Hello my Charmed Ones and Welcome to February!
It’s been a bit of a challenge for me getting into a new routine with my posting for the New Year after being out of one for a while, but I am hoping to build some momentum here on the blog this month! What a better month to reaffirm my commitment to my content than February, right? After all, February is a month where we often celebrate the concepts of devotion, dedication and commitment, usually in the form of personal relationships, but they can be any relationships. I do love my blog and my community and although I’ve been in a long season of transition trying to find my footing again with my work, I am still committed to showing up for each of you through my content and that is a very important relationship to me.
I know that success with this endeavor is going to boil down to whether or not I can get my routines in order and stick to them. One of the major routines I am currently working on is to write and design more for my community. After all, writing and designing is at the heart of my work and is truly my creative passion that I unintentionally cut out of my priorities in an attempt to focus more of my content on video. Video is great, don’t get me wrong. I love my YouTube channel and creating content for it, but more and more I feel like I’m just not as talented with video as I am with my writing and designing.
If you remember, there was a time when most of my content came in the form of blog posts and free designs I shared with you, and I’d like to work back to that point again. I feel more creative when I write regularly and when I create beautiful new things I wish existed in the world. That was once at the heart of my creative passions that have seemingly been reignited in the last month (I strangely credit this to the Chanel Desk Agenda) and I would very much like to flame the fires of that passion in February.
So here is my plan: I am going to commit to creating something every day.
- This could be writing; a blog post, passages for my impending productivity book, or updating content on any of my platforms
- This could be designing; a new insert, graphic, template, etc.
- This could be photography; a stock image for my personal library, a picture for my websites, or a post on Instagram
Now, I realize that most of this creative work on a daily basis may seem invisible to you in my audience, and might even seem piece meal to myself, but the objective would be for a new routine to have formed by the end of the month and that you in my audience will notice the shift. I’d love for my platforms to seem a little fresher, for their to be a more stable flow of content to you, and to have created some lovely things to share that excite and inspire you!
To kick this month off right, I want to make sure you have seen a few of the new sharable freebies I’ve already created for you this year!
- Last month on my YouTube Channel I shared a free planner insert called My Ideal Day. You can use this insert to help you map out an ideal daily schedule including your essential habits and routines.
- I also just created a brand new 2020 Dashboard design that I think you’ll love and won’t want to miss!
Okay, so I think that’s everything for today, but stay tuned to my blog for more great content this month. We’re going to talk more about self-care this month, I’ll be sharing some more posts on what I’ve learned about metaphysics, and because it’s that time of year- I also have some tax tips to share for fellow entrepreneurs to help make tax season a little less stressful.
Wishing you a productive day and week ahead!