Last month I ran a special in the shop where I bundled together the 2020 Print on Demand Editions of the Charmed Life Master Planner with a few extra goodies. The set included 3 awesome printable planner accessories; a set of planner tabs, a set of 2020 dated mini calendar journaling cards, and an exclusive sticker set design! On top of all that, during my Planner Peace Master Class, I made the offer even sweeter by throwing in the Master Planning Master Class for FREE! The Master Planning Master Class is an entire video class with a mix of lecture and tutorials intended to help you learn how to use your Master Planner as productively as possible and is usually sold in my shop for $97! But, for September I bundled all these epic planning and productivity tools together for an amazing price.
Now, sadly, that special bundle price has ended, but I heard from many of my customers that this bundle was something they were highly interested in because it was like a Functional Planning Starter Kit! So, I got to thinking that perhaps I should keep this as a bundle in my shop, for those who are interested in getting all the planning pieces in order for a productive new year! Of course, the price has shifted, but is still nowhere near the full $200+ value of the tools included.
So, if you are someone who has been looking for planner peace and wants, not only a complete functional planning system, but a great bundle of accessories and videos to help you get the most out of your experience with the planner, look no further than the 2020 Master Planner Starter Bundle!
Go ahead, what are you waiting for? Click the button below to get started with your new system today!
