How many of you feel as though your life is in intermission?
Like you are waiting for the show to start again, and that everything in life has been paused for the last several months.
Your goals are on pause.
Your plans are on pause.
Your happiness is on pause.
Or perhaps you feel like life has sped up to an overwhelming pace?
Like now you are carrying the weight of all the priorities in your life on your shoulders and have absolutely no time to spend on your own personal objectives or development.
You are not just mom, you are also teacher.
You are not just a daughter, you are also a caretaker.
You are not just a home based employee, you are a home based everything.
You are expanding into new roles you never anticipated in a world that seems to be shrinking around you.
How do you get grounded?
How are you supposed to be productive?
How do you accept and integrate this new normal without loosing yourself even more than you already have?
If you finding yourself asking IS 2020 OVER YET? You are not alone!
I have some tools and strategies to help you shift your mindset and motivation and get you back into alignment so that you can continue to move forward with your life even through this pandemic.
Join me on Saturday the 17th @ 2PM EDT on my YouTube channel for a FREE LIVE Workshop designed to help you navigate this unprecedented time, align your priorities and start living your life with clarity and purpose once again.
I’d love to hear how you’ve been managing in this unusual time, so drop me a comment below and let me know what you have been struggling with specifically that I can address for you in the workshop.
See you on Saturday!