Hello My Charmed Ones!
In today’s video I am sharing a tour of my business planner setup. Now, spoiler alert, this isn’t just my business planner. This is the planner I use to plan everything for my life and business.
That’s right! I’m a one planner, one person kind of a gal.
BUT, I know that doesn’t work for everyone! Some people have very legitimate reasons to keep their work or business planner separate from personal and if that is you, or if you are struggling to make one planner work for you- YOU DO YOU!
However, I do have some helpful tips in this video for how you can more easily achieve a one planner lifestyle.
You’ll see by watching this video that I keep a lot of inserts in my planner to organize different areas of my life. I am absolutely a minimalist when it comes to my planning style- meaning that I don’t overplan. I keep my planner focused on items or tasks that I need to remember. For that reason, you won’t see a ton of chores or personal care items in my planner. I am pretty good at keeping up my chores at home without the reminder of my planner. But I do use lots of different inserts to keep the essentials of my life organized.
If you are interested in anything you see in my planner, I will link as much as possible from the video below!
• 2020 Dashboard
• Ideal Day Insert
• Self Care Routine
• 2020 Master Planner Inserts
• 3/4″ Black Aluminum Discs
• Project Plan Inserts (a la carte)
• Brilliant Ideas Inserts (a la carte)
• Meal Planner Inserts
• Spring Cleaning Checklist
• Celebration Tracker
• CEO Strategy Planner Inserts
• High Vibe Bible Inserts