I can’t believe March is just a few days away! For those of you who don’t already know, March 13th is my birthday so it’s a month of celebration for me for sure! As you may remember, this year I am focused on creating a whole new set of freebie inserts for my community, so when I was thinking about what I wanted to create for March, I thought it would be appropriate to create a celebration tracker.
This beautiful tracker is a slightly different design than you might be used to because I have not broken out the months, instead, the insert is an open list form. I don’t know about you, but I don’t love using celebration trackers where you are given a set amount of space for each month because some months have more birthdays and anniversaries than others and some months have none at all for me personally. So, I would prefer to keep a list with date references and not waste the space.
Something else you will notice about this insert is that is has some columns you don’t see in the usual celebration tracker inserts. You have a column for “candles” which represent the celebration number; age the individual is turning this year or number anniversary. You have a column for “card” indicating whether you have purchased or sent a card. Finally, you have a column for “gift” indicating whether you have purchased or sent a gift.
Now, perhaps you won’t need to send a card or a gift for a certain celebration, which is absolutely fine, but you have the option to track either task if you do. Sometimes I have the problem of purchasing a gift or card ahead of time and I might forget I did this by the time the date rolls around, so for me, these columns will help me remember these details. I’ll likely use a colored highlighter to fill in a box if I know ahead of time a specific celebration needs a card or gift, and then check the box off once it’s purchased. That should help me personally to keep more organized, and I hope that helps you to do the same as well!
Now, as an extra little celebration for my birthday this month, I also want to share with you a special discount code that you can use this month only in my shop.
Use code MARCH25 at checkout to receive 25% OFF one regular priced item in my shop!
If you haven’t purchased your copy of the 2020 Master Planner, it is still early enough in the year to get yourself planning and organized if you are feeling like you had a rough start to the year or could use some extra inspiration to get a jump on your projects and goals for the year.
If you are still struggling on your annual goals or feel like it’s too late to set them, YOU GOT THIS is the tool you need! My YOU GOT THIS Goal Setting & Planning Workbook is an action oriented guide to get clear on your goals, lay them all out in your planner, and remove obstacles that stand in your way!
Either of those items are the perfect gift to give yourself this month to take small but decisive steps towards the life you want to live and the changes you know you need to make!