In May 2014, I left my very secure career at a Fortune 50 company to go full time for my own online business.
I truly can’t believe it’s been over 7 years full time for myself!
I bet many of you who were subscribers of my YouTube channel or readers of my blog at the time also didn’t expect my business would survive this long.
I’m sure some of you may have thought it was a cash grab. Perhaps some of you thought it was a fad that I might get bored of. And I’m certain some of you believed that I just wouldn’t be able to make it work for the long haul.
I wouldn’t blame you if you had your doubts!
The truth of the matter is that the vast majority of businesses fail.
They fail at the 120 day mark.
They fail at the 1, 3, and 5 year mark.
Statistically, every day a business operates, the odds are it will not make it through the day.
So, I completely understand why it feels scary to start a business with such high odds stacked against you.
But I also know in the depths of my soul that I will never go out of business unless I decide I no longer desire to run a business.
And trust me, I never want to work another 9 to 5 again, so it’s unlikely that I’ll ever stop being an entrepreneur.
I’m so certain of this because I now have the knowledge and experience of what it takes to build a business, and even if the industry I am currently working in fails, I know I can start another business and it will be successful.
Although I do not buy into the idea that there is a blueprint for success in business, I do know that there are elements of digital marketing, that once you understand them, you can apply them to any online business venture.
It took me a long time on my own to put all the pieces together!
Remember, I started my first blog in 2008, I started YouTube in 2009 and it look me another 5 years to understand on my own those essential elements that I know are what always create success in business when implemented strategically and consistently.
I’m not going to sit here and tell you the last 7 years have been all roses. I certainly had points where I let my business slip, or I tried a new strategy that didn’t really work for me and I had to readjust course.
But I’ve always been able to right the ship, get back on course and produce a full time income for myself.
I’m no 35 year old millionaire, but I do well enough for myself through my business that I lead a comfortable life.
Entrepreneurship and running my own business online was something I intentionally chose for myself so that I could live the life I wanted.
I truly desired the time, financial and location freedom that I enjoy today and it was something I was able to accomplish for myself very quickly once I had all the pieces of the puzzle worked out in my mind.
But the problem with those puzzle pieces, is that I can tell you about them all day long!
In fact, in my previous email I laid them all out for you, but there is a difference between knowing a thing and being able to apply that knowledge to your own situation.
It’s the reason why most businesses fail, even though there is such a plethora of information you can access free on the internet.
This is why I created the EMPIRE BUILDING 6 Week Business Accelerator!
I saw from experience working with the ambitious women in my community that it wasn’t enough to know the information, but that they often needed help applying the knowledge to their own business idea.
Isn’t it so often the truth that we can see how something works for another person, but not how that works for ourselves.
So, I put together the Business Accelerator as an affordable business coaching and consulting opportunity where I guide you through the information and help you to see how it applies to your own circumstance.
That sort of support is invaluable! Having a mentor who has been there and done that before can be a major difference in the trajectory of your success.
I welcome you to join me for the EMPIRE BUILDING 6 Week Business Accelerator so that we can do this essential work together to give your business the best possible foundation for success!
Although the online business world can often seem very crowded and competitive, believe me when I say, I want to see you succeed!
I want to see you reach your goal and live your dream the way I get to.
Helping to free other women from the 9 to 5 system so that they can live and experience life on their own terms is why I do what I do!
or, shoot me an email and let me know your lingering questions or concerns.
See you inside the Business Accelerator!