Hello My Charmed Ones!
If you’ve been following me for a while, you might remember that I had been struggling for a while to establish a daily journaling practice. There is something about journaling that just seems to go hand in hand with the planning community, and knowing how beneficial journaling can be for your mental health and motivation, I was determined to establish the habit for myself.
Let’s talk about the the benefits of establishing a journaling practice first. There is actually a lot of great research that shows how journaling and the act of writing things down by hand affects your mood, stress and even your success. Gratitude journaling specifically has been shown to create a 10% increase in happiness for those who establish a daily practice. Writing down your thoughts in a brain dump or stream of consciousness style is shown to make you feel more productive and in control, relieving anxiety in a significant portion of people. Research has even shown that people who regularly write down their goals and intentions have a 42% increased chance of achieving what they set out to do. More studies into success and visualization show that those who mentally practice their actions ahead of time, even by scripting out actions or situations in written form, have better results than those who go into a situation cold. In many different ways, unpacking your thoughts onto paper and getting into alignment with them is a key to personal happiness and success, and in many ways is a precursor to creating and executing on a successful plan. So, for those reasons and more, I was personally very interested in establishing a daily journaling practice for myself!
My first real success with a daily journaling practice came from my weekly gratitude inserts that I designed to be a quick and easy way to get myself into the habit of daily reflection. The idea behind those inserts was that I would list something I was grateful for each day and set an intention for myself for the week. This was a practice that took mere minutes a day to establish thanks to my convenient design, and it certainly helped me to establish an easy daily gratitude routine. They say people who perform a daily gratitude practice are 10% happier, an oddly specific number, but each day I completed my line of gratitude I could feel a shift in my mindset. Check the box, it was working and I could feel it.
But, eventually, I yearned for more. I didn’t want to loose my daily gratitude practice, of course, but I wanted to add to it and enhance it. After reading The Artist’s Way and learning about the concept of morning pages, a daily journaling practice where you write stream of consciousness style everything you are holding onto in your mind when you wake up, I began to feel like spending a bit more time on my journaling could really help get my mind right for the day. In The Artist’s Way, the author, Julia Cameron suggests that your morning pages practice should be three pages long, but for me, three pages was extremely daunting. I found that my pages became incredibly repetitive and lacked any real direction or substance, as I would force myself to write within a reasonable span on time so I could check the box, feel the benefit and move on with my day.
That’s when I decided to again design my own practice where I could blend the known benefits of journaling with the convenience of a more strategic practice. After all, I was journaling to help me become a better me, to get clear on my intentions for what I wanted to achieve and to set my vibration for the day to one of gratitude. I didn’t need three blank pages to do this, I just needed a bit of structure. So, I set out in designing the High Vibe Bible, the 90 Day Manifestation Journal to Raise Your Vibration and Manifest Your Desires.
The High Vibe Bible is unlike any other guided journaling experience I have ever come across. Most guided journals ask you too many questions each day, or are designed like fill in the blank word puzzles that don’t give you the true experience of journaling. The High Vibe Bible gives you the space to outline and reflect on your intentions for the week, and then the space to get grateful and aligned with those intentions each day. At the end of the week, you have a short review you can complete to keep track of your results. It provides the structure for you to set intentions and gratitude, but also provides space for you to get into alignment with your daily objectives quickly. You can write stream of consciousness style or bullet style- whichever works for the way your brain processes information.
Your brain and the way you feel after your daily journaling practice is the priority with the High Vibe Bible. For me, having the simple, structured daily practice from the High Vibe Bible has made me feel more disciplined, more relaxed in the morning and much more intentional about how I spend my time. Every day has it’s ups and downs, but getting started by reminding myself what’s important and what I feel I need to do to get myself where I want to be is invaluable to me. Having journaling inserts that I can keep right inside my planner so I can quickly flip from intention setting and manifestation to action and execution has been a game changer for me and my personal organization as well!
So, if you are interested in starting your own daily manifestation journaling practice and would like to try the structured method of the High Vibe Bible, click here to purchase your own print on demand inserts now!
Printing is a breeze and the inserts work in a variety of different planners or binders sized for A4, US Letter, A5 or Half Letter! Don’t worry- you’ll get a set of printing instructions with your purchase to make the process as simple as possible!
Enjoy and can’t wait to hear how your new daily manifestation journaling practice benefits you!