7 Signs Blogging is NOT dead

7 Signs Blogging is NOT Dead 

I hear it all the time, “Blogging is dead! You can’t grow a brand with a blog anymore! Starting a blog is a waste of time!” There are a lot of people out there on the internet who believe that blogging as a medium is dying. Sure, blogging isn’t what it used to be, things have changed drastically online in the last three to five years with the rise of certain social platforms, but that doesn’t mean that blogging is dead or even in decline. With the passage of time, things change, there are a lot of new cool kids on the internet block who are jockeying for position and page views, but to say blogging is dead underlines a fatal misunderstanding of the nature of online marketing and current digital content trends. If you’ve been worried that blogging is dead, rest assured, I have 7 signs (and statistics) that prove that blogging is NOT dead, and in fact underscores the power of great digital content creation.

1. Over 12 Billion Searches are conducted each month

That’s 12 billion opportunities to attract a reader to your blog by creating engaging, thoughtful and useful blog content. Okay, so not all 12 Billion of these searches are going to pertain to your blog, however, the popularity of search via google and other engines is a sign that the time and effort you spend blogging can pay off if you are creating the right content! Remember, unless you are already a famous or influential person, the way your blog is discovered online is through search. This is why topics like SEO (search engine optimization) are so important for bloggers to understand. Although the concept of SEO or effecting the visibility of your blog in search may seem like a complicated and high tech endeavor, the truth is, most principles of good SEO are common sense. If you are interested in learning more about good SEO habits and principles, click this link to read more!

2. Blogging gives brands a 13x higher ROI

ROI meaning return on investment. This means that the time and effort you spend blogging can pay off big time for your brand in potential viewers, sponsorships, sales and general influence. The fact that blogging is so effective is a testament to the fact that the practice is alive and kicking! From a digital marketing standpoint, content creation via a blog is the best form of advertising so long as you practice good principles of SEO (as explained above) and create compelling content. There are billions of people online right now searching for content, answers and entertainment, and if you can attract the right eyes to your site with great content, the pay off is massive!

3. 80% of blog traffic comes from new viewers

Although this number is just an average, I can personally attest that even in my own statistics, I see that a majority of my page views come from people who are new to my site. Each of these new, one-time only hits is an individual that I have an opportunity to turn from a one hit wonder, to a regular loyal reader. With such a high average for one-time visitors there are things blogs and bloggers are doing right to get the eyes on their posts, but still have work to do to keep those eyes coming back for more. With that amount of potential influence and traffic, I am fully aware that I have many opportunities to expand my blog, and if 80% is an average number, it’s a big sign that blogging still has a long life ahead of it.

4. Blog posts with 1,500 words or greater receive 68% more Tweets and 22% more Facebook Likes

Now, this is probably my favorite stat because not only does it illustrate that blogging is not dead, but it also explains why some people may believe blogging is dead, when it really isn’t. The trend with blogging really seems to be that longer blog posts do better. Why? Because longer blog posts provide a greater amount of content to attract readers via SEO; more words mean more chances of your post popping up in search results! Longer posts are also more engaging because they theoretically go deeper in content and information, which means the quality of the post is better and a reader that finds quality content is more likely to share it! Finally, these longer form blog posts are trending because they give blogs the ability to do what they do best- showcase great writing! One of the major reasons some people believe blogging is dead is because social media platforms have changed the game for how we share content online. Years ago, a blog that posted a daily OOTD (outfit of the day) picture with a short description may have been heavily trafficked, but now, it’s easier to create (and view) that type of content via Instagram. So, the type of content that is working for blogs specifically tend to be longer form posts with a lot of writing and a lot of illustrative images on top of that as well! Blogging isn’t dead, but the definition of what makes a good blog post is certainly changing!

5. 61% of US online consumers have made a purchase based on a recommendation found in a blog

If this stat doesn’t seem like it pertains to the topic of this post, you aren’t paying enough attention! The life or death of blogging is always going to center around the successfulness of blogs to do one single thing- help readers! The more readers, or customers in this example, that go looking for answers and finding them on in a blog post, the more reliable blogs become. If most people who buy things online turn to trusted bloggers to give them a recommendation and then take that recommendation and turn around to spend their money, this co-dependent relationship between consumers and blogs illustrates how important blogs remain to our economy. When people like things enough to spend their money on them, you know you have something good, and when people go to blogs to find answers for what they should be spending their money on, blogs become a very powerful living force!

6. 21 to 35 year olds make up 53% of the total blogging population

Blogging is debatably a younger persons game. With over half of bloggers ranging from 21-35, we aren’t talking about an age group that is going away any time soon, but again, this statistic is a sign that may explain why many believe blogging is dead, when it really isn’t. If most bloggers are under 35 and blogging has been around for a solid decade at this point, it’s clear that in time, many bloggers are getting out of the game and closing up shop. Not all, but many. This high turnover may lead some to believe that the medium is dying, when in fact the change is all just part of the churn (churn is a business term that refers to the average change in an industry, people come and people go, it’s all part of the churn). All industries experience some sort of churn, however, its easy to get distracted by one side of the churn, either the negative or positive results, and forget that two sides exist together to come to an overall result. If we are focused on the number of blogs that are dying and ignore the number of new blogs that are joining the churn, we end up seeing only the decline!

7. Blogging is still the #1 Digital Marketing Strategy

From business’ big to small, blogging is still the #1 way online marketers create digital content. Granted, social media is hot on it’s tail, and for good reason, however, blogging is a form of content creation that works for businesses which means it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Now, if you are a blogger or want to start a blog but you don’t have a business, you may think that this and many other of the statistics I have shared in this post are not relevant to you, however, you don’t have to be a business to benefit from the strategies and information businesses use to advance their brand online. The topic of this blog post is the 7 Signs that Blogging is Not Dead, and if you came to read this article, you most likely are concerned that your time and effort spent on blogging may not pay off in the long run for you, whatever your blogging goals and aspirations may be. The fact remains, however, that if businesses are still spending their time and money blogging, it’s for good reason and you shouldn’t worry about the future solvency of blogging as a medium. It’s going to be here for a while, you can bet on it!

What do you think? Is blogging dead or has it just reinvented itself? I’d like to hear your thoughts on the subject in the comments, so make sure to let me know your experience with blogs as either a reader or writer of blog content!



1 Comment on 7 Signs Blogging is NOT Dead!

  1. Sadly I noted recently that Google doesn’t let you search on just blogs any more. There used to be a header like Images, Videos Shopping etc for Blogs, they did away with it.

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