Today I have something fun for you, a planner personality test to determine what your planner style says about you! Specifically, today I’m going to evaluate the four most common planner closure styles and what it reflects about your personality if you are use each. Now, I realize, most of us within the planner community have used different closure styles in the past. I for one have dabbled in planners with each of these closure methods, but I think there might be one or maybe two types of planner closures that we are drawn to above all others. Of course, if you enjoy this video make sure to give it a thumbs up, share the video with your planner besties and of course, leave me a message in the comments for the video to let me know your planner style and if the personality test was accurate for you!

First, let’s begin with the zip around planner style: If you are drawn to this style of planner you are likely a very cautious and even secretive person. You are likely not a very showy person, you’re much more reserved, you might be prone to anxiousness, and you might be something of a worst case scenario planner. Planners who use this style closure are likely to enjoy a small but close circle of friends and are not risk takers.

Next, let’s dissect the button closure planner style: If you are drawn to this style of planner you are likely a very buttoned up and professional type person on the outside. You are likely a networker at heart, with a busy schedule always making moves in your social and professional life. You like action and activity, you are drawn to people and likely have a varied network of friends and acquaintances. Although you might like to present yourself as a polish pro, however, you certainly have a wild or mischievous side you aren’t afraid to let slip out every once in a while.

Next, we have the string or elastic closure planner style: Planners drawn to this style are very flexible people who are also extremely creative. You are not afraid of a change of plans or to go with the flow. You have lots of big ideas and aren’t afraid to bring them to fruition, although, it must be said, you may have a tendency to start more projects than you finish. But you have a lot going on in your mind, sometimes is may be a little cluttered in there but you are the type of person who absolutely always finds some way to work things out and fit things in. You have a modest, but extremely tight knit circle of friends and family who consider you their #1 cheerleader and greatest supporter.

Finally, we come to book style planners or planners without a closure: If you are one of the planners drawn to this style you are likely very easy going and care free. You don’t like limits, boundaries or rules, in fact you are always trying to push the envelope when it comes to those things. You might have a rebellious spirit but always have your heart in the right place. Although you might normally be highly organized, you do sometimes have a tendency to bite off more than you can chew, but you always find a way to manage things without a meltdown. You may have a great circle of friends but often prefer to spend time alone in thought or self-care.
So, which of the four planner styles are you drawn to and do you agree or disagree with the personality typing? Let me know in a comment below!