Month: March 2020

Master Meal Planner Inserts are HERE!

Hello my Charmed Ones!

I just wanted to let you know about a recent release in The Charmed Shop that I think you are going to love!

Master Meal Planner Printable Planner Inserts!

The Master Meal Planner is a weekly meal planning tool and recipe organizer!

Meal Planning is truly one of the best secrets to successful time and life management! We all gotta eat, but in our busy day and age, fast food or delivery has become our meal planning time saver and backup plan, much to the chagrin of our wellness. I believe in a better way- a home cooked, menu planned, and meal prepped way.

The Master Meal Planner provides you with all the tools you need to save yourself time and money eating for your best life. With a little bit of planning and this indispensable tool, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to take back control of your time by learning to manage necessary but often tedious area of your life!

Inserts Included with the Master Meal Planner

• Master Meal List: List out all your favorite meals and categorize them by breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack/dessert so you have a list at the ready when planning your meals.

• Grocery List: Keep a running list of groceries to ensure you purchase everything you need for your meals

• Weekly Meal Plan: Plan out your meals for the week to take the guess work out of meal time and cut back on decision fatigue and poor dining choices.

• Recipe & Notes: Keep your recipes organized so you have a quick reference of ingredients and instructions to make meal prepping quick and easy!

• BONUS Cover Art/Dashboards: Your purchase includes 2 unique Cover Art designs you can use to create a dashboard or divided section for your meal planner.

Important Additional Information

The Master Meal Planner Insert Bundle comes with three sizes of inserts. Personal Filofax (3.75″ wide by 6.75″ high), A5/Half Letter & A4/US Letter are ALL INCLUDED in this bundle!

If you have any questions about printing, with your purchase you will receive a set of printing instructions for Personal, Half Letter, A5, US Letter and A4 printing as well.

Want to Learn More about My Meal Planning Process?

The video above outlines key questions I receive about meal planning, as well as my meal planning and prep philosophy. If you are new to the idea of meal planning, I would recommend checking out this video to get a sense of the process and inserts included in the Master Meal Planner.

If you have any other questions about the inserts, please do let me know! And don’t forget, to celebrate my birthday this month, I have a special discount code you can use in the shop.

Code MARCH25 will get you 25% OFF your order in my shop this month only! So, check out the Meal Planner, the new High Vibe Bible Journaling Inserts, and much more over on The Charmed Shop!


7 Task Lists to Add to Your Planner

As someone who has been a public personality in the planner community for several years, I am often asked about the many different ways you can fill and use your planner, so in true planner fashion, I’ve been keeping lists with different ideas. I’d like to start sharing these lists here on the blog, focusing each installment on a different category of activity.

In the first installment of this series, I shared 13 Items to Schedule In Your Planner. Today, however, I want to talk about Task Lists. Planners and lists go together like peanut butter and jelly, so there are plenty of different types of lists you can make and keep in your planner. These 7, however, are ones I consider essential for your productivity!

7 Task Lists to Keep In Your Planner

  1. General Inbox: This is going to be your catch all of tasks and to-dos, anything that doesn’t go onto another list, will go here!
  2. Chores: I love to keep a list of my daily, weekly, monthly and less frequent chores in my planner to keep me on track with cleaning my home to ensure I don’t miss anything.
  3. Work Inbox: Like the general inbox, except for work related tasks only.
  4. Goals: People who keep their goals listed out on paper are 42% more likely to achieve them, so it’s a nice list to keep in your planner.
  5. Projects: A list of all the projects you’re working on, and taking it one step further, listing out each project as an individual task list is a great way to keep your objectives organized and make it easier to execute.
  6. Systems: I consider systems reoccurring projects. A list of action steps necessary to complete a specific objective. If you have systems you use in any area of your life, codify it and keep the list in your planner.
  7. Self-Care: As a woman, I feel like there is a lot of maintenance, hygiene and general self-care that needs to be completed regularly. Keep a list of your handy in your planner. Here is a free download I created specifically for it.
For more productivity tools and resources for planning, download your copy of my FREE Productivity Toolbox by clicking the image above!

I hope this list has given you some ideas for task lists to add to your planner. I hope you’re enjoying this new series so far and make sure to check back often to see more planning ideas. I’d love to hear what other task lists you keep in your planner, so be sure to share in the comments.


A Daily Manifestation Journaling Practice that Works!

Hello My Charmed Ones!

If you’ve been following me for a while, you might remember that I had been struggling for a while to establish a daily journaling practice. There is something about journaling that just seems to go hand in hand with the planning community, and knowing how beneficial journaling can be for your mental health and motivation, I was determined to establish the habit for myself.

Let’s talk about the the benefits of establishing a journaling practice first. There is actually a lot of great research that shows how journaling and the act of writing things down by hand affects your mood, stress and even your success. Gratitude journaling specifically has been shown to create a 10% increase in happiness for those who establish a daily practice. Writing down your thoughts in a brain dump or stream of consciousness style is shown to make you feel more productive and in control, relieving anxiety in a significant portion of people. Research has even shown that people who regularly write down their goals and intentions have a 42% increased chance of achieving what they set out to do. More studies into success and visualization show that those who mentally practice their actions ahead of time, even by scripting out actions or situations in written form, have better results than those who go into a situation cold. In many different ways, unpacking your thoughts onto paper and getting into alignment with them is a key to personal happiness and success, and in many ways is a precursor to creating and executing on a successful plan. So, for those reasons and more, I was personally very interested in establishing a daily journaling practice for myself!

My first real success with a daily journaling practice came from my weekly gratitude inserts that I designed to be a quick and easy way to get myself into the habit of daily reflection. The idea behind those inserts was that I would list something I was grateful for each day and set an intention for myself for the week. This was a practice that took mere minutes a day to establish thanks to my convenient design, and it certainly helped me to establish an easy daily gratitude routine. They say people who perform a daily gratitude practice are 10% happier, an oddly specific number, but each day I completed my line of gratitude I could feel a shift in my mindset. Check the box, it was working and I could feel it.

But, eventually, I yearned for more. I didn’t want to loose my daily gratitude practice, of course, but I wanted to add to it and enhance it. After reading The Artist’s Way and learning about the concept of morning pages, a daily journaling practice where you write stream of consciousness style everything you are holding onto in your mind when you wake up, I began to feel like spending a bit more time on my journaling could really help get my mind right for the day. In The Artist’s Way, the author, Julia Cameron suggests that your morning pages practice should be three pages long, but for me, three pages was extremely daunting. I found that my pages became incredibly repetitive and lacked any real direction or substance, as I would force myself to write within a reasonable span on time so I could check the box, feel the benefit and move on with my day.

That’s when I decided to again design my own practice where I could blend the known benefits of journaling with the convenience of a more strategic practice. After all, I was journaling to help me become a better me, to get clear on my intentions for what I wanted to achieve and to set my vibration for the day to one of gratitude. I didn’t need three blank pages to do this, I just needed a bit of structure. So, I set out in designing the High Vibe Bible, the 90 Day Manifestation Journal to Raise Your Vibration and Manifest Your Desires.

The High Vibe Bible is unlike any other guided journaling experience I have ever come across. Most guided journals ask you too many questions each day, or are designed like fill in the blank word puzzles that don’t give you the true experience of journaling. The High Vibe Bible gives you the space to outline and reflect on your intentions for the week, and then the space to get grateful and aligned with those intentions each day. At the end of the week, you have a short review you can complete to keep track of your results. It provides the structure for you to set intentions and gratitude, but also provides space for you to get into alignment with your daily objectives quickly. You can write stream of consciousness style or bullet style- whichever works for the way your brain processes information.

Your brain and the way you feel after your daily journaling practice is the priority with the High Vibe Bible. For me, having the simple, structured daily practice from the High Vibe Bible has made me feel more disciplined, more relaxed in the morning and much more intentional about how I spend my time. Every day has it’s ups and downs, but getting started by reminding myself what’s important and what I feel I need to do to get myself where I want to be is invaluable to me. Having journaling inserts that I can keep right inside my planner so I can quickly flip from intention setting and manifestation to action and execution has been a game changer for me and my personal organization as well!

So, if you are interested in starting your own daily manifestation journaling practice and would like to try the structured method of the High Vibe Bible, click here to purchase your own print on demand inserts now!

Printing is a breeze and the inserts work in a variety of different planners or binders sized for A4, US Letter, A5 or Half Letter! Don’t worry- you’ll get a set of printing instructions with your purchase to make the process as simple as possible!

Enjoy and can’t wait to hear how your new daily manifestation journaling practice benefits you!


High Vibe Bible Inserts Are Here

Hello My Charmed Ones!

Since launching the High Vibe Bible last year, I’ve received lots of inquiries into when I would be turning the manifestation journal into a set of printable inserts on my shop.

Great News- the answer is NOW!


The HIGH VIBE BIBLE was intentionally designed to help you raise your vibration and manifest your desires over the course of 90 days or roughly three months. One part journal, one part manifestation tool, the High Vibe Bible is a loosely guided journaling experience intended to help you get super clear on what you want to achieve or receive, and then help you align your thoughts and actions to make it a reality.

Within in this journal you will find inspiration and guided prompts to help you clearly state your desires, create a plan for managing your energy and space to align your thoughts.

Each week starts with a worksheet where you will:
• Write out an inspirational mantra or affirmation for yourself to use that week.Clearly identify what you wish to manifest
• Identify how your manifestation makes you feel
• Provide strategies for how you intend to raise your energetic vibration towards a positive mindset
• Document signs and synchronicities that indicate your manifestation is coming to fruition
• Track actions you will take over the course of the week to keep yourself in alignment

Each day you have a designated area to:
• List out daily gratitude
• Briefly journal your thought for alignment that day

Each week ends with:
• A summary of what manifested for you
• Space to identify the high point of your week
• An area to briefly journal what you’ve learned

At the end of the journal you will also find a collection of seven lists that you can populate during the time you use the journal. Update and refer back to these lists often to help keep you in alignment with a positive mindset!

→ Imagine feeling the clarity of knowing exactly what you want in life and what you are working towards. There is no confusion, you know your time is valuable and meaningful because your life is filled with wonderful things that you’ve manifested and there is so much more on the horizon!
→ Imagine waking up with a purpose, excited to start the day because your journaling practice helps shift your mood to one of positivity and optimism. You feel more like the woman you’ve always wanted to be and you are unapologetic about treating her the way she deserves to be treated!
→ Imagine experiencing your day as that pleasant, low stress woman that family, friends and co-workers flock to because you are like a ray of sunshine for their day. You’re magnetic, you easily get what you need from others, and they feel truly blessed to know you!
→ Imagine the delight of getting each desire you ask for in such an easy and unexpected way that you feel like the luckiest woman on Earth. You choose to allow your life to be difficult or easy, why struggle when you can let it be easy!

These are the side affects that the High Vibe Bible can have on you when you commit to using this simple but powerful tool to establish a daily manifestation practice. Even if you are not usually drawn to journaling, the High Vibe Bible is such a different experience, but one that has the power to transform your energy and attitude through the act of putting pen to paper.

What You Get With Your Purchase:
When you purchase the High Vibe Bible Printable Inserts, you will receive a PDF file of the High Vibe Bible that is enabled for printing in A4, US Letter, A5 or Half Letter size. You will also receive a PDF with detailed print instructions to help walk you through the process!

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with the High Vibe Bible Manifestation Journal today and follow along with the same quick but fulfilling daily practice I use to set my vibration and manifest my goals!



Welcome to March 2020 my Charmed Ones!

Today I am bringing back a series that used to be part of my monthly editorial calendar: Entrepreneurial. Entrepreneurial is my monthly entrepreneurship journal entry that I make public to give insight to my community, and lead by example for fellow entrepreneurs to see the highs and lows of running an online business. Each month, I generally have a topic that I want to share on that relates to the state of my business or my current priorities. This month we are going to talk about how I plan to revive my stagnant business.

Over the last few years my business has felt like it hit a ceiling. Now I fully understand that this ceiling has been the manifestation of my own limiting beliefs around my business and truly has nothing to do with my business itself and it’s scalability. Although I make a great income from my business, and a mostly passive one at that, I’ve been wanting to take my business to the next level financially for some time, but I’ve made a bunch of mistakes along the way to find what my next level version of business success looks like. Hence, feeling like I’ve hit a ceiling.

I think its normal for people to hit a ceiling like this in their business and perhaps to, like me, feel trapped or boxed in to certain achievements and expectations. If you’re not careful though, hitting this imaginary ceiling can cause you to actually start declining if you aren’t careful, and I feel like my business has been declining in some sense but I know it doesn’t have to. I know that the decline I am feeling has come from a rut I allowed myself to get into.

I spent so much time thinking and researching on how to get myself past the ceiling I felt like I hit to make it to my next level that a few negative side affects started popping up. First, I was doing way too much researching and thinking and not enough executing on what I had learned. Ugh! I know some of you can relate to this. Not taking action because you feel like you don’t know enough to make the best choice yet, or starting down a new path based on information you learned but then finding conflicting information that leads you to continually change course. Double ugh! I definitely spent the last few years in this cycle. Knowing I needed to make a plan for the next level, doing the research, coming up with that plan, and then either chickening out or changing the plan so many times that I started things but left them incomplete. This was disastrous for me and it definitely lead me to make some poor decisions with my business that ended up hurting my revenue, not growing it like intended.

The second negative side affect I experienced was massive burnout. What is interesting about this side affect for me was that I had been working and creating content at a feverish pace for a long time before the burnout hit. And when I think about it, it wasn’t the pace or amount of work that ended up causing the burnout, but truly I think it was a symptom of the overall problem that I wasn’t growing. Anyone who creates any sort of content online can probably relate that when you are creating a lot but getting a lot of great feedback or activity on your content, it fuels you to want to create more. But when you are creating and not seeing the feedback you expect, it can be disheartening and draining. That’s where my burnout came from. For a while there I was creating content but not seeing the response I wanted over and over and over again. Because of that I burned out and became disillusioned by certain platforms.

Despite all this however, I have to remind myself how freaking grateful I am to even be in this position and that I still have a functioning business that earns me a full time income from home. The fact that despite these issues my business is still working and new customers and community members are still finding me is such a testament to the power that great passive income foundations can have in a business. My top performing content and existing funnels have been shouldering the marketing load for my sales and keeping my income consistent as I research, plan and experiment with ideas, even bad ones!

So, it’s with that gratitude and perspective in mind that I consciously decide to keep moving forward and turn to a fresh page with my business. Here are some things I’ve been doing recently to revive my stagnant business:

Back to Branding Basics: I’ve been asking myself a series of foundational brand questions to get super clear on my direction moving forward.

  • What do I want to be known for?
  • How can I be of service to others?
  • Who are my people?
  • Why do they come to me?
  • What do I do?
  • What do I NOT do?

That last one is very important because it’s easy for someone like me to feel like I need to be and do everything for my audience, but that will spread me thin and it already did!

Auditing my Business: I’ve been reviewing different aspects of my business processes over the past few years to understand my strengths and weaknesses, and where investing my effort has or hasn’t paid off. As you may know, I’m a solopreneur and although I’ve worked with a virtual assistant in the past, I’m now considering how or where I might actually need more support in different areas.

  • What worked for me in the past, what didn’t?
  • What was I doing very well?
  • What was I avoiding that I may need help with?
  • What was I doing poorly out of expectation that I may just need to let go of?

Reviewing my Funnels: Finally, I’ve been reviewing my funnels to see what content, calls to actions and products have been most successful.

  • What content was I producing at the height of my growth?
  • What content had the best reception, which did not?
  • Which products have been most successful?
  • Where are my sales coming from?

So, those are some steps I’ve been taking to revive my stagnant business and create some solid plans to help me push through that imaginary ceiling blocking me from my next level of success. Realistically, I know I also need to do some mindset work to bring down the blocks alongside doing the work of identifying and executing on my next set of business plans. For now, I would just like to cultivate the vision for where my business is going in 2020 as a first step and get those essential plans laid out. I’m also committing to thinking and researching less, and sticking to the plans I make moving forward. Hopefully, I have some positive updates for you in next months installment of this series!

Looking for more great resources for your Online Business? Click the image above to get the Female Entrepreneur Online Business Toolkit today!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this first new installment of Entrepreneurial and that it gave you some food for thought if you too are a business woman like me! I’d love to hear more about the things you have been working on or struggling with in your business so that I can create some content geared towards providing you solutions based on my experience.
