Month: January 2017

17 Inspiring Books About Life, Productivity & Business to Read in 2017

17 Inspiring Books about Life, Productivity & Business to Read in 2017

17 Inspiring Books About Life, Productivity & Business to Read in 2017

Every year I like to make a list of books for the blog that I’ve read, or want to read in the coming year. I’ve been asked a few times in the last year, whether or not I would consider taking this list and doing a Charmed Book Club, but for me, reading has always been a pretty solitary pursuit. I like to read at my leisure, not feel like I have to read to keep up with an expectation. At least, I haven’t done that since college and I swore to myself once I graduated that I would never make myself read anything on some arbitrary schedule again! Although I prefer to read at my leisure, I don’t necessary read for pleasure either, most of the books I read are non-fiction or personal development because I read to learn. If you were curious why I know certain things or how I got to be so intelligent, I’d have to blame it on something I read or the act of reading itself. This year, I’ve challenged myself to do something a little out of character with my reading habit, and that is to read regularly. What I read is up to me. When I read is up to me. I just want to develop my habit into a more regular practice and finish at least a book a month. Right now, I read at least two dozen books a year, but some months I read none, and others I may read five. I’m not consistent with my reading, and I’m convinced that if I commit to the habit of reading a few days a week and finish the book of my choice a month, that it will stimulate the creativity in my brain and expose me to thoughts and ideas outside the norm of what I regularly experience online.

So, to follow in my annual footsteps, I have assembled a list of 17 books to read in 2017. These books cover a variety of topics from finance, productivity, and business, to confidence, career and sleep. Some I have read before, but many are new to me, and my plan is to share my progress with these books via Instagram. So if you are interested in what I am reading and what I’m thinking about each, definitely follow me there.

1. Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business by Charmed Duhigg

2. The Marshmallow Test: Why Self-Control Is the Engine of Success by Walter Mischel

3. The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) by Hal Elrod

4. Born for This: How to Find the Work You Were Meant to Do by Chris Guillebeau

5. Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day by Todd Henry

6. Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder  by Arianna Huffington

7. Today Matters: 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow’s Success by John C. Maxwell

8. Women Don’t Ask: The High Cost of Avoiding Negotiation–and Positive Strategies for Change by Linda Babcock 

9. I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time by Laura Vanderkam 

10. Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy

11. Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant

12. How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty: And Say Yes to More Time, and What Matters Most to You by Patti Breitman

13. You Got This: A Strategic Goal Setting and Planning Guide to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Organize Your Life! by Alexis Giostra

14. The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion

15. The Woman Code: 20 Powerful Keys to Unlock Your Life by Sophia A Nelson

16. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S Clason

17. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen

I’d love to know if you have read any of these books and which you recommend. If you have any other suggestions for me and the community, I’d love for you to share those down in the comments or let us know what is on your TBR (to be read) list for 2017!



Theme Your Year with a Song NOT a Word | My Anthem for 2017

Theme Your Year with a Song NOT a Word | My Anthem for 2017

Theme Your Year with a Song NOT a Word | My Anthem for 2017

At the start of 2016 I set myself an anthem for the year. I’m someone who has an affinity towards music so I thought it was a good idea to give myself a song to focus on for the year that would theme, influence and inspire me. Last year I chose Bird Set Free by Sia and it had an awesome affect on me I never expected. I’ve already posted a few times about 2016 being a transformative year for me and how I let go of many things I felt holding me back, so looking forward to what I have planned for 2017, I decided I need to choose another powerful and meaningful composition. For a long time I worried I wouldn’t find the right song for 2017, but one day sitting in the car waiting for my husband to come out of a store, I was brainstorming a list of Disney songs to quiz my husband on (don’t ask) and I found it. With tears streaming down my face, I immediately knew it needed to be my anthem for 2017!

Go the Distance [from Disney’s Hercules] Michael Bolton

It’s such a meaningful song on so many personal and professional levels, and I know turning to it this year will inspire me to go the distance and not accept defeat.

What is your Anthem for 2017? Let me know in the comments below!



What You Can Expect from Strange & Charmed in 2017!

What You can Expect from Strange & Charmed in 2017

What You Can Expect from Strange & Charmed in 2017!

Hello My Charmed Ones! Welcome to the first post of Strange & Charmed for 2017!

Since this is our first day back to work for the new year, I thought I would ease into my content a bit and share with you some of the vision and plans I have for the blog, my brand and business in 2017. As some of you may already know, last month I shared a survey about my content and platforms, something I had never done before, to help me get your feedback on the direction of my content and what you need more information and guidance on from me. Since then I have mapped out a plan for the new year that I’d like to share with you today.


In terms of my branding, not much is changing. I’ve been optimizing the site a bit since last month, some changes like the new header I’m sure you’ve noticed by now, but much of the change is pretty minimal. What I really want to convey to each of you, however, is the concept for the Strange & Charmed Brand moving forward.

Strange & Charmed is a Productivity Lifestyle Brand who’s main goal is to help women work smarter, not harder! I really want to make 2017 the year we learn to live our best lives to successfully fit in more of what we love and say no to the tasks, activities and stressors that do not serve us. If this is a struggle that you face as a full time employee, mother, or business owner, the Strange & Charmed community is a resource to serve you!


My blog and youtube content have greatly evolved over the last few years, and will likely continue to evolve to best serve the needs of the community and express my interests, research and curiosity within the field of productivity. There are many of you within my community who have seen this change, understood what I’ve been up to, and continued to evolve with and support the content which I truly appreciate. For those of you who may have been caught off guard at any changes or are unsure whether the content on this blog, my youtube channel and social media platforms are applicable to you, let me explain what you can expect in 2017!

The goal of my content is to help and inspire women to lead more productive, fulfilling lives. To do this, my content will always share information, strategy, tools and advice on different productivity topics. I look forward to filling my platforms with content that is functional, actionable and relevant to help you execute and find success in your life, whatever that success may look like to you. I plan to create content on planning, time management, technology, personal development and business topics that will teach you new skills or illustrate concepts you may be new to you.

I intend to keep up my current content schedule with blog posts going live on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 9am eastern, and YouTube videos going live Sunday at 10am eastern.


Over the past several years, I’ve created a catalog of digital products and tools centered around productivity, planning and business. These products include digital workbooks, print on demand planner inserts, eCourses, digital programs and master classes. Throughout the year I take feedback from my customers and update many of the products and spend time each year development a few more. This year I look forward to expanding my flagship business program Empire Building in the biggest update to the course since it’s release in 2015! I also plan to add to my collection of eBooks/digital workbooks and master classes with some new topics that I hope will continue to support your productivity and goals!


If you like what you’re reading about the future of my content and plans for my business in 2017, make sure you are following me all over the internet so you don’t miss one ounce of the value I have in store for you!

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