We inherit a lot from our families and the communities we were raised in. Not just biological information like our looks, genetic material, and medical predispositions, but also psychological information like social cues, expectations, values and mindset. As children our minds were sponges for absorbing and modeling the thoughts, beliefs and behavoirs those around us took on a regular basis, and yet, as we get older and grow independent of these relationships, we rarely take the time to acknowledge, challenge or rewrite the patterns that have been established within us from childhood.
I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that most people associate for life with the essential beliefs passed to them from their parents, families and communities. Many people spend their entire life practicing the same religion they were raised within. Many people move into careers that are similar to their parents, family members or those they grew up with in their communities. Many people belong to the same political parties, social organizations, and even higher education institutions as their families.
In many different ways, the beliefs we were born with tend to be the beliefs we stick to in life. These belief’s play a crucial role in our view of the world, our limitations, our understanding of what’s possible for our future and what actions we believe we can or cannot take to make changes and go after the future we desire. But, they don’t have to be permanent.
Now, speaking for myself here, I recognize that the world is such a different place to what it was when my parents were my age. There is so much more information out there in the world on every single topic imaginable than what was available to my parents, grandparents and so on. So, it only makes sense to me that perhaps I should be reevaluating my personal belief’s, values, and mindset on different topics now that I have reached maturity in what is arguably a completely different world than when I was a child.
Sound’s reasonable, right?
Because what is the point of all the advancements, research, new information out there in the world if we aren’t going to at least consider it or test drive it for ourselves before we make a final decision on how we approach and interact with the world. And trust me, our belief’s absolutely do impact how we approach and interact with the world. They can either be our greatest inspiration or our greatest limitation, depending on the belief!
In my opinion, our mindset and beliefs around money are some of the most impactful beliefs we inherit from our families, and judging by the state of income inequality in the U.S. alone, I’d surmise that too many families are unknowingly passing down outdated and unfounded beliefs about money that are keeping generations trapped in a cycle of limiting belief and struggle around money.
Interestingly enough, there is a lot of new information, science and research that I believe truly warrants each of us to stop to evaluate our relationship with money, the beliefs we have held on to since childhood about money and the mindset we developed around how we treat and use money in our daily lives.
It’s no secret that for the past few years I have been diving deep into metaphysical research, especially around the topic of manifestation, and by far my favorite topic within the greater conversation of manifestation is how to actually manifest money.
Because you absolutely can manifest money!
Now, I don’t expect one post here on my blog to convince you to challenge your long held beliefs about money and how we attract it to us. That’s why I have decided to take some essential points on this topic along with some of my favorite techniques and turn it into a FREE LIVE WORKSHOP where you can explore some of these new ideas with me!
So, if you want to learn more about how you can transform your relationship with money by allowing more money to flow into your life no matter who you are, where you are from, and what you do, mark your calendar for my upcoming MONEY MANIFESTATION TECHNIQUES Workshop and register for your FREE spot in this educational and actionable class!
The workshop will be streamed live on Friday October 18th @ 1pm EST and will be about 2 hours of lessons, activities and Q&A with me! If you are interested in this topic of money manifestation and already have a ton of questions running through your mind then you absolutely want to make sure you make the time to show up live to benefit from an open Q&A session with me. I can’t wait to share with you what I’ve learned and show you some techniques and activities that have truly brought so much new money into my life. These strategies have worked for me, and I know if you are willing to learn them, they will also work for you too!
I hope you are as excited as I am about the upcoming workshop, so make sure to sign up asap for reminders and a direct link to the live class!
I can’t wait to see you LIVE on the 18th!