What do you do with unused or missed inserts in your planner?
On Saturday I posted a video sharing my thoughts on how to deal with and make the most of unused planner inserts.
If you have been using a planner for any length of time, I am sure you have faced this situation before, where you skipped planning and have some dated inserts that are left empty in your planner.
So, what should we do with them?
First, it’s important to understand that this happens to many of us, that we start a planner, but skip using it sometimes.
It’s nothing to get too bothered over, so if you feel a sense of guilt for not using your planner for a period of time, take a deep breath in, exhale and let that guilt go.
You just need to check in with yourself to determine what the issue was that caused the lack of planning.
Is your planner the culprit? Perhaps its not the right system for your needs.
Or perhaps, you got distracted from planning?
Both are very common situations, but it’s up to you to identify the cause so you can address it and use this information to plan and do better in the future.
For more details on this topic, check out my YouTube channel and this latest video below.
And if you have watched the video or have an opinion on how to deal with unused planner inserts, please leave me a comment and share your thoughts!