Today, I am starting a little series here on my blog where I will share different ideas with you for important information to keep in your planner. As someone who has been a public personality in the planner community for several years, I am often asked about the many different ways you can fill and use your planner, so in true planner fashion, I’ve been keeping lists with different ideas. I’d like to start sharing these lists here on the blog, focusing each installment on a different category of activity.
Today, we will begin with your Schedule. By schedule, I mean, things that should be given a specific time slot in your planner. I recently wrote an article on why I don’t think relying on schedules is the most productive form of time management, but of course, there are always time sensitive items that do stick to a schedule.
13 Items to Schedule In Your Planner
- Appointments
- Meetings
- Events
- Calls
- Meals
- Routines
- Self-Care
- Errands
- Key Project Dates
- Work/Vacation Schedules
- School Schedules
- Hobby/Community Schedules
- Maintenance Schedules
Now, in terms of how to schedule these items, I think these are items that could be listed in your monthly or weekly spreads- especially if you use an hourly layout type weekly spread. I personally like to use little icon stickers to represent specific activities but that isn’t always necessary. For the activities on the list that have a specific time slot for completion, I recommend listing them on your weekly spreads, but for the rest of the activities that are just outlining general date information, you may want to keep them on a monthly calendar or on an overview style calendar.

I hope this list has given you some ideas for items to schedule in your planner. I realize this first installment is a bit basic in terms of the information, but I know my audience is varied and that not everyone is at the same level in their planning prowess, and these little reminders can be so helpful sometimes! Now, as I mentioned earlier, this is going to be a series here on my blog, so check back often to see more planning ideas. I’d love to hear what else you like to schedule in your planner, so be sure to share in the comments.

That is a very good list
Friends’ birthdays and national events, Shrove Tuesday, Easter, Valentine’s Day etc etc are very important to me as schedules. xx