Earlier today on Instagram (make sure you are following me @MissTrenchcoat!) I shared that on Friday I dedicate the day to what I like to call my C.E.O. Strategy Day. It stands for Creative Entrepreneur Optimization- and it’s a day where I perform tasks that align me to my highest self.
Although I consider this specific concept of my own design, it was inspired by the concept of the Artist’s Date from Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way. Essentially an Artist’s Date is when a creative takes themselves out for a date with their own creativity. They spend the day indulging their passions and refilling their creative energy and drive.
Now, although I absolutely consider myself a creative and something of an artist, I had a hard time executing the Artist’s Date the way Cameron described. I liked the idea of having a date with myself where I filled my own creative cup, but the activities she described just didn’t do it for me because they were very much focused on the outside world and I’m much more focused on cultivating my inner world. I’m definitely someone who believes that to expand, we must go inside ourselves and cultivate a specific mindset and energy for manifesting creativity and our dream life- so I adjusted her concept to align with my own priorities.
For me, a C.E.O Strategy Day can be spent on any activities I feel need dedicated time, but aren’t always prioritized during the week. I have three categories of activities I focus on- all of which are intended to help me manifest into the physical world my thoughts, desires and goals. The categories are physical, mental, and daily life, but because I have to give everything a really fun, high vibe name, we’re gonna call these categories Self Care, Gold Mind, and Life Style!
I think Self Care is probably the easiest category for everyone to understand. Tasks related to self care would literally be anything that helps me bring my physical body into alignment with my highest concept of myself. So tasks include essential hygiene, skincare, massage, exercise, and even daily fashion and beauty. Yes, even on my day off I wake up and do some level of hair, makeup and outfit because my highest self shows up for my life every single day!
Next, let’s talk about Gold Mind, I just love that phrase, don’t you? So this category is all about tasks that help me to expand my mind and consciousness so that I can increase my capacity and influence my neural net. If you want to change your life you literally need to change your mind through mental alchemy. I want my mind to transmute my thoughts and ideas into pure gold. So, I regularly attend to my mind by consistently feeding it new ideas and experiences. I may meditate, astral travel, practice remote viewing, read a book, chant a mantra, learn a skill, perform necessary research for my business, or even just listen to music to adjust my vibration. Anything that I know changes my mind will change what I manifest in my life.
Finally, we come to Life Style! Now, you might think that this category doesn’t seem to fit in the vibe of the C.E.O. Strategy Day but it is soo necessary. Life gets busy, little daily life tasks fall through the cracks all week long, and part of me embodying my best life is making sure all the details of my life are attended too. On top of that, I know there are little things we can do to organize our lives, homes, businesses, etc, to help things move smoothly in the future. So I make sure to constantly upgrade areas of my life that are falling behind and make sure every detail of my world is in line with my dream life. So, tasks that fall into this category might be shopping, returns, reviewing financials, sending cards or gifts, touching base with important contacts, cleaning and organizing. Whatever details of life that aren’t attended to during the course of a week, I take time to make sure nothing important in my life slips through the cracks.

Okay, so now that I’ve explained my C.E.O. Strategy Day concept, I have a little gift for you to use if you want to execute on this concept as well! Because the tasks of my C.E.O. Strategy Day always vary, I do like to make a plan of attack for what I’ll be tackling that day. I always list the tasks out in my planner, but to simplify this process for you, I’ve designed a little smartphone enabled graphic that you can keep and refer to when you are planning for your C.E.O Strategy Day! Each category of tasks are listed out and you have a space to write down up to 3 tasks to complete for each. Don’t overwhelm yourself with the list- make sure you are tackling things that you can complete and that you know will help you align to your best life and highest self. This concept is all about helping you raise your vibration by seeing and feeling the results in your physical life! This isn’t just another task list- for me, this is like the greatest thing I plan for all week because it’s focused on me becoming the best version of me and making my dreams a reality!
I hope this concept helps you to bring your goal and dreams to fruition as well! Make sure to let me know how it goes!

I loved this post. It is such an interesting thought. I realize that i actually do some of this but I break it down over a few days. I kind of like the idea of designating one day for this. Do you always have 3 for each, or could you put just 1 for each category?
Hi Alexis
Loved this blog and the CEO Strategy Day Concept as I am currently testing my creativity and listen to my inner self & see what shows up and lights me up. Your Day Strategy will be fantastic to implement and record my 1 day a week for this process.
Can you please assist me though – What is the easiest way to download the smartphone graphic onto phone and save and edit for each week….sorry not very tech savvy!
Thank you so much 🙂 Cant wait to get started.