or take notes!

What habits are you planning to implement in the New Year? I’d love to hear about them in the comments, and if you are not sure what habits you may want to change or add to your life, check out my post on those 100 habits for some ideas and inspiration!



Blog Smarter, Not Harder {FREE eBook & Course}

Blog Smarter, Not Harder with this FREE eBook & Course!

Blog Smarter, Not Harder {FREE eBook & Blogging Quick Start Course}

Have you been thinking about starting a blog but aren’t sure if it’s the right platform for you, or how you will create a name for yourself in the highly competitive and saturated blogging market? Blogging is a excellent way to grow your brand online, but their are essential things you need to know if you want to ensure your effort yields influence!

After over 8 years of blogging, I’ve definitely learned a thing or two to help you start your blogging journey on successful footing! That’s why I have created this Blog Smarter, Not Harder FREE eBook and 10 Day Online Course. In Blog Smarter, Not Harder you will learn how and what you need to get a blog started, how to come up with interesting blog posts and digital content, and how to grow a readership and traffic to your blog!

If you are ready to get started, click here to head on over to and enroll in this FREE resource TODAY!

