Hello My Charmed Ones!
It’s officially mid-year and as an entrepreneur or fellow business owner, we have a few housekeeping things to get in order! I find that now is the best time to take a moment to reflect on your business, projects and progress so far this year and make any necessary adjustments.
As business owners, it’s very common that the plans we start the year off with end up changing for various reasons.
In life and in business, I think too many of us try to push on and finish what we have started, even when it’s not working for us, and it takes a lot of courage to really stop and evaluate your progress to make sure you are still on the right track.
Likewise, you may feel inspired to take on a new project, but because it’s not the start of the New Year, we think we don’t have enough time to execute it. Realistically, the six months we have left in this year is plenty of time to make adjustments to our plans and still end the year off successfully. In fact, sometimes making necessary changes helps you to find success and clarity where there was once only confusion and resistance.
My Mid-Year Reset & Review Process
#1. The first thing you need to do right now as a business owner is go ahead and perform a Quarterly Business Review. If you forget the process, I have a whole video on the subject you can watch and follow along with your own review here!
#2. Take time to do a massive brain dump! I know you have too much on your mind right now, so give yourself a mental break and do a brain dump. If you aren’t sure of the process, here is a video I made on the subject for you to watch, and here is a link to a freebie, the CEO Business Braindump Triggers List! It’s great for helping you unload all those thoughts and plans that are leaving a permanent mark on your brain!
#3. Take time to Refresh and Review your life as well as your business! To help you with this, I have compiled a list of 31 Things To Do in July to get your life in order and on track now that we are half way through the year. Go through this list and make sure to get yourself reset for the second half of 2021!
31 Things To Do in July to Refresh Your Life & Plans
- Journal about your year so far
- Review your goals
- Analyze your progress
- Redefine your priorities
- Write down your victories
- Realign your goals to new targets
- Outline your monthly objectives
- Reverse engineer goals into projects
- Track your habits
- Define your routines
- Perform a braindump
- Set up your project plans
- Outline your next action steps
- Schedule deadlines for projects
- Check on upcoming special dates
- Confirm necessary appointments
- Communicate your schedule to others
- Identify a poor habit to replace
- Choose a new habit to build
- Review your systems
- Clean out your planner
- Write out a new personal mantra
- Identify an obligation you can end
- Refresh your self-care routine
- Schedule some time off
- Create an inspiration board
- Select a motivational book to read
- Choose something new to learn
- Clean out your email
- Start a gratitude practice
- Relax and get into a positive mindset
CEO Strategy | Mid-Year Refresh & Review
If you’d like to follow along with my complete CEO Strategy Mid-Year Refresh & Review process, check out the replay of my recent Live Business Strategy Session.
In this workshop, I am going to walk you through a series of questions and activities to help you celebrate your wins, set intentions for the next six months, and get clear on the objectives and tasks you need to work on in July to make progress on your annual goals!
We are going to be doing some goal setting and planning together for a more balanced life and business, following my CEO Strategy methodology.
If you don’t want to miss our next CEO Strategy LIVE Workshop, make sure to get on my email list via the button below!
If you already receive my weekly email, then no need to sign up again, you will receive an email the morning of the live workshop with the direct link + free worksheet.
Do you every feel overwhelmed by all the tasks you have to manage for your business and personal life?
If you’re like me, you started your own business in order to live a different lifestyle than the norm. You wanted the flexibility of time and location freedom, being able to work when you wanted, where you wanted, so you would have time to prioritize other areas of your life. Breaking free of the 9-5 life was freeing until I realized without a solid time management strategy and strong prioritization skills I could easily work on my business 16 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Does simply looking at your to-do list give you anxiety? Like tasks are multiplying faster than you can complete them and you are continually sacrificing time with your family, self-care or sleep in order to simply tread water in your business. With so many tasks to finish, how do you what you should be working on each day?
Has the overwhelm of managing your business caused you to slow or completely stall progress on your business goals? You are afraid to take action on your projects because nothing works out the way you expected it would and all you see are problems that you don’t feel capable to address.
Are you constantly stuck on what types of content marketing you should be doing to grow your audience? Your content calendar is usually empty, you wait until the last minute to write your posts but come up blank or you completely skip out on content creation all together because the process is just too time consuming.
What if there was an easier way to run your business?
Imagine waking up in the morning after a full nights sleep, rested and ready to take on the day. You are excited to start work on your business because you are clear on your priorities and have systems in place that make your work much more manageable (and, dare I say, even fun?)
Imagine waking up to a business reality where you feel in control and in charge of your business, like the inspired and aligned CEO you always intended to be.
Your business is thriving, you have time to take your work slow and get the results you are looking for. Your home life is well-managed and your personal relationships are thriving.
At the end of the day, your head hits the pillow grateful and content, knowing that you created this reality and that you can create whatever else you desire tomorrow!
If you are struggling to plan and manage a balanced life and business, I have the solution for you!
Introducing the CEO Strategy Bundle: A three masterclass series covering time management, mindset, and marketing strategies to streamline your business, so you can finally live a balanced life!

The CEO Strategy Bundle is designed to equip you with the tools, strategies and lessons that you need to intentionally create a balanced and profitable life + business…
So you can:
✔︎ Take Charge of Your Time: Clearly understand your roles as a business owner, the specific tasks to focus on through each phase of your business and to set reasonable expectations to achieve true work/life balance.
✔︎ Master Your Mindset: Get into alignment with your purpose, identify and overcome limiting beliefs holding you back from showing up for your business, and master the energetic secrets of productivity that help you triumph over your to-do list once and for all.
✔︎ Expand Your Marketing: Develop your unique messaging to stand out in your niche, quickly create a full calendar of impactful content marketing that sells in just a few hours per week, and show up on purpose and on message to grow your brand and audience.
Here’s what you’ll get:

→ CEO Strategy Masterclass: Learn how to manage your time, energy and expectations as a business owner so you can lead a balanced life.
→ CEO Mindset Masterclass: Become a master of your own mindset, overcome and reprogram limiting beliefs holding you back from taking action on your desired life + business.
→ CEO Content Calendar Masterclass: Streamline your content to keep your audience and revenue growing without overwhelming your schedule or spending money on ads.
Take back control of your life + business with proven strategies that will keep you balanced, focused and on track!
Stop choosing between your business and your personal life, and start embracing the strategies that can keep you balanced and successful in all areas of your life!