Month: December 2021

22 Things to Manifest in 2022

22 Things to Manifest in 2022

As you’re setting your goals and resolutions for the New Year, remember that there are more things to experience and bring to fruition in life than the immediate outcomes we may desire in our physical reality.

The dream job, the new home, the weight loss, the perfect wedding, these are all wonderful things to desire and manifest, but some of the best things in life, the things that really move the needle in our sense of happiness and connection in the world are things we will never be able to see or measure or create a step by step action plan for.

They are subtle energetic shifts, they are quantum leaps that hurdle our own limiting beliefs, they are immaterial and therefore often sorely overlooked and undervalued. 

So, I have compiled a list of 22 of these such things that you may want to consider manifesting in 2022. If you don’t set goals, these outcomes may be more your style, but if you do set goals, consider how impactful allowing these shifts into your life would be for your overall wellbeing and contentment. 

  1. A positive self image
  2. Confidence in your abilities
  3. Clarity on what you want for the future
  4. Perfect health and wellness
  5. Amazing soul mate relationships 
  6. A morning routine that gets you excited to jump out of bed
  7. A career that you love
  8. A practice for manifesting money
  9. Self care habits that energize you
  10. Great sleep on a consistent basis
  11. People who inspire you
  12. Supportive and encouraging self talk
  13. Books that change your view on the world 
  14. A sense of grounding and security in yourself
  15. A clear connection to your intuition 
  16. Forgiveness for yourself and others
  17. Deep conversations that increase your connection with others
  18. A community who sees and supports you
  19. Experiences that push you outside your comfort zone
  20. An unshakable connection to God/Spirit/Universe 
  21. The realization of your purpose
  22. Abundant gratitude for life

If you are looking for a tool to help you get crystal clear on what you are manifesting for 2022 consider the 2022 You Got Goals Planner + New Year Goal Setting Workshop. These are goal setting tools that go beyond the traditional goal breakdowns and New Years resolutions. Yes, they will help you breakdown your goals into step by step action plans, but they will also help you reframe your mindset around your goals so you can remove limiting beliefs and develop new positive beliefs that help support your motivation to make your goals a reality in 2022!

Let me know what you are planning to manifest in 2022 in the comments below!


The Psychology of Chanel Bags

The Psychology of Chanel Bags

If you are a luxury fashion and accessory lover like myself, you may have noticed a very common phenomenon when it comes to people and their luxury bags.

It often takes a person years to purchase their first luxury handbag.

Years of lusting after bags.

Years of researching the bags they believe they want.

Years of setting money aside to save for the purchase.

And then, as soon as they make their purchase, as delighted and content as their heart is in that moment, their collection ends up multiplying very quickly.

Now, from the outside, you may think this is happening out of greed, lack of gratitude or a need to show off, but I have noticed this happens for a very very positive reason that we all should learn from.

Very often when we want to achieve something that seems far off, it takes us a long time to shift our mindset and get our energy and intention behind achieving the thing.

We get hit with a barrage of internal limiting beliefs like:

Do we deserve it?

Is this thing really acceptable for my lifestyle?

Are people going to judge me for this?

Will something bad happen after I achieve this?

But then, as soon as you’ve made the shift, done the action, reached the achievement, it becomes so much easier to do it again.

This is a common phenomenon when it comes to manifesting your goals.

They seem hard to reach until you start taking action.

When you take action you challenge the limiting beliefs.

When you challenge limiting beliefs it becomes easier and easier to continue taking action and achieving your goals!

The truth of the matter when it comes to luxury bags or any other goal you have in life is this: You are closer to achieving it than you think, but you are holding yourself back with limiting beliefs.

Crush those and you can attain anything!

This phenomenon and the process behind it is what I teach in my New Year’s Goal Setting + Planning Workshop.

If you have never set goals before, and wonder why things in your life don’t seem to change or improve, this workshop will guide you through the annual goal setting process I have been using and refining for years that has helped hundreds of women across the globe set goals that truly matter to them and have major positive impacts on their lives.

If you set annual goals but never really follow through with taking action on them beyond January, this workshop will teach you how to break down your goals into individual action steps that are mapped across the year so that you don’t get overwhelmed and give up, and have plenty of time to achieve your goal before the ball drops on New Year’s Eve.

We both know you want more for your life and I’m here to remind you that you are worthy of whatever vision you have been dreaming and fantasizing about. But it’s time get those bigs dreams out of your head, put them onto paper with a strategic action plan, and get out of your own way so you can get the work done and the goals crushed to actually change, improve and upgrade your life!

It’s much easier than you think, and once you know and experience this process for yourself, you will be blown away at how easy it becomes to set and hit goal after goal after goal.

The greatest testament to the power of this goal setting process is that I have women who sign up for this class year after year to set their goals with me even though they know my process. The workshop is so valuable and effective for them that they know showing up and doing the work will be the difference between another blah year and a year of success and accomplishment!

This year, the workshop even comes bundled with my all new 2022 You Got Goals Planner. This is my first ever complete goal setting planner, available as a PDF download that you can print on demand at home. It’s the ultimate goal setting tool and resource to help you get your goals planned on paper so you always know the next right step to take on the path to accomplishing your ideal life.

But you’ll have to enroll for access to the workshop and the amazing 2022 You Got Goals Planner that I’ve designed to help you work through the goal setting process!

