I don’t know about you, but I’m a List Lover with a Planner Problem! So, anytime I can combine the two, lists and planners, I feel like I’ve found my happy place.
I think most of us take lists for granted, actually. We make lists as these sort of throw away tools to help us remember what we need to get done, and then cross of the list and make a new one tomorrow. But, I love a good list that can live in my planner with a purpose. A list I can reference over and over with important, albeit, perhaps a little unconventional information.
Because at their heart, lists are about reference and reminder, and we humans are very forgetful creatures, so lists are an important tool to utilize for our success in a number of ways. The most important way we can use lists, in my opinion, is to keep our energy high vibe so that we remain as happy and engaged with our lives as possible.
So, I’ve compiled 25 High Vibe Lists to Keep in Your Planner!
- Your Current Goals
- Gratitude List
- Your Morning Routine
- Your Favorite Things
- Food You Love
- People that Make You Smile
- Places to Visit
- Books to Read
- Your Evening Routine
- Inspirational Quotes that Motivate You
- Things to Do When You’re Bored
- Your Wish List
- Ways to Cheer Yourself Up
- Your Feel Good Self-Care Activities
- Ways to Spend a Rainy Day Inside
- Your High Vibe Essentials
- Things You’re Proud Of
- Affirmations that Inspire You
- Your Best Attributes
- Music that Lifts Your Spirits
- Ways to Take Care of Yourself
- People You Admire
- Your High Vibe Rituals
- Your Lucky Charms + Signs
- Things You Will Manifest
I hope these list ideas inspire you to use your planner as more than just a tool for your productivity and organization, but also as a tool for your mental health and overall well being. Let me know your favorites in the comments!

The HIGH VIBE BIBLE was intentionally designed to help you raise your vibration and manifest your desires over the course of 90 days or roughly three months. One part journal, one part manifestation tool, the High Vibe Bible is a loosely guided journaling experience intended to help you get super clear on what you want to achieve or receive, and then help you align your thoughts and actions to make it a reality.
Within in this journal you will find inspiration and guided prompts to help you clearly state your desires, create a plan for managing your energy and space to align your thoughts.

Each week starts with a worksheet where you will:
• Write out an inspirational mantra or affirmation for yourself to use that week.
• Clearly identify what you wish to manifest
• Identify how your manifestation makes you feel
• Provide strategies for how you intend to raise your energetic vibration towards a positive mindset
• Document signs and synchronicities that indicate your manifestation is coming to fruition
• Track actions you will take over the course of the week to keep yourself in alignment

Each day you have a designated area to:
• List out daily gratitude
• Briefly journal your thought for alignment that day
Each week ends with:
• A summary of what manifested for you
• Space to identify the high point of your week
• An area to briefly journal what you’ve learned
At the end of the journal you will also find a collection of seven lists that you can populate during the time you use the journal. Update and refer back to these lists often to help keep you in alignment with a positive mindset!
→ Imagine feeling the clarity of knowing exactly what you want in life and what you are working towards. There is no confusion, you know your time is valuable and meaningful because your life is filled with wonderful things that you’ve manifested and there is so much more on the horizon!
→ Imagine waking up with a purpose, excited to start the day because your journaling practice helps shift your mood to one of positivity and optimism. You feel more like the woman you’ve always wanted to be and you are unapologetic about treating her the way she deserves to be treated!
→ Imagine experiencing your day as that pleasant, low stress woman that family, friends and co-workers flock to because you are like a ray of sunshine for their day. You’re magnetic, you easily get what you need from others, and they feel truly blessed to know you!
→ Imagine the delight of getting each desire you ask for in such an easy and unexpected way that you feel like the luckiest woman on Earth. You choose to allow your life to be difficult or easy, why struggle when you can let it be easy!
These are the side affects that the High Vibe Bible can have on you when you commit to using this simple but powerful tool to establish a daily manifestation practice. Even if you are not usually drawn to journaling, the High Vibe Bible is such a different experience, but one that has the power to transform your energy and attitude through the act of putting pen to paper.