Today I want to talk to you about what you will need to sacrifice in order to find success. We all know there are certain things that you will need to sacrifice if you want to reach your goals but you’d be surprised to find out these aren’t always what you expect.
First, let’s talk about what you won’t need to sacrifice, and sometimes these are the things you expect will have to go for you to reach a goal.
#1. You will NOT have to sacrifice other dreams or goals
It’s a mistake to think if you get one thing in life, you can’t get another. There is a logical timing to how you may want to approach each goal, but no path set in stone, so if you keep an open mind, it’s possible to reach two seemingly opposed goals at one time because the universe just works like that sometimes.
#2. You will NOT have to sacrifice relationships
You’ll have to become more intentional about your relationships for sure, but those who love and support you will always be there for you, especially while you go chasing goals, you just need to fill them in and they will become your greatest cheerleaders I’m sure!
Now, don’t be surprised if during this process, lower energy or toxic people in your life fall to the wayside. You’ll know who these fools are because they will be the ones NOT supporting you, or tempting you off your path. Let them go! I know it might require you setting boundaries, and it might pull at your heart strings but truly these people don’t deserve your energy. You should feel just about as bad letting them go as flushing shit down the toilet- and we all know we don’t think twice about that- for real!
“The higher we soar, the smaller we look to those who cannot fly” and as you elevate to a new level, anyone who is not also flying high with you is going to see you differently. Honestly, I can understand how it could be annoying for them always having to look up to see you- so just wish them well and move on, you will find other people at your level. It’s a whole new world up here!
#3. You will NOT have to sacrifice your self care
Now, again, people something think this is the first thing that needs to go if you want to be successful, but thats a mistake- in fact, this should be the first thing you up level on your way to success because you are going to need yourself to be in the best possible shape energetically to follow your goal to fruition.
What YOU ACTUALLY have to sacrifice for success
#1. Excuses
To be a successful person, you need solutions not excuses- you’ll need to turn into a professional problem solver for your life
#2. Bad habits
As you start focusing on your goals, your life will start naturally feeling more full, so bad habits will just slow you down. So identify them and get rid of them one by one!
#3. Indecision
A successful person gets that way by learning to make decisions and sticking to them. Not every decision will work out, but if you don’t make decisions, you aren’t moving and you aren’t getting any closer to your goal. Even if you make a “mistake” at least you are moving and I don’t know about you, but no matter if I make a left out my door or a right or head straight, I can still navigate myself back to the path. But if I sit at the doorstep, I’ll never go anywhere.
#4. Short term pleasures for long term results
You need to sacrifice immediate gratification for long term results. This is really the most important.
“Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.” Now, this doesn’t just apply to entrepreneurship, but success in general. You need to get focused and intentional now, and it will pay off in the long run.
You’ll have to sacrifice fun late night plans, so you can wake up rested and refreshed, because exhaustion leads to poor health which will cripple your success.
You’ll have to sacrifice your bad habits, so you can form productive routines that help you keep all the areas of your life in balance. It’s not success if you win in one area of your life just for the rest to go up in flames.
You’ll have to sacrifice how you spend money on yourself. Instead of buying yourself something fun or frivolous, you’ll need to invest your money into your goal.
You’ll have to sacrifice fear and excuses, because success happens in the now, not in the later!
You’ll have to sacrifice indecisiveness, because success is a choice that you must continue to choose over and over. To be successful you can’t defer the tough decisions, you need to make them, act and move on.
So that is what you actually have to sacrifice for success, and if you can do that, you can achieve anything you imagine.

Not only physical beauty but mental beauty matter as well. Thank you for sharing tips to increase our mental health.