Hello dear friend!
Lately, there has been a lot of stir in the productivity community about the link between happiness and productivity. Specifically, that measures of productivity indicate happier people as more productive than their unhappy counterparts. Although this point is getting a lot of attention right now, this is not new information by any means. A 2015 study conducted by the Social Market Foundation and the University of Warwick’s Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy, demonstrated that when a subject was shown a 10-minute comedy clip before starting their work, it resulted in a 12-20% increase in their productivity as compared to a control group who were shown no clip before they began working. This study has been cited over the past few years as evidence to support workplace practices for creating a more positive environment for employees as a means to increase their productivity. Now, all that is great and I hope that this trend continues changing the way companies treat their employees and the company culture that they create, but I don’t think most of us needed a study like this to understand the role happiness plays in our productivity.
One of the most popular questions I receive from my community revolve around how to be more productive with a long term illness, anxiety, depression or other physiologically related challenge. I think many women are keenly aware of how unhappiness has negatively affected their productivity. It’s hard to get your mind in the right state to be productive when you are not feeling the most confident or are experiencing pain or discomfort. Living with a regular challenge like that can absolutely become a mood killer that would inhibit your happiness.
It isn’t just physiological challenges, however that can kill your mood and therefore your productivity. Stress, overwhelm, comparison and unreasonable expectations really seem to be the number one killer of female productivity as far as I’ve witnessed within my community. This is why I’ve been working to integrate more metaphysical practices and principles into my content across the board. It is no surprise to me that happiness and personal contentment are the key to unlocking our productivity. This concept is woven throughout world religions, ancient wisdom, modern physics, and new age thought. You’ve probably heard me talk about cultivating a high vibration for yourself during your morning routine as a secret to success. I even designed a daily manifestation journal called the High Vibe Bible around this essential truth; your level of happiness (vibration) dictates your ability to succeed.
When you feel happiness and contentment for your life in the moment, no matter what goals you have set for your future, or what you have experienced in your past, you are creating a high vibrational set point within your mind. So, moving forward from that moment, as long as you are able to keep your level of happiness the same, or even increase it, you are programming yourself to work with a positive momentum, overcome obstacles with ease and you allow your day to flow from task to task through an inward sense of guidance where you don’t need to stop and pause to ask yourself, what’s next. Happiness, a high vibration, turns your mind into a receiver for right action automatically because this is our instinctual state of being.
Once you reach this state, which is apparently as easy as watching a 10-minute comedy clip, you are programmed into the mindset that I call “manifesting success with less stress.” This mindset is my personal be all and end all of productivity. It’s the mindset that programs you to easily achieve your objectives with minimal effort or challenge because you have kept yourself in the right vibration to receive a divine inward guidance for what to do and when to do it. An analogy I commonly use to describe this is that of a chess game. In chess, two players guide a set of pieces across a board in a series of moves in order to strategically “capture” the king piece of their opponent. Games of chess are notorious for lasting a very long time with players making a long series of moves in order to outwit each other. But, experts at chess who reach the level of grand master are able to play a lesser skilled player and win by making only a handful of moves. So, it is possible in chess for you to play against an opponent for hours on end, making countless moves in order to reach your desired objective (winning), or it could take just a few moves. The difference is in the mind of the player. In chess, it’s quite literally knowing the strategy of the game so well that you can win without all the time and effort that might be required of a less skilled player.
This is what manifesting success with less stress is all about. Understanding that whatever your desired objective is, you have two choices; to do it the easy way or to do it the hard way. The hard way is starting off with the mindset that you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you and all this work is going to be hard but that if you put in the hard work and stay focused long enough and sacrifice time with other things to devote more time to this thing than you will reach your objective. This is the mindset of setting expectations for what you think you should do to achieve your objective, and then working diligently to check off each step until your objective is reached. It works, most of the time, but it’s a buzz kill of a mindset isn’t it? Instead, what I am offering to you and what the study on the link between happiness and productivity is really illustrating is that there is an easy path too. When you shift your mindset into happiness and contentment, even gratitude and joy and then approach your objective thinking about how great it’s going to be when you hit your goal and how excited you are to finish your work, and what you can’t wait to do after all the work is complete- then suddenly your mindset is in alignment with the vibration of success for that objective, and like a grand master, you will instinctually know what the next right move is from exactly where you stand, and as long as you listen to the feeling inside that urges you to do x next, and as long as you keep your emotions in a state of happiness then you will complete your objective in far fewer moves overall. Manifest success with less stress. Get what you want with less effort expended.
Now, if you’ve been around the block with me, you may recall that I often suggest that if you are working towards an objective and don’t know how to get started, that the first thing you should do is some research on how to achieve your objective. I make this suggestion knowing full well that if someone is really ready to achieve that objective but are not yet in alignment with a higher vibration, that doing the research becomes the first step, the first action they take to put them in alignment with achieving that objective. Many times, when we go to do research on how to achieve an objective, we find information that confirms what we already believed was the right action to take. Isn’t that interesting? We already kinda knew what to do before we got started, but instead of acting on what we felt was right, we needed confirmation from another source. This is a very common situation people find themselves in when they are not yet used to being in alignment with a high vibration and don’t trust their gut yet! In psychology there is a concept called confirmation bias that is a tendency humans are afflicted with. This is the tendency to seek out and trust information that confirms what we already believe to be true. So, humans are programmed instinctually for this alignment, and when you take the step of doing the research on your objective, it aligns you to that objective and confirms those feelings you already had about what to do to achieve it. So once your done getting that confirmation you start to feel better don’t you? You feel more confident! You feel like you are better prepared to start and as long as nothing else stands in your way, your vibration is rising into alignment with your objective.
But, I assure you, the research step wasn’t actually necessary as part of this mechanism. All you actually need to do is get into a high vibration and align with your objective- make yourself feel happy and clearly identify what you want to achieve- and you will automatically start receiving insight for what the right action is to take! Then it’s up to you to trust that information you receive. Trust your feelings. Try acting on what you feel is the right thing to do first, and then next. See where it takes you. If you stay in the high vibration and in alignment with your objective, meaning you don’t change the objective and you don’t start doubting the objective, then you will absolutely achieve it quicker and with less energy expended than had you tried the hard way. It does take practice and mastery to get into a high vibration, especially if you aren’t the healthiest or most confident person, but with time you can build a new neural net of experience. Practically speaking, deciding to be happy and finding simple ways shift into happiness requires very little work and is something anyone can do. It does take discipline and focus to stay in alignment with a goal, but over time those mental muscles can be trained as well. So really, what we need to develop is the discipline of controlling our mind, not the discipline of controlling our actions, in order to become productive and successfully achieve our objectives.
Now, I realize this discussion may bring up more questions for you- specifically around the metaphysics of how this all works. How do we receive the information for the next right action and where does it come from? I will get into this idea in future posts, but for now I will ask you not to focus on any lingering questions but instead to focus on practicing the process I have shared. After all, I don’t know how my television works, but I know how to turn it on and change the channel, and that’s enough for me to use it to meet my needs.
Of course, I would love to hear what you think of this information and your experience with it. If you have any questions, of course also leave those down below in a comment so I can address those for you because this is truly a very important skill to master for productivity and I’m committed to helping you build and use this skill successfully!

I have become obsessed with Law of Attraction and manifesting the past year and I love the direction you are taking your content! Your post made me think of something I keep hearing from Abraham Hicks: alignment before action. Having goals and being productive is important to me and even makes me happy, but I’m now really trying to practice the art of getting happy first and then that momentum helps me take the next right step. I’m a stay at home mom with a 3-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son, who has autism and is special needs, so stress has been huge for me the past few months. Yesterday started out that way, but then I spent 20 minutes watching funny youtube videos and after that I had a great day!